When it comes to talking about giving in the Bible, the first thing most Christians think of is tithing.
In fact, we often use tithing as a synonym for giving.
But as I’ve studied Scripture and people’s ideas about tithing, I’ve come to the conclusion that God’s desire for Christian giving is a bit different.
So I’ve written quite a bit against tithing on my own site. I did an eleven part series last year that looked at every instance of tithing in the Bible with the goal of understanding the passages in context and comparing them to what is taught today. Because of those articles, I’ve been accused of being greedy, stingy, making excuses for people not to give, and telling people they shouldn’t give to their local church.
My reasons for not teaching tithing actually have nothing to do with being greedy, not wanting people to give, or trying to stop people from giving to their local church.
Actually, I’ve never written anything to support any of those ideas.
But I’m not sure I’ve ever clearly stated why I don’t teach tithing. So I thought it might be helpful to discuss it here on Bible Money Matters and get some feedback from you all. Here are the reasons why I don’t teach tithing (and why I teach against it).
1. Christians Are Not Under the Law
The first danger I see in teaching tithing is that it’s an effort to put ourselves back under the Law. As Paul writes in Colossians 2:13-14:
(13) When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, (14) having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. Colossians 2:13-14 (NIV)
And in Galatians 2:19-21:
(19) For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. (20) I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (21) I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing! Galatians 2:19-21 (NIV)
When we see to put ourselves back under the Law, we are acting as if Christ died for nothing. We are essentially ignoring God’s grace and denying Jesus! When we look to tithing to become our rule and strict standard for giving, we ignore the freedom we have in Christ – not to stop giving, but to base our giving completely on love motivated by God’s love for us.
The main area this is a problem in tithing is with those who teach that you will be cursed if you do not tithe. Nothing could be further from the truth! Paul wrote in Galatians 3:13:
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” Galatians 3:13 (NIV)
The curse that is spoken of in Malachi 3 is the curse of the entire Law of Moses. That curse came upon anyone who was guilty of breaking a single command in the Law – not just tithing. For us to say that Christians today will be cursed if they don’t tithe is the same as saying we are under the entire Law. I’m not going to go into more of why that’s a problem because it should be obvious to most Christians. But if you would like to study it more, please read all of Galatians and Colossians as they deal with this subject thoroughly.
2. Tithing As It Is Generally Taught Today Is Not Biblical
Even if the Law did apply to us as Christians, the way tithing is taught today resembles nothing that the Bible actually says about it.
We’ve warped it so that we use the example of tithing but add our own meanings of what tithing is and methods on how to do it correctly.
Now this is more of a nit-picky thing. I wouldn’t discount tithing as an example or rough guide for giving based on these things, but I merely point them out to show that we can’t really claim today’s teachings on tithing as “biblical”. I don’t want to dwell on it, so let me give you three quick examples of how tithing in the Bible is different from tithing today.
- Amount: There were actually three tithes in the Bible that would equate to 23 1/3% annually – the Levitical tithe, the Festival tithe, and the Poor tithe.
- Use: The Festival tithe was eaten at great feasts, the Poor tithe went completely to support the needy, and of the entire Levitical tithe only 10% went the priests (a tithe of the tithe).
- Contents: The tithe was always and only ever food products – agricultural produce and livestock. And regarding the livestock portion, it wasn’t the “best”.
If you’ve never realized any of those truths before, I’d encourage you to read my articles on tithing in the Bible just so you’ll know what the Bible actually says on the subject.
3. Jesus’ Example Is a Better Motivation for Giving
Finally, and this is my ultimate reason for not teaching tithing, Jesus life and example is a much greater motivation for our giving than tithing can ever be.
In fact, I think one reason we don’t see as many generous Christians as we should expect is because we fail to point to God’s love enough when we discuss giving.
Instead, we focus on rules and regulations (the Law). It should be profoundly clear why basing our giving on Jesus Christ’s teaching and sacrifice for us is the ultimate motivation for generous giving.
Tithing did not suffer for us.
Tithing did not die for us.
Tithing can never give us eternal life.
Tithing will never love us.
Consider how powerful those statements are when contrasted with what Jesus did for us. Think about what it would look like to base your giving on Jesus instead of tithing. I think then you’ll see why I don’t teach tithing as a guideline for giving. It was only a mere shadow of the things to come once Christ revealed God to us.
Why wouldn’t we want to let Jesus be our example for giving?
- For an another viewpoint: How I Completely Changed My Life By Tithing
Paul, thank you for your thoughts on tithing.
I don’t take exception to what you’ve stated with regards to the Law and how Christ’s death and resurrection have freed us.
What I do take exception to is the fact that in your commentary, you ignore where tithing started. Tithing as an example was performed by Abram (Abraham) in Genesis 14:17-20. In this passage, Abraham gives Melchizedek a tenth of all that he had. The Law was not given for another 500+ years later.
In addition, in Hebrews 7, the writer ties in the priesthood of Melchizedek with Christ’s even greater priesthood and also mentions that Abraham gave a tenth of everything. So if Abraham gave Melchizedek a tenth *before* the Law was given and Christ is a far better priest than Melchizedek, then a tenth should be the *minimum* amount Christians should be given.
Thanks for your comment, TC. If you actually study both of the examples you mentioned, you’ll see that Abram gave a tenth of the war spoils – not all his possessions. He had left his stuff behind, gone out to war with some of his men, and was only returning with what he recovered. Also, if we use this logic for tithing, we’d also need to continue circumcising all males.
As far as Hebrews goes, the writer uses the tithe, Melchizedek, and the Levites in comparison to Christ in order to show how the Law has been annulled as far as Christians are concerned. I’ve written on this in detail on my site, so check out that link to the summary (in the post) if you want more information.
Paul, enjoy your spirit in your comments on tithing. I look through many of others comments but have not seen anyone cite 1tim and Titus that actually addressed tithing in a rather direct way by not requiring deacons or elders to be tithers. Paul had this responsibility given to him by Jesus (God). This infers no one is under mandatory tithing.
God doesn’t need the money. When you tithe, you are acknowledging that God is the great Provider. When you tithe, you help in sustaining and maintaining God’s works and services to reach and save other people. We need money/resources to sustain the church. I have seen people rob/misuse the tithes and something really bad happen to them. Tithing is Holy. Our work/source of income comes from God. If you believe in God, 10% is nothing compared to the blessings that He has given you…God did not ask for 90%, only 10% to sustain His work/services in this world.And for just that 10% He said test Him and He will pour out His blessings on you.
When you tithe, you are acknowledging that God is the source of everything and you learn to value what you have because you believe that they came from God.Then you use your money wisely, you stop buying things that are dangerous and not important. When you tithe, you remember God and His goodness.Also when you tithe, it somehow makes you honest in all your dealings and you don’t overcharge others.
You are failing to see his point. Christ said to be cheerful givers for God loves a cheerful giver. He rebuked the Pharisees in the manner in which they tithed. Citing they had forgotten the weightier matters of the law. I think as a Christian, we need to move beyond the law and into the spirit in which Jesus would have us live in and be givers. Much more powerful and much more conducive to seeing and Acts type church again.
Totally agree. I was a single mom of three children. I studied the tithe in the Old Testament, God spoke to me and said give according to your heart and be a cheerful giver. I could not give a tenth. I have been told by God what to give.
I Hear You…But I Choose to “Stand in the Liberty” Wherewith Christ Has Made Me FREE! Without having to Go Through the Depths of Scriptures Which Rightly Devides the Word of Truth. I Agree That Tithes Was Just, Right, and Holy “Under the Law”!!! So Please Don’t Misinterpret My Position, and Convictions On This Matter! Being that I Was Never Under that Law, Because I Was an Alien to it!!! I Can’t Help, but Be Eternally Grateful For What My Lord and SaviourJesus Christ Did For Me On “Calvary CROSS” According to Scriptures…! You Can Read For Yourself Book of Galatians 3: All, 4: All, 5: All, and Ephesians 2:All, 3:All, Also Colossians 2: 8-23, 3: All…! I Encourage You to Make Time to Read and Study Prayerfully… I’ve Concluded That the Love God the Father Extended to Us (Through Jesus Christ Our LORD) Holds Far More “Greater Weight” Than a Tithe Which is Only One of Many Requirements of that Same Law Which No One Could Keep Making “Us All Guilty” Before God! Now We Can Freely Give Without Limits Far ABOVE 10% When Your Motivated to Do So By the “LOVE” of Christ that Will Constrain Us… For God Loves a Cheerfull Giver!!! Give According to You What You Have,and Not What You Don’t Have. Let Me Close By Stating that (Tithing did Not Suffer For Us, Tithing did Not Die For Us, Tithing did Not Give Us Eternal Life, and Finally Tithing DID NOT Love Us)…! Only “Christ Was Worthy” to Settle That “SIN Debt”. Which Pleased God the Father… Not the Keeping of Any Part of the Law Cause if You Offend in One Your Guilty of All!!! Please Forgive Me if You Were Offended by Anything That Was Said. Wasn’t MY Intention Only In Love I Felt Compelled to Comment and Share My Thoughts! Peace My Friend…
We have made the tithe but another idol: another ‘something’ to add to faith in Jesus to make life in Christ work efficiently. It has been used to ‘shame’ people into giving, exalt one’s self for ‘keeping the law’, curse those ‘that don’t give like ‘us’, to use as a bargaining tool (as though God is a mafia boss), etc. etc. Why isn’t Jesus enough? Why isn’t the Holy Spirit enough to lead and guide us? Giving done in sincerity and love is far greater than a tithe will ever be (this is taught by Jesus when the woman with the widow’s mite gave) . There is great turmoil in putting a giving ‘yoke’ around the neck of a believer. If a believer wants to tithe, I will never discourage them, but let all that we do be done to God’s glory, not out of fear and scriptural bullying. When we love someone we have a desire to give. When we love God, and accept Jesus as Savior AND Lord, we 1st give ourselves, then all else follows.
That was awesome and this alone has opened my eyes to all misunderstanding of giving tithes offerings and just giving in general. This was the most beautiful Tithing reading Ive ever read. I love giving and sometimes I mess up and a majority of times I give out of my love for God. Thank you for this, it has increased my faith. And has taught me something special I will aways hold dear to my heart.
my comment was for likraxhos, again thank you
Everything you said is your belief and none of it is biblical
Like circumcision, when you teach law over grace and what it does is in Galatians.
Galatians 1:3-9 NIV
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!
The law cannot do what grace can. When we live by the law you find that our hearts are far from God and we make the house of God into a den of thieves.
Read all of Malachai and pray, its totally about Roman’s 12-1,2 and He even says how dare you offer me money! Malachai is only about repentance towards God, having a heart like David and not like Saul’s. Repentance is almost lost today in megachurches and the body of Christ. This is why He rebukes through Malachai it’s about their hearts and faith, they could give 100% and God would not be coerced by cold hearts, He doesn’t hear those that are cold to Him, that is why repentance is a life, to carry our cross.
So I ask you this, where is tithing in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, this is the Gospel. The Apostles did not teach this, nor did Jesus.
Give unto Cesar what is Cesar’s and to God what is God’s.
Sadly I rarely see anyone devoted or in love with Jesus, I have quit going to church because they preach half truths.
I have reason though, I was an atheist and lived in postmodernism completely without even knowing what that is. I found God radically and then went to the church of Thyatira, which was my desert season. I went through PTSD for 5 years and condemnation from this church lead by Jezebel. Praise God He delivered me and gave me a sound mind! Right after to make a correction, I entered and played worship at the church of Laodicea….until it hit me. I had major breakthrough and told my Pastor, it’s like they took mynkessage and made it theirs…except they took out repentance.
Now I saw this because I was supposed to preach 1 time at the first church and God wanted me to speak at the 2nd church, and I was dismissed, God was dismissed. When I was fasting to learn what to preach…I was scared and was trying to teach on judgement and had no fruit there. God gave me wisdom to see the heart of Saul as unrepentant and David as a heart after God….yet he sinned majorly, even in God’s ministry as King.
I still wonder to this day if they had let me preach if my overcoming those endtimes churches would of brought the glory of God there. I guarantee that I am only His or resemble Him at all because of grace. What if He did the same transformation in me as He would to them?
