This comprehensive guide on student loan forgiveness looks at what forgiveness programs are available, and eligibility criteria for each program.
Should You Roll Your Student Loan Debt Into Your Mortgage?
More students have student loan debt, and their total debt is larger than ever before. Would it be worthwhile to roll student loan debt into a mortgage?
How Sobriety Lead Me To Faith And Financial Freedom
Getting down on my knees and asking God for help was the best decision of my life. Here’s how getting sober affected my life and gave me financial freedom.
Is Your Hospitality Putting You In Debt Like Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson died deeply in debt in part because of his hospitality. Certainly, being hospitable should be encouraged but he took it too far.
6 Kinds Of Debt To Avoid At All Costs: Toxic Debt To The 6th Degree
Not all debt is considered equal. Some debt is more harmful and toxic to your financial future than others. Six types of debt are discussed and ranked.
Why You Shouldn’t Put All Of Your Surplus Money On Your Debt
There are several important reasons why we’re not putting all of our extra money on paying down debt. Here’s what they are.
How To Change Your Habits To Get Out Of Debt And Stay Out
To get out of debt and stay permanently out of debt, you need to make lifestyle changes and change your mindset. Here are some steps to take.
Pay Off Your Debt This Way So You Never Go In Debt Again
While financial gurus advocate cutting your expenses and not having a life for years until the debt is paid off, this couple took a different approach.
Set Realistic Goals For The New Year By Looking Back At What You Accomplished
Knowing where we have been, and how long it took to get there, can help us all set realistic goals that are more likely to be accomplished in the new year.
The Recovering Spender Book Review: How To Live A Debt Free Life
In her book, The Recovering Spender, Lauren Greutman shares how her family dumped $40,000 in debt and began working together towards shared financial goals.
How To Recover From A Financial Setback
How do you handle financial setbacks and make sure they don’t complete derail your financial plan? Here’s what we did after a recent unexpected expense.
Debt Isn’t About Right Or Wrong – It’s About Freedom
You may think the Bible sends mixed signals about debt being good or bad. But the Bible is pretty clear on this issue – debt brings financial slavery. Wouldn’t you rather be free?
The Repercussions Of A Temporary Income Drop And Ways To Minimize The Damage
Many of us suffer from a temporary income drop at one point or another. What we don’t consider is how long it may take to bounce back from such a situation.
7 Foolish Financial Products To Avoid
There are a lot of great financial products that help people while not harming them with big fees or awful terms. This post is not about those products.