Comfort those with the comfort that God has given you…..
They taught my message apart from repentance. They asked for God’s presence without humbling themselves by repentance….which is not faith.
Humility and servant hood is the sign of a Shephard leader….few and far in between today, just as in biblical days.
God prefers mercy over sacrifice….
I am no scholar by far but doesn’t Jesus make clear this confusion by addressing the overly religious folk of his day in Matthew 23. It seems that contextual theme if of Jesus uncovering the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and teachers of the law. He makes a good point that I wanted to bring to the table concerning this topic. After admonishing them for using their public giving as a cover up for neglecting the need for justice, mercy and faithfulness, he commands them to fix the latter without neglecting the former. I’m sure you know the story but here’s the conversation
23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
It seems to me that Jesus is correcting the hypocritical behavior by saying continue “practicing” the things you are doing right (which clearly seems to be tithing 10%), but add to those practices the more important things mentioned.
I believe Christ is exhorting his listeners to obey the intentions of the law but not in the flesh. It’s only in the Power of Spirit that we can cheerfully understand that some matters of the law were timeless where others were customary, cultural and historically relevant. The one and only time God asks us to test Him is in our giving. If 10% seems to be a reoccuring theme, then why not just accept that our baseline from which we should give back to Gods Storehouse for Godly Men and Women to pray over and determine how to best use it to expand his Kingdom here on earth. To me, it’s a sign of submission, trust and obedience. I’m a cheerful giver because I don’t deserve to have anything apart from the Provisional Grace of God.
La Shay, have you considered the possibility that maybe the Bible does not say that God wants us to show our love by giving back 10%? That maybe not everybody here is trying to find excuses or are “lovers of money”? That maybe we have honest and straightforward disagreement about the proper interpretation and implications of some parts of the Bible.
There were some very good comments but a lot of the participants are also arguing on the basis of a very uninformed understanding of the Bible and the issues involved. I say this as an observer from the sidelines. I don’t want anybody to feel offended. Nor do I intend to further explain my words. You don’t have to agree with me, nor do I have to agree with you. But we do need to at least consider the reasons why our opponents think differently. If I just assume that you are wrong or that you don’t want to see the truth or are not smart enough to see it, then there is absolutely no point in discussing.
I see a lot of such presumptions in the current discussion. Ravi Zacharias, the renowned Christian apologist, often says that if you think your opponent’s views are just funny or stupid, then you definitely haven’t understood them…
I personally find this discussion very helpful in showing me what are some of the reasons specific views are held with such fervor.
@La Shay,
Please show me scripture where God wants us to give back to Him 10% of our income. It isn’t there. Those of us against tithing has nothing to do with “lovers of money” but has everything to do with lovers of truth.
You discredit God’s Word when you give a tenth of your income to the church and CLAIM that it is paying the Biblical tithe.
Do YOU obey His Word? Which of the THREE different tithes commanded by God do you obey? Have you ever looked at your Bible and read all three of the tithes commanded by God? Fact is, you don’t follow any of them. It is impossible.
You are following the teachings of church leaders INSTEAD OF God’s Word and then call those against this false teaching “lovers of money.” You are in great error. If you think I am wrong, GIVE SCRIPTURES to show the tithing commands you follow.
First define “tithe.” Lev. 27:32 says that it is a tenth. Malachi 3:10 says to bring all the tithes (the tenth) into the storehouse. John 14:15 says “if you love me, keep my commandments.”
Tithing works! God cannot lie. I have been blessed so much because I tithe, give offering, and sow seed—not just financially, but in every area of my life. Jesus, our great High Priest gave the greatest gift believers will ever receive, so tithing or giving beyond the tithe is the least we can do to show our love and appreciation.
BEFORE God gave His definition for His tithe, the word tithe is merely a mathematical term meaning a tenth.
Leviticus 27:32 does not say the tithe is a tenth. First of all, God defined His tithe in Leviticus 27:30-33:
Leviticus 27:30-33 (KJV)
30And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD’S: it is holy unto the LORD.
31And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof.
32And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD.
33He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it: and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed.
God defined the tithe as a tenth of THE SEED OF THE LAND OR FRUIT OF THE TREE. Those are FOOD from crops. AND, every tenth ANIMAL IN HERDS AND FLOCKS. No other animals, just those in herds and flocks.
God’s definition is specific, not general. He spelled it out for us. You are adding to God’s Word by adding “income” to His definition. The Biblical tithe was NEVER money, and NEVER came from anyone’s income. It was ALWAYS assets, FOOD, from God’s miraculous increase of crops and animals.
Malachi 3:10: Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house…..
That there may be MEAT in mine house – FOOD.
Nehemiah 10:37-38 (KJV)
37And that we should bring the firstfruits of our dough, and our offerings, and the fruit of all manner of trees, of wine and of oil, unto the priests, to the chambers of the house of our God; and the tithes of our ground unto the Levites, that the same Levites might have the tithes in all the cities of our tillage.
38And the priest the son of Aaron shall be with the Levites, when the Levites take tithes: and the Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes unto the house of our God, to the chambers, into the treasure house.
In Nehemiah 10:37 we learn that the firstfruits were taken to the temple for the priests, and the tithes were taken to the Levites who lived in the Levitical cities. Therefore, we see that firstfruits have nothing to do with the tithe.
In Nehemiah 10:38 we learn that the Levites would take a tithe of the tithe to the Temple. It is this tithe, the tithe from the Levites, that went to the storehouse, not the tithe from the people. This is important to remember when we study Malachi 3:10.
Furthermore, Malachi 3:7 says that God is referring to His ORGINANCES, which for tithes and offerings is in Numbers 18 where God is specific that His tithe is to be taken to the LEVITES, not the church.
Read Numbers 18:29-30 and then read Malachi 1:14. Those verses explain robbing God of the offerings. The PRIESTS, not the people, robbed God of the offering by giving to God the worst instead of the best.
In Nehemiah 13 we are told that the priests stole the Levites portion of the tithe; therefore, they had no food to eat at the temple, and they went back to their own fields.
Therefore, taking the Levites portion of the tithe is the robbing God of the tithe. Or to put it another way, THE LEVITES WERE ROBBED. God said He was robbed because the tithe did not go where God directed.
Either the tithe ended per Hebrews 7:18, OR those who take God’s tithe to their local church must be robbing God since God gave clear instructions where to take His tithe. There is nothing in God’s Word to show that God ever changed those instructions. Therefore, the only conclusion I can reach is that taking a tithe to your local church is NOT paying the tithe to God. It is giving it to man. Nowhere in God’s Word does He give permission for the Christian Church to receive His tithe.
You haven’t given even ONE complete verse that you are following.
And IF you are following God’s commandments, then you must also be paying the Festival Tithe and the Three-Year Tithe. There are THREE tithes commanded by God, and NONE OF THEM are on income, and NONE OF THEM were commanded to be taken to any church.
I can tell you do not read or study your bible.Malachi chapter 2: 1 says, this command is for you O Priest. God is talking to old testament priest not new testament believers.
Read verses 2-6. God cursed old testament priest, not new testament believers.Read chapt1:1, 6, 11 of the book of Malachi. Jesus never taught the apostles to teach anyone to tithe nor did they or Jesus collect tithes. Read acts chpt. 15. tithing was never mentioned in that chapter. Where in the bible did Jesus ever command new testament believers to keep the law of tithing. you are saved by grace, not by the works of the law. Please Read and study The Book of Galatians. 2 Corinthinians 9:7 is for you not law tithing.Martin Luther rejected tithing for new testament believers.Tithing was never taught or practiced in USA until 1873 and was rejected. The southern Baptist conference in 1895 may 11 recjected tithing, this is all church history. Jesus said for you to search the scriptures. not the pastor to search for you. All this is said to you in love. Read you word.
Try to analyze Mattew 23:23
What can you say about this passage?
jesus rebuked the pharisees for not keeping the weighter matters of the law. jesus lived during the law so he had to advise them to keep it. Grace begins in the book of Acts after Christ dies. They tithe mint,cumib,anise not money.
To All Tithe enforcers and Grace Robbers figure these scriptures out.
Galatians 4:24 These things are being taken figuratively: The women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar.
Galatians 4:30 But what does Scripture say? “Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman’s son.”
Galatians 4:31 So, dear brothers and sisters, we are not children of the slave woman; we are children of the free woman.
Wrong……Tell me where Jesus or Paul said to tithe. You won’t find it in scripture.
Hello Joseph, since Jesus was still alive and teaching, He himself was under the law at that time. It was his death and resurrection that freed us from the law. So yes, He was still teaching the law to the people at that time.
Abraham gave from the spoils not his increase and we only saw him do it once. This is a typical example but not a good one for tithing. Jacob made a deal one time with God and we never hear if he upheld his end. Can we make the same deal????? Sacred cows die hard. II cor.9:7,8 is our guiding rule not cherry picked verses taken out of context. Also, circumcision was before the law, must we do this today too? And on the 8 day to be legal. I’ll walk in the freedom of grace and pray my brothers and sisters get free from the constraints of the law.
God had already blessed Abraham. Melchizedek confirms this. Abraham gives a free will offering of a tithe from all he seized in battle which was left after returning the King of Sodoms money and his citizens.
If you tithe according to the Mal. 3 you earn your own merit with God.
The law came through Moses and grace and truth through Jesus Christ who took all the curse of the Law. No leader has the right to threaten anyone with a curse if they do not tithe.
But Abraham was rich but did not give from his richness but war plunder and he gave tenth to melchizedech and the 90% to king of salem and was left with nothing
TC, Keeping the 7th day Sabbath holy also predated the Mosaic law. It began at creation when God rested on the 7th day. Do you keep the 7th day Holy? I’ve noticed that the VAST majority of preachers who don’t think about keeping the 7th day Sabbath still want to promote tithing and give the same example you gave.
Useful article. I agree with your reading of the Biblical material (I have been teaching the same for several years now) but disagree with some of the conclusions. Nothing in the Biblical material implies that tithing may not be a useful and good personal discipline even today. The fact that it has been twisted out of proportion by most in the church today does not necessitate its complete banishment. Reacting against wrong teaching or emphasis should not result in overcorrecting. :-)
My reasons for not teaching tithing are not only related to the wrong teaching that’s out there today. As I said, I believe we have a much better example (Jesus) and reason (love) for giving, so why stick to a lesser example?
Giving 10% can certainly be a good personal discipline – I didn’t say it wasn’t. But too often it becomes a point of legalism and check box Christianity. That’s not healthy for a relationship with Christ.
I completely agree with your point that “too often [tithing] becomes a point of legalism and check-box Christianity.” At the same time, we as humans are creatures of habit and deciding on a certain amount to set apart every month for giving to Kingdom causes may be a very useful discipline. Wrong attitudes are not going to be changed by attacking the practive but encouraging (and teaching) the right attitudes. It’s obvious that you are trying to do exactly that. I simply thought you could state it in a clearer way.
Also, I am using the term tithe to refer to any amount (not just 10%) that one has decided to regularly set apart for giving to Kingdom matters. I am glad to see what you are doing.
I’m not saying Christians shouldn’t decide on an amount to give and set it aside each month or week. I’m just saying that decision shouldn’t be based on an arbitrary amount (10%). We should determine it by prayerfully seeking God’s desire and will for our lives.
I don’t like to use the word tithe to refer to giving because it literally means “a tenth” and because of the ideas so many have attached to it. But I see what you are getting at and agree with the principles you brought up. Thanks again for commenting!
Some influential church member told me that I could not become a deacon if I did not tithe. I looked diligently in the scriptures to find this reference, but could not.
This exclusion of the body of Christ is most alarming to me and reminds me of the scriptural warning James gave about partiality /showing favoritism between the poor of your church and the rich; here, sit in the place of honor, and you, sit here at my feet.
Tell me, where in the bible, do churches have the right to elevate a member of the body of Christ because he adheres to the tithe.
I find this discrimination of the body, most offensive, and displeasing to God on so many levels.
This has crept into many churches bylaws, and has no scriptural basis for being there.
There are so many things wrong with this doctrine for the New Testament believers; it is of the Law, and we are not under law, but grace.
Paul I thank you for this teaching because it is so prevalent to the believer in Christ today if they would just open the scriptures and allow the Holy Ghost to guide them in all truth. I used to be a Deacon and I also taught bible study and Sunday school in the house of worship I attended until I taught how that tithing isn’t scriptural when I comes to the born again believer. I f I had taught a lie they would have loved me but because I taught the truth I was banned by the Pastor.
thanks for your testimony i will have to confront my pastor on this issue. I have been studying this for a few months and wrestling with this.I believe the relationship will go south after this,I know i will be removed from being a deacon because of this. God Bless You.
Please cite one bible verse where tithing is a law for Christians after Jesus said It is finished from the cross? You can’t find it so be honest.
Many good men differ on this. Continue to be convinced in your own mind as you scour the scriptures.
Personally, we’ve found tithing to be helpful. Proportional giving is mentioned in the New Testament, so we don’t see it as discontinued. Generosity is always encouraged. As we plan our budget for next year it commits us to conscious deliberate living. Given our natural tendencies we’d easily find 101 ways of spending it, if it weren’t set aside off the top. And being on the other side of things (my husband is a pastor), we know God uses physical means to promote the preaching of the word. Tentmakers can’t throw themselves into the work with the same intensity. “That you may be free from worldly care” was in his call, and as it’s followed, we have one less thing to burden us, and as it’s not, we are left scrambling.
As you pointed out tithing could easily become our benchmark for justification before God. The Pharisee compared himself to a tax collector, “I give tithes of all I get”, the tax collector compared himself to God. Only the tax collector came away justified. We so easily make idols out of good things. We’ve got that little Pharisee in us fighting to take over.
Thanks again for your thoughtful answers.
Thanks for your comments, Olivia. I think we actually agree more than you realize. I’m not against proportional giving or think it should be done away with. But I don’t think 10% for all people is exactly proportional. Here’s a quick example: two families, both making $40,000, both the same size, but one has severe medical expenses due to health problems. Would it be proportionately burdensome for both to give 10%, or might one be under much greater strain under such a standard?
And I would never encourage people not to give to their local church. There’s clear biblical mandate for that (without having to resort to commanding believers to tithe to the “storehouse”). I am a pastor as well (though just very recently), so I can identify with what you are saying. But as I’ve said before, I’d rather use a greater example for giving (Jesus) than stick to something which was only a shadow of the great things to come.
Your observations on the “little Pharisee” inside us are very accurate. I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately – how the Church today has many tendencies to do just what the Pharisees did. It’s a dangerous path to go down. Jesus didn’t have any kind words for them!
Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I look forward to talking with you again!
Hi Paul,
Can you touch more on what you mean by the clear biblical mandate for giving to your local church that you are referring to in your above reply to Olivia? My husband and I have, in the last 2 years left the bonds of legalism and have been searching the scripture on this very subject. We have also come to a realization of the abuse and misunderstanding of tithing in churches all across North America.
Tithing a tenth is good but demanding and enforcing it as a law under a threat of a curse for the saved redeemed Christian is tantamount to fraud and baring false witness cause the redeemed Gentiles were never at any point under the Leviticus law.
I think God couldn’t care less about the percentage or dollar amount that we “tithe” or “give.” We are told to live a life that reflects Chrst, and when we REALLY do that, I believe that we can be the greatest givers or ‘tithers’ in the world. After all, we are following the example Christ, who gave the ultimate sacrifice – his life.
Good post Paul!
Exactly, Tim! As we seek to follow Christ and obey Him, I don’t see how our lives can produce anything but extreme generosity. There’s simply no room for greed or selfishness in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ.
To say God doesn’t care at all about percentages I think is a stretch. In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus discussed the widow’s offering. At least in this example percentage did matter.
The Widow’s Offering
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
If that’s the basis you want to use, Chuck, then 100% is the correct percentage – not 10%. So are you giving 100% of your money away? I haven’t heard many people advocate that as our giving standard except in a philosophical sense (“It all belongs to Him and comes from Him, so we owe Him 100% anyway.”).
The widows mite teaching is an example of how to have your living devoured. Widows were not required to tithe as the tithe was for the poor, orphan, widows and Levites. Gary Carpenter has an excellent teaching on this.
I am learning so much from reading all your comments. I’ve been in and out of guilt from trying to tithe and then failing to tithe, that I think I put curses on myself for all the guilt I carry. I’ve always believed in giving Cheerfully and not grudgingly ‘ then I get hit over the head about not tithing .
You guys have helped me more than you know……thank you!
Tithung goes where today? Church? Church is a building, not God. Donating to an organization and buildings is good when you are stable financially, but churches actually promote financial insecuruty by asking for tithes from people in debt, or people living from paycheck to paycheck..instead of saving for personal health, medicine, getting out of debt asap, people are not even taught to make personal emergency fund! My husband gave away hundreds of dollars to church on a monthly basis. But when his tooth got cavity, no miraculous healing happened. He had no money to treat the cavity , so he lost the tooth while always finding money for the church. Basically, church brainwashes people into prioritizung donations to their spiritual business over taking care of one’s own health. Im surprised it’s even legal.
Great article, Paul.
I’ve been teaching this same material now for the past couple years.
Ten percent for everyone is NOT proportional giving as you have pointed out. The New Testament teaches generous, sacrificial giving, from the heart, according to our means. For some, $1 might be a sacrifice, while for others, even giving 50% of their income might not induce a sacrifice. In the Old Testament, ONLY the farmers tithed, and it was equal percentage (a tenth). The New Testament teaches the principle of equal sacrifice instead of equal percentage. Equal sacrifice is much harder to achieve, if not impossible, than giving ten percent.
And as you pointed out, the tithe was NOT the best. We also need to point out the the tithe was NEVER the first. It is clear in Leviticus 27:30-33 that the tithe was a tenth of the crops (NOT the first tenth) and every tenth animal in herds and flocks (the LAST of every ten). Pastors have mixed firstfruits with the tithe and they have nothing to do with each other. In Nehemiah 10:37 we learn that the firstfruits were taken to the temple for the priests, and the tithes were taken to the Levites who lived in the Levitical cities.
Furthermore, pastors want to equate firstfruits offerings with income when in fact it had ONLY to do with the first of the crops. For those who disagree, then be consistent in your interpretations of the following:
Old Testament: Proverbs 3:9 (KJV) “Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:”
New Testament: 2 Timothy 2:6 (KJV) “The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.”
The tithe was not the first nor the best.
Being Spirit led instead of using an OT guideline, I find myself giving far more than a tenth of my income.
One last point: Nowhere in the scriptures are we told that God ever gave His permission for any pastor or church to receive His gifts.
The gospel is FREE to everyone. There is no charge for the gospel.
When you go to a seminar, you usually have to pay to attend. When you go to a concert, you usually have to pay to attend. When you go to social events, you usually have to pay to attend.
Why does one “go to” church? Maybe for the following reasons:
1. For instruction / education of God’s Word
2. To worship The Lord
3. For prayer and/or to pray
4. For entertainment (the music, etc.)
5. For fellowship / socializing
WE go to church so that WE can get instruction and education in God’s Word, so that WE can worship The Lord, so that WE can participate in prayer, so that WE can be entertained and enjoy the music, and so that WE can fellowship or socialize.
WE benefit from going to church services. When WE give our offerings, is it not to PAY for what WE have received from the service? Is that giving to God, or is that paying for a service WE have received?
Who is getting the money? Is it God? Or does the money go to PAY for salaries, the building, utilities, etc., ALL of which WE benefit from?
In the Old Testament, God commanded the tithe be paid to HIM, and HE directed the Israelites to take HIS tithe to the Levites. HE gave HIS tithe to the Levites. Offerings to God were heave offerings, or burnt offerings, or wave offerings.
In the New Testament, God does not tell us HOW to give to HIM other than to give to the poor. God did NOT direct HIS gifts be taken to any church.
Thanks for your comment, Gary. I can see you’ve thoroughly studied this subject. I would encourage you, as I try to do, to point to our ultimate example for giving (Jesus Christ). I think we do more to show people the truth about giving when we focus on Him than we do by making logical (although biblically correct) arguments against tithing.
Regarding money going to a church, I think many churches could be better stewards of the money that comes in the offerings. But I do not think it is wrong to support those who minister to us in the Word (and not just because I’m a pastor). It seems to me that Jesus was clear that “the worker is worth his wages” and the rest of the New Testament supports the idea of providing aid to those who work to spread the Gospel.
I agree with you, Paul.
Those who attend church services are morally obligated to pay for those services, or to put it another way, to pay their fair share of the bills. I also believe those who are able should pay MORE than their share so that others, less fortunate, will also have the opportunity to attend the services.
I have the exact same problem you do, Paul. I am accused of trying to hurt churches, being stingy, etc. etc. when the fact is, I am the opposite.
When you shake up people’s understanding of giving, I think you should expect to get some misunderstandings. Whenever I have people question my motives about teaching against tithing, I try to point them to the many articles I’ve written calling Christians to be much more generous and to learn to set aside their wants (deny themselves) so they can give more. It just takes patience and kindness to get the point across that I’m not advocating stinginess at all – just a better standard and reason for giving.
Gary Arnold, Maybe you didn’t mean to come across this way. But as I read your posts it seems you are condoning just charging admission for the services received when one attends a church service. I hope I’m misinterpreting. For example, I don’t expect to be entertained by the music. If that was the case, I would often be disappointed. I hope to have my heart prepared before the service to worship and praise my Lord and Savior with a grateful heart. If I’m looking to be entertained I’ll just do some church shopping until I find the most talented worship leaders.
What about teaching children about tithing? What are your thoughts on that?
Hi, Jenna! I think you can teach children about giving without needing to use tithing as your primary example. In fact, I think you’ll get much farther by discussing Jesus life, teaching, and example with them to lay a foundation for giving than by referring to the Law of Moses. Children seem to really pick up on how generous Jesus was and the simple truths of His teachings on giving.
I’ve heard many stories showing examples where we could learn a lot more from the children about giving than we can teach them. (Obviously not true of all children, but kids can often get to the heart of the matter much quicker than we can when it comes to helping the needy.)
Crown Financial has some good resources on this. We also have a couple of articles about teaching kids about money here and here.
Crown Financial teaches tithing to children; thus, personally, I view Crown Financial Ministries as false teachers putting Christians back under the law.
A few remarks in response to you, Gary… :-)
First, I am the Programme Director of Crown Europe, the European branch of Crown Financial Ministries. (I am also the one who trains all our trainers in the 20+ countries we are presently active in.) And I’ve never taught that one is obligated by law to give necessarily 10%. Some people who are affiliated with Crown in the USA tend to come across teaching something similar. However, none of my colleagues in Europe does that. (I’ve noticed that Americans have that unusual preoccupation with principles and regulations. In Europe, generally speaking, we tend to be much more nuanced.)
Here’s the statement about tithing from “The Bible on Money” – our one-day seminar that introduces some basics of stewardship:
“Abraham (before the law of Moses) gave a tenth to Melchizedek, the priest of God. Mosaic law required tithes and offerings. The New Testament principle is to give generously: Jesus praised sacrificial giving…”
“We are convinced that a tithe is the minimum amount we should give to the Lord, desiring then to give more than the tithe as the Lord prospers us or directs us.”
Is it an ideal statement? No, I don’t think so. There is nothing there about proportionality (which is a concept I definitely agree with). It also fails to point to the significant differences between the various giving dynamics present in the example of Abraham, the law of Moses and the New Testament church. These are things that I always explain in my teaching. However, I doubt the above statement could be fairly described as a case of “false teachers putting Christians back under the law”. :-)
The fact is that we are all at different stages in our understanding of the Bible. My background is in linguistics and literary studies, which gives me a definite advantage in interpreting texts, including the Bible. I’ve also been involved in academic theological settings for about ten years now. Therefore I find glaring inconsistencies, outright misinterpretations and wrong emphasis with most of those who teach or write on stewardship. In evaluating them however I try to take in mind all of what they are trying to do as well as their knowledge and apparent intentions. Does it make sense?
I am glad you don’t teach tithing as being a requirement.
However, to say that tithing, or a tenth is the minimum, or starting point to give is not Biblical.
Abraham gave a tenth of war spoils that didn’t even belong to him and kept nothing for himself. Biblical historians agree that Abraham was following the custom of his day. The Lord didn’t even want a tenth of war spoils as evidenced under Moses where God required only 1.1% of war spoils. NO ONE follows Abraham’s example today.
God’s commands to tithe affected ONLY the twelve tribes of Israel. Eleven tribes inherited the promised land, and they were to take God’s tithe to the twelfth tribe who inherited the tithe instead of the land. NO ONE ELSE tithed. Wage earners did not tithe. Jesus did not tithe. Paul did not tithe. Peter did not tithe.
There were THREE tithing commands in the Old Testament, and averaged over a 7-year period, it comes to 20% per year. Why not teach that giving should start at 20%? If you are going to use the Old Testament tithe as a “giving principle” it should be 20% not 10%.
ONLY those who INHERITED THE PROMISED LAND with everything on it were commanded to tithe. They had NO mortgage to pay. They were GIVEN their land, homes, etc. NO rent to pay.
How can you possibly equate that with Christians today who have to either pay a mortgage or rent plus pay income, property, and sales taxes which, for me, just the taxes far exceeds 20%.
Giving didn’t start at 10% or 20% for everyone under the Old Testament. ONLY the farmers and herdsmen who INHERITED the promised land.
To use that as any type of guideline today makes no sense.
Required mandatory 10% is anti Christ as Jesus blood is specifically new covenant blood. ( Luke 22:20) Crown teaches required 10% here in the USA. Any mention of promised blessings and suggested curses is anti Christ new covenant blood. I tithe + as tithing can be a holy and beautiful thing if done wholly unto the Lord! Hebrews 7 directly teaches the law tithes into grace. As a nuanced sorta of guy I know you understand tithing under the grace of God with Abraham opens and closes the Bible! (Genesis 14, Hebrews 7) Think deeply about this statement.
There is not one mention of anyone tithing money to anyone else in the entirety of the written witness of Scripture.. I have personally witness Crown ministry do much harm to Christ’s New Covenant BLOOD bought body with suggested curses.
Good for you Paul! I have taught against tithing for the last three years once I searched EVERY scripture talking about it. It is OLD Covenant and when we mix the two we get ruined bottles and garments But when we keep both in their proper place then they (the two covenants) are preserved.
I suffered a lot of mean words too trying to free people from these “get rich quick” schemes of the men of the cloth. The churches and ministries I oversee we don’t do it at all.
God bless!
Ricardo Butler
I think that understanding the difference between the Old and the New Covenants is very important to our concepts on giving (but really, on everything as it relates to our relationship with God). Thanks for your comments!
Yes, the difference between the old covenant and new covenant is the difference between Gods ministry of righteousness and the ministry of Holy Spirit and the ministry of death and condemnation. In spiritual reality it’s the difference between life and death.
Let me as some more shocking truths about ‘Christian’ tithing:
1. Abraham never tithed on his own personal property or livestock.
2. Jacob wouldn’t tithe until God blessed him first.
3. Only Levite priests could collect tithes, and there are no Levite priests today.
4. Only food products from the land were tithable.
5. Money was never a tithable commodity.
6. Christian converts were never asked to tithe anything to the Church.
7. Tithing in the Church first appears centuries after completion of the Bible.
The Church would prefer you not know the following:
· The tradesmen who made the baskets for harvesting, did not tithe.
· The cobblers, who made the shoes for the servants of the field, did not tithe.
· The carpenters, who made the wagons used for harvesting the fields, did not tithe.
· The potters, who made the jugs for carrying water to the servants in the fields, did not tithe.
· The women, who made the garments for the field-workers, did not tithe.
· And certainly, the servants who worked in the fields for wages, did not tithe.
Here are the simple facts regarding the Biblical teaching of tithing:
Does anyone have a Scripture that contradicts what I have just said?
By the way, Jesus Christ was a carpenter by trade, and as such, JESUS DID NOT TITHE!
The tithe in the Old Testament was not 10% of their total income, but 10% of this and 10% of that, right on up to as much as 40 to 60% of their total income. I don’t know anybody who truly tithes according to the Law of Moses.
Here then is the bottom line: Neither, Jesus nor His apostles tithed themselves or taught tithing to others. And within a generation God pronounced to the entire world by the total destruction of both the nation of Judah, and their city of Jerusalem with its temple, that the church established in the wilderness, was now superseded by the Church of Christ. The nation of Israel was gone, the temple was gone, the priests were gone, the Levites were gone, and concerning the very Law of Moses containing the law of tithing, we read this:
“In that he says, A NEW covenant, He has made the first OLD. Now that which DECAYS and waxes OLD is ready to VANISH AWAY” (Heb. 8:13).
But the Church today doesn’t want the New Covenant to replace the Old. They want to put the New Wine (of the New Covenant), in the Old Bottles (of the Old Covenant). And they want to put the New Cloth (of the New Covenant), on the Old Cloth (of the Old Covenant). And what did Jesus tell us would be the result of such an unharmonious and unequal yoking?
“And no man puts new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled and the bottles shall perish [be ruined].”
However, in two thousand years, the church is still trying to put the Old and the New together as One, and the results are always disastrous.
Just why is it that they like the Old covenant better than the New? Here’s the answer from the lips of our Master Himself:
“No man also having drunk old wine [lived by the Old Covenant] straightway [‘immediately’] desires new [the spiritual New Covenant]: for he says, The old is better” (Luke 5:39).
First, Cain and Abel were the first to give God offerings. In fact, that is why Cain killed Abel, because Abel’s offerings were his firstfruits, where as Cain’s were not. God was pleased with Abel’s offerings (I understand that as his cheerful giving) and not with Cain’s offerings (which were probably given out of obligation).
Second, the people did give to the “church” in New Testament times. I will agree that the formal tithe as we know it did not come about to much later, but there was generous giving in the early church. Look in Acts 4:32-37 where it says that people sold their lands and houses and put it at the apostle’s feet to be distributed among them – so much so was given that there was not a needy person among them.
Having said all that, I believe in tithing or giving or offering or whatever you want to call it because of what God has given me. God has blessed me with free grace in Jesus Christ, and because of that I want to give back to Jesus through his body (the church). You may disagree with that, but I believe it something that mature Christians do. We are the body of Christ and we should be serving him wholeheartedly.
I can’t speak for Ricardo, Shawn, but I don’t disagree with what you’ve said. However, I would not limit my giving to the church exclusively. Giving directly to those in need also honors God and shares His love and compassion with the world. Neither would I exclude the church from my giving.
Paul, I completely agree with you. While I tithe regularly to my church, I also give directly to those in need. I come across people constantly who need aid of some sort, and God guides my giving to them.
Well done
When I was seeking to be saved, the Holy Spirit didn’t say,
“Great, we accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.” Salvation was freely given to me by God through his grace.
Jesus got angry with the disciples when they were asking about making of bread, and Jesus stated that he wasn’t talking about the natural world but rather the spiritual realm. Everything thing he taught had to do with the spiritual realm. Money, trees, seeds, birds, you name it, he used these things to translate the teachings of the Kingdom into a language man could understand.
Churches need money to operate – staff, utilities, upkeep, etc. Stop perverting the teachings of scripture into a money seeking scenario, just state at the beginning of the service how much money you took in for the previous month, and how much you are either ahead or behind. No need to turn every sermon into a “give us money” trick. Or is that too honest an approach, and using the guilt trip sermon approach is deemed better because the ends justify the means?
To Andrew at Crown Ministries
Your own statements tell me that you have serious problems with the way Crown teaches tithing in the U. S. A. and try to apologize for that in Europe.
You may not teach tithing, but I will guarantee you that Larry Burkett and his replacement both seriously teach it every chance they get in every thing they write and every church they visit.
Yes, Americans have that “unusual preoccupation” to teach error when it comes to tithing. First they put Christians under the Law of Leviticus 27:34 and Malachi 3:10 although that same Law defines tithes 16 times as only FOOD from inside Israel.
Why did Abram (not Abraham) tithe spoil of war? Genesis 14:21 suggests an existing pagan Canaanite law of the land at work which REQUIRED such.
Yes, the Mosaic Law required tithes –but only from food producers who reaped them off God’s HOLY land of Israel –and from nowhere else!
Yes, Jesus taught tithing in Matthew 23:23 but that was while the Law was still in full effect as in “matters of the law.” Jesus could and tell either his Jewish or Gentile disciples to tithe to Himself.
Yes, Hebrews 7 connects Jesus with Melchizedek, but only with his ORDER as a king-priest and ot with his PERSON.
Your own REQUIRED statement is: “We are convinced that a tithe is the minimum amount we should give to the Lord, desiring then to give more than the tithe as the Lord prospers us or directs us.”
Rather than call this “less than ideal” why don’t you repudiate it and call it wrong? The only persons in the Bible REQUIRED to tithe were food producers who lived inside Israel –and you cannot refute that from God’s Word.
You said: “These are things that I always explain in my teaching. However, I doubt the above statement could be fairly described as a case of “false teachers putting Christians back under the law”.
Call it what it is! Stand up and be counted! Christians never were under the Law and cannot biblically be “put back under it.”
You said: “My background is in linguistics and literary studies, which gives me a definite advantage in interpreting texts, including the Bible. I’ve also been involved in academic theological settings for about ten years now.”
Not impressed. This does not justify deliberately presenting Crown’s official statement and then trying to explain it away as you admit.
You said “I find glaring inconsistencies, outright misinterpretations and wrong emphasis with most of those who teach or write on stewardship.
So you do know that most of what you read is wrong. Act on it.
“Does it make sense?”
James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Russell E Kelly, PHD
Well Said!
Yes, well said!
Let’s make it more about giving out of generosity versus out of obligation. ENOUGH with the MANipulation of the scriptures :-/
Thank you Paul, a fantastic article about a controversial subject.
May God continue to bless your ministry.
I am so glad I saw this post on twitter. I have been praying for some time for revelation about tithing. I am going to read this post, the others and the comments and study to show myself approved. I enjoy giving yet I want to live a life of love and not feel afraid not to tithe to the church. I want to be completely free to give to my church, community and single parents. Thank you.
Thanks for your comment, Tina! I am glad you found this post as well, and I’m confident God will grant you wisdom as you seek to give generously to honor Him. Please understand that this post is not meant to defend selfishness or greed. We all ought to be giving what we can because of God’s great love for us and because it is a clear and obvious way we share God’s love with others. As we deny ourselves and seek to help those in need, the world will see Christ living in us and know that we are His disciples.
Paul, I have to say I completely agree with what you are teaching, I think people think that people who speak truth on tithing in the scriptures are just stingy and greedy but that is no true!! I believe that you should give abundantly and be thankful if you are blessed enough to have the opportunity to do so because when you give freely your soul rejoices!!! It’s a wonderful feeling to help people in need! I also think that if you have a local church you go to or listen to you should help support their cause! I do not agree with representing the scripture wrong and misleading your sheep! If you have a widow coming to your church with 5 kids and she faithfully has been coming to your church aren’t those the people who should come and be offered help from the community in the church… how do you think she feels when she is told she is stealing from God by not giving her 10% before she pays bills or food?? It’s just wrong and I pray for everyone who falls for this false doctrine. God bless you and your message!!
Hi Tina,
Paul has certainly caused a great deal of discussion with his post, hasn’t he? It’s good for Christians to debate God’s Word. Thanks Paul!
I read through many of the posts but I was impressed by your desire to want to study to show yourself approved. Good for you! The Lord led me to do the very same thing several years ago. I spent 2 years digging into the Bible on tithing and generosity and ended up writing a book on the subject. However, I don’t wan’t to promote my book to you because I’d rather you dive deep into God’s Word for yourself. I don’t want to spoil your fun, but let me share a few fun tips to get you excited about diving in.
1. God never intended for Christians to consider tithing His standard of generosity. Tithing was simply a land production tax that He designed for the theocratic nation of Israel. It was not giving or generosity. I don’t mean to scare you off, but I was a couple of hundred hours into my study before I figured this out. Maybe I’m just thick headed. :-)
2. If God considered tithing to be His standard of generosity, He would have had everyone take part in this practice of the law so they could all be blessed. But, Jews living outside of Israel, such as the tribes of Ruben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh didn’t tithe, because it was only meant for the Promised Land. Also people such as innkeepers, carpenters, and blacksmiths living in Israel didn’t tithe either, because they didn’t produce from the land like ranchers and farmers, and were consequently not taxed.
3. There were 6 different tithing methods mentioned in Scripture (2 pre-law and 4 under the law, not 3 as most people think). Five of these six methods are impossible to emulate or practice today. The funny thing is… I have never met anyone who believes in tithing that could tell me which method they practice and why. This is because the practice of tithing is grounded in tradition and not systematic theology.
4. Russell Kelley, who commented on this post, knows far more about the subject of tithing than I do. I encourage you to look up his teachings on the subject.
5. Lastly, if you study the Old and New Testaments, you will see that God’s plan for our generosity is throughout the Bible, it’s not Old or New Testament teaching, it’s both. We are to give willingly and cheerfully, from the heart, according to our ability. Our desire to do this is a natural response to our love for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I hope you have fun diving into to this important subject in God’s Word. I purposely didn’t site all of the Scripture references for my biblical conclusions because there are far too many to site and you can’t just read a passage here or there to figure these things out. To truly grasp it requires an in depth study throughout the Old and New Testament. You can’t just read a few passages and figure it all out. However, I hope what I’ve written will encourage and inspire you, even more, to show yourself approved. May God bless you on your journey!
Hi, please can you give me the details of the book you wrote and where I can get it. you can forward it to: wadgi4real@yahoo.com
I am a big believer in tithing. When I see people shrug off the tithing plate in church, I get a little sad inside. I can only hope that they sent in their 10% on a previous Sunday…we can be very greedy with our money. I remember reading in a book, I believe by Dave Ramsey saying, God doesn’t want your pocket change (meaning, He truly deserves more) and that has stuck with me since reading that.
I am amazed at what I have seen in my own life since tithing. Everything that we have given has come back(and then some!) just like it says it would in the Bible. I know that I am where I am at today, financially, because of tithing. If He trusts us with money and we do the right thing with our finances, give to the poor, give our 10%, He trusts us with more and therefore continues to bless. My cup runneth over–but I believe that I get more, only because I am to give more.
There are too many stories where we have given a certain amount and in the next few days to come, a check has arrived in the mail for the exact same amount–or even a little more. Checks that aren’t expected, money that is not expected.
I owe it all to Him and I hope he continues to bless us so that I can continue to give to those that need it more than I do.
Hi, Frugal Free Gal. I’m not saying Christians should give God their pocket change or be greedy. In fact, I would push most Christians in America to look at giving beyond 10% because we are so filthy rich compared to most of the world. Is it right that we should waste money on useless, extravagant luxuries when our brothers and sisters around the world are dying of hunger? How can we say God’s love lives in us if we are not moved to deny our own wants and help those who are truly in need?
I would be careful of building a foundation for your theology on anecdotal evidence rather than Scripture. I am not saying those stories are not God working in those people’s lives and blessing them, but I believe He will provide for our needs as we seek to follow Him anyway. Plus, there are just as many stories of people who tithe and end up in a much worse condition than before or people who have tithed because a pastor told them to just to find out that the pastor was not truly following God himself. I promise that you can find one bad story for every good story without much effort.
Again, I’m not advocating stinginess, greed, or selfishness. I’m not saying we should not give to local churches. My point is that tithing as part of the Law is only a shadow of the that which has already come – Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate example for us in everything, so I would rather base my ideas and theology of giving on Him, His life, and His teaching than a mere shadow.
Malachi 3 v 10 – 12 indicates God’s commandment to tithe and offerings. This, actually, can be referred to as one of the Mosaic laws but they still apply to today’s Christians. Why are people quick to disobey a God’s commandment because it’s in the old testament but are very willing to claim many blessings that are also in Mosaic teachings. Hypocrites! If tithes were for the Levites, the priests, the house of God in the Mosaic time, don’t we have men of God and houses of God that need foods and other things including money today? Why do people argue with themselves on the appropriateness of tithe’s payment? This is devil at work! Rebuke it.
I hear people debate on if Jesus, Paul or any of the disciples of Jesus paid tithe. Please read Mathew 23 v 23- Jesus in this reading, admonishes the teachers of the law and the Pharisees on their hypocrisy. He says they pay their tithes i.e they observe the law of tithe payment but lack justice, faithfulness and mercy. So, he says they should have practised the latter- justice, faithfulness and mercy- which are more important without neglecting the former- payment of the tithe. Remember Matthew 5 v 17- 18: Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill them. Why then are some teachers always trying to say we are not under the laws? Jesus didn’t place more importance on tithe but he didn’t go against it neither. So Jesus acknowledged it. He was only more interested in justice, mercy and faithfulness.
The main reason why many people go against tithing is out of selfishness and financial stinginess. It is hard for people to let go a 10% of their profits. So many find reasons to disobey the Godly commandment. If God blesses the sons and daughters of Israel, we all want to claim them and we say we are also children of God. Yet, when He commands the people of Israel to do something, we, non-Israelites, consider hard to observe, we say the commandment is for the old people of Israel and we are not one of them! We are not under the law! How hypocritical we sound.
However, tithes should not disturb your offering. We should help the poor, help the needy and the less privileged. The two Godly acts are important.But we must take the tenth of our profit to the house of God. Food must be readily available in His house. His priests must be cared for. What’s wrong with these statements- that will must take care of His house and His servants?
Lastly, the obedience to tithing attracts its blessings; however, u cannot be condemned if u do not want these blessings. It then must be emphasised that tithing is not a requirement to inherit the kingdom of God but it’s a practice that honors God and unleashes His blessings. Tithing is not for everybody as many people wrestle with God on its effectiveness. But if you obey and pay your tithe, you are one of the few blessed Christians. Please read Proverbs 3 v 9-10
Don’t ever worry about how the church spends your tithe. That’s not your concern. You gave it to the Lord and he knows about it. That’s enough! How it is spent should bother you. That judgement lies with God.You go ahead and test God and see if Mal 3 v 10-12 is real or not. Remember Matthew 5 v 17-18. God’s words are more important than His name. If He says it, who are you to denounce it?! And where else does God specifically ask you to test Him? So you think He just says something without a substance of reality? Think again. He is a Living God of yesterday, the days of the Mosaic Laws, today and forever. He doesn’t change!!!!! Obey him and quit the debate.
Thanks. And l am not a pastor. I am an investor who is heavily blessed.
?????? Exactly. Proverbs 26:4
I thought we were to give as we prosper, not to give a certain amount. And as for those who make you sad, when you see them “shrug off” the “tithing” plate, you shouldn’t be watching to see what others are giving, anyway. Lots of people are paid every two weeks, so when you are watching others give or not, perhaps they give every two weeks. In my case, I don’t have a job, and my husband is not a Christian, and does not give. So, I give out of my household money. So, if you see someone like me only give a few dollars, well that’s why.
I appreciate Paul telling the truth about the subject, that we are not under the old law of tithing, and like those who try to say we should keep the Sabbath, and do other things that were under the old law, they should be putting on the whole law, if they want to hold on to it. Including animal sacrifice. Thanks, Paul, you are one of the first that I have seen actually speak on this.
I think you’ve made a good point about the danger of watching what others give or don’t give and making assumptions about them. There are situations that we may not know about affecting their ability to give.
And you’re welcome, Carole. I’m just sharing what I’ve found in Scripture, and I think it’s important to share because the misconceptions are so prevalent.
The Frugal Free Gal,
If your tithing did all of what you say then you prospered because of tithing and not because Jesus graced it to you. Put another way: either you have a right to prosper because Jesus became poor so you might be rich (2 Cor 8:9) or you prosper because you kept the tithing law–but it cannot be a combination of the two. Sounds to me like you are mixing law and grace which most churches seem to do these days where the tithe is concerned.
God honors faith and when you give trusting Him to provide for your needs then that pleases Him. But your giving–or tithing–is not the foundation of your prosperity; Jesus’ becoming poor for your sake is your foundation.
Christ is the END of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
Carole your comment, “When I see people shrug off the tithing plate…” Really? With all due respect, what someone gives or not give is none of your business. If you tithe and give from your heart, by all means give as unto the Lord. Being your brother’s keeper doesn’t mean you are to police them and judge them according to your conviction, especially if it is regarding something that doesn’t threaten their salvation or life in Christ. Far too many Christians have been conditioned with the ‘tithe to get blessing’ doctrine. Giving to get is a bit pathetic and worldly in my opinion. Remember, God reigns on the just as well as the unjust. There are stingy, ungodly, atheist who’s possessions make one’s ‘tithing blessings’ look like dog scraps. We are rich and without lack only because of Jesus, whether we have a Mitsubishi or a Maserati . We are blessed only because of the ‘FINISHED’ work of Jesus. Just as the Goodness of God leads to repentance, His goodness fills our hearts with the desire to give to the kingdom and others.
I disagree with what you’re saying… We should give God our best always. Our money comes from God; why would one who believes in God not give Him the first 10% giving our Lord His deserving recognition.
By tithing, one shows his or her dependence on the Lord for all their needs.
I didn’t say we should give God our best. I simply pointed out that biblically-speaking the tithe was never the “best” as so many say it was. That was the firstfruits and that’s an entirely different concept.
What is it about the first 10% of your income that makes it “best”? There’s nothing particularly special about that first dollar bill compared to the next nine. It’s simply the first.
By relying on the grace afforded to us through the blood of Jesus Christ, one shows his or her depended on the Lord for all their needs…
Paul it’s okay. You are like a Financial Moses trying to lead the people out of EGYPT (BONDAGE TO THE LAW) but they are in their little wilderness (ON THE SAND, INSTEAD OF BEING ON THE ROCK) loving to go back to Egypt, because they have never tasted the MILK and HONEY (like freely giving as you have freely be given) of the Promise Land.
They will not be ready to go into the land until a Financial version of Joshua takes THEIR CHILDREN there while they spiritual (financially) die in the wilderness.
God bless you Paul and continue to set people free with the NEW Covenant.
Ricardo Butler
Well, thanks for the encouraging words, Ricardo. I’ve never thought of myself that way as there are many others teaching the same thing. I just want people to see how joyous and radical giving can be when we focus on Christ as the foundation rather than tithing.
Amen to that!
You know it’s funny…people are trying to get the windows of heaven to open up with their tithes when Jesus has caused us to sit in heavenly places with Him and has made us joint-heirs with Jesus. This was all done through Calvary, How can we complete that which only Jesus could do?
If we are seated with Him why are we still trying to open up heavens windows when we are seated far above them? Giving is the FRUIT and NOT the ROOT of your prosperity.
Ricardo your replies are always on point and as well as the Author
I’m not a bible scholar, but after years of studying the Bible I’ve come to one clear conclusion about it: it isn’t a rule book, but a call into a relationship with God.
As human beings, we like rule books–especially when we can use the rules to make others do what we like. We aren’t so good at relationships though, maybe because they don’t come about through a 12 step plan.
I think it’s pretty clear that God wants our hearts more than our behavior. Jesus covered our behavior, past, present and future, but his sacrifice doesn’t cover us if our hearts are far away. Every thing in the Bible points us to that relationship, even as we debate the finer points of the “rules” it seems to lay our for us. But if the heart is right the rest will follow.
As to the tithe–another rule–we have a priority set: “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” (Hosea 6:6, but reiterated by Jesus in Matthew 9:13) So here we have God saying that he prefers us to show mercy to others and give acknowledgement to Him(conditions of the heart) over our sacrifices and burnt offerings. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus gives us further instruction:
“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”
Again, we see the clear priority given to matters of the heart over the giving of offerings.
I’m not saying that tithing is a bad thing in itself, but that it may be another perceived rule that we cling to as some sort of faith litmus test. But it can also be like a tax, a “God tax” if you will, and that has the potential to turn our relationship with God into a business deal (which not conicidentally is how it’s preached in some corners of Christendom). In 2 Corinthians 9:7 Paul tells us of the need to be a “cheerful giver”–is that how we feel when we’re paying a tax?
Still another possibility–we can come to believe that our faithful tithing is our ticket to salvation and start thinking “Of course I’m going to Heaven–I tithe!” It maybe even hints at the indulgences called for by the Church in the Middle Ages. We’re human and prone to think in this way.
If you feel lead to tithe, then it’s the right thing to do. For some it’s about letting go, and giving 10% of your gain faithfully is a way to break an addiction. Is it for everyone? Highly doubtful. I completely agree with those in the thread who have said that we’re no longer under the law. If the law is what gives us salvation–and tithing is an apparent part of that law–then what was the purpose of Jesus’ sacrifice???
Another point: there were many who continued to keep the law while rejecting Jesus even as he walked among them and shortly afterwards. Keeping the law didn’t bring them salvation then, and it won’t do it for us today. We can keep the law (at least in our minds) but still be far away from God. At that point does it matter how much we give in His name?
Very well put, Kevin. Your point on salvation being thought of as a ticket to salvation reminds me of the Pharisee who boasted that he gave tithes of all he got while he was praying to God. Didn’t do him much good as far as justification went according to Jesus…
Exactly.additionally I love this forum Paul excellent work & feedback
I feel that what we are to do now, is better than the tithe. When I give, I pray for God to use the little I give to help spread His Word. I feel good about giving, it makes me feel like a cheerful giver.
I heard stories from people whose denominational churches ask them to fill out a card stating just how much they will give each week, and then ask them how much more they will give, if they don’t think that’s enough. To me, that makes their church seem very greedy. I don’t think they need to know how much someone gives. God knows what they gave.
It sounds like you’ve got the right mindset, Carole.
I’m not too comfortable with how some churches push their giving cards/pledges. I’m not saying it’s bad to encourage Christians to give, but like you said – it can come off as being greedy or just worried about people’s money. I’m sure some churches do it with good intentions – trying to plan and budget for the year to figure out what can be funded. But they still need to think about the approach and the appearance it may give.
I just had to put my 2 cents worth in on the subject of tithing.
Have we forgotten that the church needs to be supported like any other organization? The air conditioner or heat needs to be maintained (just like your own home) the secretaries need to be paid – those that clean and maintain the beautiful sanctuary that you attend each week need compensation for their time and effort. The pews you sit on and the doors you open probably were not donated.
God has given us a way to support his program which is through tithes and offerings. Yes it is difficult and I must say for a while I let the lust of the eye for things get the better of me and did not pay tithes as I should. Let me just tell you I wish I could have taken every day back that I didn’t because it seems as though God started just blowing on my money and things just started happening that I could not have ever conceived. In my disobedience God still loved me and kept dealing with me about this issue. God has finally blessed me with a job which I will start in about 3 weeks and I am soooo happy. Paying tithes will be the first order of the day. Please read Malachi 3:8
Lots of things in the Bible I would like not to do but I’m finding out more and more If you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:8. Just my 2 cents worth.
Perhaps some churches have too many hands in the pot, so to speak. Our church does not have secretaries. All maintenance is done on a voluntary basis. If a person has skills, such as hvac, he helps to fix them. We don’t owe for any of the pews or anything else, we also do not ask for outside donations, only members are asked to give as they prosper, never visitors. And we still bring enough from people giving as they prosper, to pay for everything, including the preacher’s salary, as well as helping missionaries who are in other countries, and need funds.
As for the reference to Malachi, we are not under the old law. I think a lot of people don’t really understand what that means.
Muriel, I’ll ask you as I’ve asked others – where have I said that we should not support churches? The Biblical truth about tithing has nothing to do with whether or not we should support our local churches. People merely assume that it does because tithing has been pushed as the way for people to give to their churches.
This is not about not wanting to do something in the Bible. I am not saying we should not give. I am only saying that our typical model for giving (tithing) is weak and useless compared to modeling our giving on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
If you are going by what is said in Malachi 3:8, you are going by the Old Testament ordinances which were nailed to the cross.
Start with Malachi 3:7 – God is referring to His ordinances. Then read Colossians 2:14 – the ordinances were nailed to the cross.
Using the Old Testament laws is denying what Jesus did for us on the cross.
PREACH IT, GARY!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Maybe the reason so many Christians struggle with Tithing is because God’s not behind it?
Matthew 15:9
They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.
We need to be very careful about what we believe and practice. So let’s examine the Bible and see what it says.
1) The Church is not a building that needs to be maintained. The Church is the people inside the building.
Acts 7:48-50
“However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: “‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord. Or where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things?’
2) The modern Tithe does not go to the Church (the people inside the building). The Tithe goes to the Pastors and is used to pay their salaries, maintain the building, and so forth. This violates several scriptures. Among them is:
Numbers 18:20
The LORD said to Aaron, “You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any share among them; I am your share and your inheritance among the Israelites.”
3) Anyone receiving Tithes MUST be a Levite, CANNOT own land and cannot have ANY OTHER source of income.
Numbers 18:21
“I give to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the work they do while serving at the tent of meeting.”
Nor can Tithes be used to maintain the building, support His program, or pay for air conditioning. It was to go to the Levites as their pay.
4) The Temple (with all its furnishings) was built through through voluntary donations (Exodus 35) and maintained with the Temple Tax (Matthew 17:24). Tithes had NOTHING to do with either.
5) The Tithe was restricted to food grown/raised in Israel (Lev 27:30-32), a COMMAND from God to the Israelites (Lev 27:34), and went to the Levites as their Inheritance (Num 18:20-24).
6) Only the firstfruits, donations of grain, new wine and olive oil, and a tenth of the Tithe (or 1%) went into the Storehouse. (Neh 10:37-39). And the firstfruits were NOT the Tithe. Israel had to give BOTH firstfruits AND Tithes (Deu 26:2,12).
7) And as carole and Gary Arnold have said, Malachi is part of the Old Covenant. Isaiah is also part of the Old Covenant. God has given us a New Covenant. The Old Covenant does not apply.
Heb 8:7
For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another.
Heb 8:13
By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.
8) Trying to obey ANYTHING in the Old Covenant or mixing the Old Covenant with the New Covenant actually REJECTS Christ and places themselves under bondage of the law.
Galatians 3:3
Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?
Galatians 5:4
You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.
And whoever places themselves in obedience to the law of the Old Covenant must obey the each and every law, not just one.
James 2:10
For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
9) Nor is the New Covenant based on obedience, as was the Old Covenant. Instead, we have a Covenant based on faith. Obedience has nothing to do with it.
Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Romans 5:1
Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
10) Supporting a Church (which is a body of believers (Col 1:24) and not a building) that believes in and teaches the Bible is fine. But when a Church can’t even properly identify itself and teaches people things that are not in the Bible, then it should NOT be supported.
Galatians 1:8
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
Wes is right about the building not being the “church”. The early church met in people’s homes. But they must have been pretty big homes because at Pentecost 120 were gathered together in one place for prayer.
I disagree with Wes on other issues. The New Testament is quite clear that those who preach the gospel are to get their living from it. It may not be directly from the congregation they are serving but Paul himself pointed out that he being a tentmaker was an exception. “You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing out the grain”, Paul quotes to Timothy. ” A workman is worthy of his hire.” There are God created differences within the body. God appointed some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors, teachers….in His church. Each member has their gift and is to use it to build up the body. Just because someone gets their living from their gift does not make it wrong. The Levites got their share from the altar. This is a connection Paul points out to justify pastoral compensation. Peter, Timothy and Titus, even Paul at times, got their living from the gospel. And this came from the offerings of His people.
Secondly, If obedience to the Word is not evidence of faith, then what is? Faith without works is dead, being by itself alone. Obedience from the heart was always a result of faith, in both testaments. The bare works in the Old Testament did not justify anyone. David said in Psalm 51 that the sacrifice of bulls did not gain God’s favor but a broken and contrite heart did. Old Testament people who believed God, acted in faith and did stuff. They prayed, they fasted, they sacrificed animals. Just because unbelieving comtemporaries did the same stuff outwardly, didn’t mean their works justified them. God sees the heart. There’s wheat and tares in the current church too. Christ will sort it out in the end.
The Old Testament is based on grace as well as the New. God was not obligated to reveal Himself and force us to face the ugly truth about ourselves. He did not have to give a promise to Adam and Eve. He did not have to punish them in the way He did. He could have righteously zapped them then and there and be done with it. He did not have to promise man a Saviour. He did not have to save Noah’s family, or call Abraham, or send Moses to deliver Israel, or appoint David as king, or send prophet after prophet. The Old Testament’s purpose is to drive us to Christ, to show us the futility of trying gain His favor on our own. To be our schoolmaster. It proved no earthly king was good enough, no sacrifice worked forever but had to be constantly redone, no works perfect enough, no priest/ mediator lived forever. And yet there were those who sought him during the Old Testament time however imperfectly and He counted their faith as righteousness. That should give us immense hope as we fail in the same ways as they did. As Hebrews points out their examples of overcoming faith to our current generation. When we get puffed up it’s a good dose of the Old Testament to bring us to the realization we desperately need a Savior outside of ourselves to mediate, pay the punishment for our sins, and cover us with righteousness.
To make false distinctions between the testaments is tossing aside 2/3 of God’s Word. Yes the ceremonial law was fulfilled in Christ. Sure, we no longer sacrifice animals. Sure we no longer circumcise on the 8th day. Many things that pointed to Christ have been fulfilled in Him. But to toss aside the whole Old Testament as a bunch of rubbish is wrong. It’s a precious thing because God wrote it. It is His love letter to us to draw us closer to His Son. If it’s obsolete, why is it quoted so much by Christ and the New Testament writers? To remove the Old Testament from the New is to strip it of the gospel.
Thirdly. And this seems to be an underlying assumption on Wes’ part. Faith itself is a gift of God, not of ourselves lest anyone should boast. It’s not something we work up or “feel”. We don’t earn it and certainly don’t deserve it. And we weren’t born with it. Our hearts are naturally at emnity with God. Dead in trespasses and sin, as Paul writes. Unless God intervenes and breathes on our dead bones. That’s true through all human history. He gave faith to Old Testament people and He does that today.
The size of the homes had nothing to do with it. Col 1:24 clearly says that the body of Christ is the Church. The Church is not a pile of wood and stone that will be knocked down someday. The needs of the Church is not air conditioning or soft seats. The needs of the Church are things like food, clothing, a place to sleep, clean water.
Other than that, I disagree with most of your post.
The Bible does say those who preach the Gospel should earn their living from the Gospel (1 Cor 9:14). But the Tithe has nothing to do with that because the Tithe has ended at the Cross.
The Tithe was an Old Covenant command from God to the Levites (Lev 27:34). The Tithe was food grown/raised in Israel (Lev 27:30-32). The Tithes went to the Levites to distribute (Num 18:20-24), and only a tithe of the tithe (or 1%) went into the storehouse for the Priests (Neh 10:38).
Since Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin (Rom 11:1), he could not receive Tithes. Since he said that those who preach the gospel should earn a living from it, and he could not collect Tithes, he obviously was not talking about Tithes. To do so would simply be telling the people to NOT pay him or any other gospel preacher who was not a Levite.
Your next point seems to be that we must obey. As I’ve already said, we do not have a covenant of obedience, but one of believe in Jesus Christ. As it says in one of the most famous Bible verses, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).
This does not say we must obey, but simply that we must believe in Jesus. And what did Jesus do? Jesus said what he did himself. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” (Matthew 5:17).
This is exactly what happened. Jesus didn’t remove the law. He fulfilled it for us because we cannot do so. 4,000 years of Human history makes it very clear. You yourself admit that some people from the Old Covenant relied on God’s grace rather than the law.
The law is still there. It hasn’t been removed. It is eternal. But Christ is the end of the law (Romans 10:4). Therefore, if we believe in Christ as it says to do in John 3:16, we will let Him fulfill the law on our behalf, then die in our place, and rise again to give us new life.
Then we are free – free to do good works. But the works we produce cannot be our own, because as Paul said, “You are not your own, you were bought with a price” (1 Cor 6:20). “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20).
You’re right that faith without works is dead, but we cannot produce any good work that would satisfy God. “All our righteous acts are like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). It is not us doing it, it is God living in us, using us to do His work.
The Old Covenant is definitely not based on grace. It was based on obedience to God’s commands. “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.” (Exodus 19:5). “The LORD said, “It is because they have forsaken my law, which I set before them; they have not obeyed me or followed my law.” (Jeremiah 9:13).
I do not make false distinctions, nor do I toss aside 2/3 of God’s word. What I do is read the Old Testament, but know that God has given us a New Covenant. “We are not under law, but under grace” (Romans 6:14).
I think you, like those of Jesus’ audience of Pharisees and teachers of the law, and those of the Apostles’ audience of Mosaic Jews, error in the purpose of the Old Covenant. As I already said, it was meant to lead us to Christ, to finally bow and admit that God’s requirements are too much, to do as Abraham and certain others of the Old Testament did, and rely on God’s grace.
I acknowledge that God’s grace has always existed, and some few before the birth of Christ chose to fully lean on God rather than the law. As Paul said, does this mean that the law is bad, no but that the law does not lead to righteousness, it leads to death.
But you seem to conclude by accusing me of what you yourself are doing. It seems to me that you have everything mixed up.
You seem to believe that the Old Covenant is based on grace and the New Covenant is based on obedience.
You seem to believe that the Tithe (which was never money) must go to support the Church (another non-Biblical use).
You seem to believe that because I say we are no longer under the Old Covenant that I toss it aside. This isn’t true either. But I claim we are not obligated to follow it, because we have been given a NEW Covenant.
You seem to believe that I make faith a little thing that comes naturally. I agree with you that it is very difficult and that we are naturally at enmity with God. Many people would rather follow the law than believe that Christ (and only Christ) fulfilled it for us.
I also agree with you that God gave grace to us since the beginning of time. Many people mentioned in the Old Testament relied on God’s grace, including David. But the Old Covenant was not based on grace. It was based on obedience to God’s commands.
Olivia wrote: It is His love letter to us to draw us closer to His Son. If it’s obsolete, why is it quoted so much by Christ and the New Testament writers? To remove the Old Testament from the New is to strip it of the gospel.
Why don’t you ask the writer of Hebrew why its obsolete? After all, he wrote this not us. Besides, the Law was never given to a Gentile. How can the Law be your schoolmaster when it was never written to you to start with? Only Jews were under the Law and Paul made this clear in Galatians 3. Christ redeemed us (us who? Jews) from the curse of the Law that the blessing of Abraham might come on the GENTILES by faith. If both Jew and Gentile were under the law why would Paul write stating that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles instead of US?
Food for thought.
The Levites did NOT get their share from the altar.
First, the tithe was taken to the Levites WHO LIVED IN THE LEVITICAL CITIES. The tithe was NOT taken to the Temple. Then the Levites took a tenth of the tithe to the Temple for the priests. (Nehemiah 10:37)
Are you aware that the priests and Levites only worked at the Temple about two weeks per year, on a rotational basis? NOT FULL TIME. The priests and Levites were divided into 24 “courses”. See First Chronicles 24 for the priests and chapters 25 and 26 for the Levites. Each course only ministered in the Temple one week out of twenty four (1 in 24), and, depending on how many families were in each course, each family only ministered in the Temple two or three days during its courses’ week of ministry.
The rest of the time the Levites and priests were WORKING their regular jobs – many as farmers and herdsmen. Although they couldn’t own any land, they were given property to live on and farm on.
The Temple Tax (or tribute in KJV) was used for the upkeep of the Temple, and the Temple was built from gifts, not tithes. The priests were also supported by offerings, not just a tenth of the tithe.
Paul also ENCOURAGED the others to follow his example.
The pastor has a RIGHT to be paid for his services. I have a RIGHT to keep all my money. The pastor wants to exercise his right to be paid while that same pastor wants the others to give up their right to keep their money.
@ Gary Arnold
Well said.
Too many rely on their Pastor’s teachings, and don’t bother to delve into the Word; except when they try to prove what they were taught by their Pastor.
I tithed for 30 years expecting a windfall blessing, giving more than I could afford on many occasisons, giving on gross and net income. The result was two bankruptcies. And I was heading to a third one, until I found the truth about tithing. Let me add some more to your information. I put together a study for people to examine tithing and do their own research.
When you say you were “expecting a windfall blessing,” it sounds like that was your primary reason for tithing. Would you agree that expecting something in return for giving (to God and others) is the wrong attitude to have?
Churches often abuse Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 6:38, 2 Cor 9:6, etc to show that God gives lots of money to those who give lots of money. But that if you’re stingy and don’t give much money, God won’t give much money to you.
Frank heard it most of his life. So did I. I think most people who currently or used to Tithe heard this sort of message.
Sure, those of us who have stopped Tithing have done so partly because we learned that giving to get is the wrong motivation. But many Churches still run on greed, not faith.
Yep I was flured when l learned the truth and repented because I was taught pay tithes and expect yet it was my responsibility to study and research I now have the right perspective for giving under Grace and I should do so according to my income after I’ve met housing, lights and gas bills and bountifully give cheerfully to the local church and perhaps when the budget allows give the pastor a financial gift for labouring in the word and teaching but most of all I’m going to purposely volunteer at a Shelter and look for ways I can meet Client’s needs with discretion
I believe giving is taught in the NT after the cross – giving cheerfully for God loves a cheerful giver and giving generously, he who sows generously will also reap generously. It’s interesting to me the only things the Apostles told the church to follow from the law were to abstain from sexual immorality and abstain eating meat sacrificed to idols. Tithing was never brought up.
Great article. Giving is good – living by the law is never good, for no one could EVER keep any of it – I think thats the point God was trying to make in the OT – WE can never of ourselves do anything to earn any of God’s favor. Blessings good post and I wish more pastors would really look at this issue more unfortunately I believe its due to fear of losing their own income.
I have read most of the comments and I can honestly say that I believe that God’s grace extends to those new as well as old believers that have not taken it upon themselves to truly study the word about tithes while continuing to give them. I have a good friend who was a true “soldier” for the Lord in every way (no he did have any hidden sins- for my religious folk) but still found himself without a place to live, he was paying his tithes, sometimes using part of his rent (he was not working a high paying job) money because he did not want to be under the curse so he let some of his utilities and other basic bills wait because of what he was being taught out of Malachi, after going back to the same church for benevolence he was told that the most he could get would be 75.00 which left him hurt and confused since he was a faithful member and served on several ministries there, he could not figure out why he was being evicted from his apartment when he never missed paying his tithes and gave offerings as well, after several months he relocated back to his home state and moved in with his mom, this was the beggining of a journey for him as he began to study the word about giving and he was blown away with what he discovered about the tithe and of course shared with me this newfound information which only caused me to laugh because I thought he had gone off of the deep end, especially since I had just gotten a new job making quite a bit more money, so there was no way the tithe could be related to agriculture. The bible is very clear in the new testament about new “babes” being on milk and mature christians digesting meat, like myself I fell in love with Christ, got invited and joined a church, began being taught that you pay God his 10 percent before anybody else, NO MATTER WHAT!!! and if you missed then you pay doulble the next week, and so thats what I did, I look back on those times and I can see where God had so much mercy & grace on my ignorance because my heart was all about wanting to be obiedient as well as truly believing that he would open up the windows of heaven for me after having paid my tithes with some of my rent money, I too had to make a couple of calls to my parents from time to time for a loan..LOL!! (borrower servant to the lender) still not having any idea that God wanted me to be a good steward FIRST over the lease agreement that I signed.The water has gotten so muddied up in the body of Christ today when it comes to money and I know of so many people that will never EVER believe that the tithe was ever related to agriculture because they have received increase in their life so they identify that as God keeping his word even though the Bible says that God is faithful even when we are not, why should I study to show myself approved when my Pastor does that for me???????? (being sarcastic) the “Americanized” God that’s being preached in so many churches today I’m sure is enough to make the prophets of old to turn over in their graves, messages that are friendly so that people will come back the next sunday, telling so many new babes that it is impossible for God to lie so if he promises to open up the windows then you need to “put God to the test” and sow some of that insulin medication money, who knows?? you just “might” get healed (from that diabetic coma) I believe that this is the last and greatest stronghold for the Church today because every issue that Jesus dealt with goes back to a “quality of life” issue, sickness, disease, family issues, poverty, etc. I do not know of any indiviual (in their right mind) that does not want to eat well, sleep well, have a nice home, car, clothes, quality education for their children and to also have enough money to help their friends and immediate family, Jesus was very clear about the warning of being on watch for false prophets and how so many would be decieved as well as how difficult it would be for rich people to enter into heaven, these are no coincidences, all of the uproar in the church today about money will only continue to manifest itself as more and more believers continue to allow themselves to be taught without studying the word and asking God to show them the truth about this principle.
I’m glad you opened yourself up to learn the truth, even though it’s the opposite of what you’ve been taught in Church. Too many Church-goers let themselves be led by the Pastor, assuming that he must be right because he says he’s following God.
Jesus has taken the curse away (Galatians 3:13). So we are not cursed if we don’t Tithe, nor are we blessed if we do. Instead, we have new, spiritual blessings (Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 16:13-15). Malachi does not apply because it was given to the Jews of the Old Covenant.
I believe the Church has given up its love for God for love of money. They twist and distort the Bible to get money for things they do not need. As Jesus has said, “Woe to them! They place heavy burdens on people, but will not lift a finger to help them” (Luke 11:46).
And yes, I do believe God is merciful. I believe God wants for us to seek after Him and read the Bible ourselves to know what it says. God wants to lead us; He does not want any Pastor to take His place.
Great blog Paul. This is a breath of fresh air more than you know.
What I’m finding is people begining to search the scriptures for themselves and find truth beyond what they are being spoon fed on Sundays. So much error in local churches it’s become depressing.
I’m also finding a lack of faith on the part of church leaders that the continue to lay a burdensome yoke on the necks of church members while negating any opportunity for ones faith to mature. It’s all Gods anyways.
I’m hoping more will begin to preach this message of truth and free the sheep from these burdensome laws while allowing us to worship freely with our giving.
What did the Apostle Paul wish on those who wanted to force New Testament Christians under the law? (such as with circumcision and other laws?) He wished that they would go all the way on themselves and just cut the whole thing off!!
Circumcision just like the Old Testament Tithe was never even one of the Ten Commandments, yet many preachers today love to elevate it to such status for their own benefit.
I have added this link to my list of good references at http://isitasinto.com on why Tithing is not valid for today, we are to simply GIVE CHEERFULLY, whatever we have purposed in our heart. 2 Cor. 9:7
”do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.” – Galatians 2:21
I entered this debate some time ago not because I agreed or disagreed with the views presented. I can make a Biblical case for either side. And I chose to show why tithing can be supported by the Old and New testament scriptures. (Suggest you read AW Pink’s little booklet on tithing.) My big concern was the violence with with the non tithers trashed those who do tithe. It was not necessary to say people were laying aside God’s grace in Christ and accusing them of being unbelievers. If they tithe and feel it’s an act of worship and obedience to the God they love. Doesn’t the bible teach us to be gentle with those who don’t have faith to eat meat sacrificed to idols (or those who do)? You are destroying your brother for whom Christ died. If you feel someone is in oppostion to a Biblical view you are to correct gently. Instead you are causing fellow pilgrims to stumble. By their own Master they stand or fall. Heart attitudes are God’s problem to straighten out. It’s very sad to see this kind of mob mentality in a Christian forum. And what does it prove? If you have a conviction in your own heart and stand before God and are open to being taught from the scriptures, isn’t that what Christ wants? But to club someone into submission to your particular view by de facto excommunicating them, what does that prove? I feel Paul Williams presented his view clearly and without animosity. It would have been best if we all had followed his example.
Many people believe the Tithe is Biblical, but the Bible does not support Tithing as it’s taught in today’s Church. I believe that those who Tithe have forsaken God’s love, God’s grace, and even God’s free gift of salvation in an attempt to earn it themselves.
What we’re trying to do is warn those who have fallen into the trap of mixing law with grace. This is a REAL danger, and the Bible says that they risk losing everything in their attempt to do it themselves.
That’s what Tithing is. It’s not Biblical, a Godly principle, or good stewardship. It another Tower of Babel, an attempt to earn our way to Heaven. Tithing is a perversion of the Gospel, and as Paul said, “If we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!” – Galatians 1:8.
This may be violent, but it is the truth. It is a warning to turn away from false doctrine, to compare what people say with what the Bible says, and above all, to let yourself be lead by God, not a man in a suit standing behind a pulpit on Sunday morning.
I do not subscribe to the idea that every person who decides to give 10% or any other specific percentage of their income gross or net has abrogated God’s grace. What if someone simply decided to give to The Church because they have felt God’s grace in their life; and feel blessed to have received The gospel, and they simply want others to have The same opportunity? What if there is no motive to obey, or obtain salvation to their giving, but a simple experience of joy and grattitude for what God has done in their life? When a judgement is rendered upon someone, based on our own ideas, I believe we are not following God’s higher calling of judge not so that you won’t be judged. And also we seem to be ignoring the fact that God is the only one who knows the heart.
Exposing the biblical truth should not be the basis to attack the motives of people who may do something, of course with the understanding that by their fruits ye shall know them. Although there is abuse of the word and incorrect teaching, let those who give in any way, shape or form, as God impresses them; whether in the form of a percentage, or on any other format, be a relational experience with the Saviour of mankind from our filthy sinful nature.
I beg to differ with your opinion.
I believe that the Church is not a building full of people who meet with God. I believe the Church is the people inside the building (John 14:23, Acts 7:48-50, Acts 17:24, Romans 8:9, 1 Cor 3:16, 1 Cor 6:19, Eph 2:22, Eph 3:17).
If you choose to give a certain amount to a certain place, that is exactly what the Bible tells you to do. But I think it’s wrong to call it a Tithe, because the Bible is very clear on what a Tithe is, who paid the Tithe, and who receives the Tithe.
I think it’s even more wrong for the Church to tell it’s members that they have to Tithe. Many Church(es) do so. Many Church(es) tell its congregation that they MUST Tithe or forfeit their membership. They MUST Tithe or they WILL be cursed.
This is abuse of Scripture. This is what we stand against.
You say that we should not judge, but I disagree with you on this point as well.
The Bible says:
Deu 18:22
If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.
John 7:24
“Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.”
Matthew 24:4
Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.”
Acts 17:11
Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
1 Corinthians 5:12-13
What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you.”
1 Corinthians 10:15
I speak to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say.
1 John 4:1
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
I think you’re taking texts out of context. When you read “do not judge others”, you have to compare it to other verses to see if it is absolute truth, or if it’s part of a truth.
Over and over, the Bible tells us to judge others. How else will we know who is the false prophet? How else will we keep from being deceived? Instead, we are told to “Test everything. Hold on to the good.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:21
I’m concerned that you may not understand God as well as you think. I’m also concerned that you seem to be doing that which you accuse others of doing. You’re judging us for being against the Tithe and questioning our motives, then you turn around and tell us to stop judging those who are for the Tithe.
I urge you to pray and read your Bible, asking the Spirit of God to teach you.
Tithing is not only wrong for the New Testament believer, and none of the Apostles taught believers to tithe; but now, for years churches have discriminated in the choosing of deacons, by whether they tithed or not.
I was excluded, in a conversation, because I believed that tithing was an old testament law and was not carried over to New Testament believers. So positions of service in many churches are based on whether you are a tither or not. This practice is wrong, don’t you think?
However, I do believe that we should give generously as the Apostles taught, that God love a cheerful giver.
How tithing applies in our current situation after Christ’s death, whether it was fufilled in His death and resurrection is what determines our practice. We know circumcision and the maintaining of the sacrificial law to justify oneself before God is wrong, as those things cannot justify, and they were clearly and specifically mentioned as having been fulfilled in Christ in the epistles. But tithing is one of those oddball things, part of Old Testament practice, but not specifically singled out as fulfilled by Christ’s death in the New Testament. The first mention of tithing came before the law, before Moses, before circumcision. Abraham gave a tenth of all his spoil to Melchizadek. Melchizadek is a type of Christ. How this is understood is pivotal to what position one comes to on tithing as post resurrection believers. Tithing is never tied to the covenant of circumcision or animal sacrifices or feast days in the New Testament nor is it ever criticised by Jesus or the apostles. To elevate it to that position when the scriptures do not emphasize it that way is inappropriate. The one time Jesus criticized the Pharisees in relation to tithing was not because of tithing in itself but because they were so caught up in it they ignored simple mercy to others. He said “you tithe mint and dill and cummin and HAVE NEGLECTED the weightier provisions of the law, justice and mercy and faithfulness, but these are the things you should have done, WITHOUT NEGLECTING the others”. That statement is sufficiently clear to show their practice of tithing was not being criticized in itself, but they neglected the true heart of the law to love their neighbor as themselves. To love our neighbors as ourselves is still considered valid practice in our day.
Some have made non tithing a law unto itself and choose to say those who don’t follow this theology are not believers. The lines are not so clear cut. That perspective is taught no where in the New Testament. I’m suggesting a course of moderation and reasonable discussion here. Paul himself said some cannot eat meat sacrificed to idols without defiling their consciences, others can. My point is there is a biblical line of reasoning to support either position. The main point Paul is making in his meat/idol anology is we have to deal gently with a person’s conscience before God, not immediately whack them upside the head because they don’t follow our particular position. Sure we are to hold our own convictions and seek to persude others from the scriptures if we feel it needs to be done. And like the Bereans we are to search the scriptures and lay our conscionces and practices under it’s light.
Secondly. This is why I entered the fray. No individual has the right to declare someone an unbeliever. We can judge a person by their fruit, but even David, a man after God’s own heart who fell into major sin, and Peter who denied Christ and fell in with the judiazers didn’t always look like believers. So it takes a huge amount of discernment to determine where someone is in their walk. I do not believe in apostolic sucession and suspect you do not either, and for individuals on this forum to take the right of ex communication upon themselves is presumptious. If someone is caught in sin, as you believe tithing is, then you are to restore them gently, looking to yourself, but not to insist they castrate themselves right off the bat. There are procedures in place following Matthew 18 to deal with church discipline and ex communication. So for example, if you feel my theology is that off to warrant my being kicked out of Christ’s church and destined for judgment and hell, then you may contact the elders of the chuch I belong to and bring charges of heresy against me.
The other thing I find disconcerting is that there is a great eagerness on some to assume they can read minds. I assume you are reasonable and have a clear conscience before God in how you order your giving. It is a personal act of worship. Whatever you put into the offering plate is only a token of your heart. I assume you have reasoned your position from the scriptures and give Biblical weight to each part of your theology. That to you somethings are far more important than your theology of tithing. Not that convictions on specific issues are unimportant. But it shouldn’t consume you. Jesus should consume our hearts. We should love Him more than anything. We are such continual debtors to His mercy and owe Him everything.
I don’t know anyone’s position on the Old Testament on this forum, but when the New Testament says “All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness,” it is refering to the Old Testament scriptures, and I take that very seriously. Since God wrote both Old and New, they are both “God breathed”, and He does not contradict Himself because He is God, there must be a way of understanding scripture consistant within itself. Some doctrines are clearer than others, some are determined only by comparing scripture with scripture, such as the Trinity. And like the Trinity some doctrines may take time and much careful study over many years to solidify.
Finally the arguments many of the forum participants bring against tithing can be better reasoned. I feel many of the texts used by forum members were wrenched from their contexts and plastered onto things they do not belong to. That seeming disrespect for scripture really bothers me. So a possible line of reasoning can go like this. I believe the practice of tithing is no longer valid in our current times because Melchizadek was a type of Christ. Abraham was looking forward to Christ and showed his devotion to Christ and His future sacrifice by givng an offering. Or we could say the purpose of the tithe was to provide for the Levites as they had no portion in the land but were scattered within it. The Levites no longer exist and so the tithe is no longer needed for their upkeep. The New Testament now says those who steal should steal no longer but work so that they may be able to share with others in need. Those who are rich (and I daresay American Christians for the most part are hugely wealthy) are “to be generous and ready to share”. On the other hand in the support of the tithe, we may say that since Melchizadek was a type of Christ and Abraham is our spiritual father (since we have the faith of Abraham) we are to follow his axample because unlike circumcision his tithing action was not replaced by something else. So in tithing we are giving to Christ because of His deliverance. The duties of the Levites, devoting themselves to the word of God and prayer, is now the job of pastors or teaching elders and so tithing is the means God uses for their support. In either case, those who preach the gospel are to get their living from the gospel. And those who benefit from spiritual things are to “share all good things” with those who teach them.
Whatever conclusion we come to on tithing or giving in general, I think it’s important we examine our motives. A non tither can just as easily fall into the rut of self justification as can a tither. We must allow scripture to search us as our hearts are so prone to self deception. One practical implication is this. It speaks really poorly of us as the people of God to see our ministers, the faithful ones, not the flashy TV guys, who labor in the word, who pour their lives into ours, who groan with us in our struggles, to be paid barely enough to keep it all together. It sickens me to hear people accusing their ministers of not “having faith in God’s provision”, or accuse them of preaching self, while they live very comfortably. It comes across as “be warmed and be filled”. We are to esteem them highly because of their work and pray for them. We are not to muzzle them while they are threshing out the grain. We are to obey the scriptures in providing for them. As some of our calls say, we are to keep them “free from worldly care”.
Stuff to think about.
The Abraham argument is faulty and just does not work to support tithing today.
Let’s look closely at Abram’s tithe. First, the goods that Abram gave the tenth from didn’t even belong to Abram:
Genesis 14:21 (KJV) – And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.
Notice in verse 21 the king of Sodom didn’t ask Abram if he would give back to him the people, but rather said GIVE ME the people and keep the goods for yourself. The way that is worded indicates that the king of Sodom was claiming that the people and the goods belonged to him, but he offered the goods to Abram.
It would normally have been the custom that the victor owns the spoils, but normally the spoils would have belonged to the enemy. In this case, Abram was RECOVERING goods belonging to the King of Sodom.
NOTE: The king of Sodom had an original right both to the persons and to the goods, and it would bear a debate whether Abram’s acquired right by rescue would supersede his title and extinguish it; but, to prevent all quarrels, the king of Sodom makes this fair proposal (v. 21).
–Should the Church Teach Tithing by Dr. Russell Earl Kelly, pages 24-25
Genesis 14:22-24 (KJV)
22And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,
23That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:
24Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion.
Notice in verses 23 and 24 Abram also acknowledges that the goods belonged to the king of Sodom. But the king of Sodam offered that Abram could keep the goods for himself. Abram declined the offer. He didn’t want man to take credit for his wealth. By not accepting any of the goods for himself, Abram was putting all his faith in God to provide for him rather than man.
Therefore, it is clear that both the king of Sodom and Abram acknowledged that the spoils of war did NOT belong to Abram, yet he gave a tenth of the spoils to King Melchizedek. This would seem that Abram did something wrong, if not even illegal, but Biblical historians agree that it was custom in Abram’s day to give the king a tenth of the war spoils. Had Abram not given the tenth, he would have gone against custom.
Conclusion: Abram did NOT give a tenth of his income, or his wealth. Abram gave a tenth of the spoils of war that didn’t belong to him and declined to keep the goods offered to him. That is NOT an example of tithing for Christians to follow today. By declining to keep any of the goods for himself, Abram showed his faith that God would provide. That is the example of faith that Christians should be following. Furthermore, the law did NOT require a tenth of war spoils to be given, so to say that tithing was before the law and then in the law is not true. What Abram did was NOT even codified into the later law.
Furthermore……. Hebrews 7:7 (KJV) “And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better.”
Abram, the lesser, was blessed by the King-Priest Melchisedek, the better.
Abram gave the tenth to the better.
1 Peter 2:5 (KJV) “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 2:9 (KJV) “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:”
1 – According to the scriptures, priests do not tithe.
2 – As priests, all born-again believers are equal. There is no better or lesser among us. God has not designated any born-again believers to collect His tithe.
3 – To try and “tithe” today is denying that you are a part of the Royal Priesthood.
Isn’t it odd that even though Abram gave a tenth directly to Melchizedek, the king/priest, that some Christians think they can give directly to God by giving it to their pastor?
I find it quite offensive that pastors have appointed themselves to be the receiver of what belongs to God. After all, the pastor says the tithe belongs to God. Then he appoints himself to receive the tithe!!!
What gives me pause for thought is that you’re not doing what you claimed.
You said:
“I entered this debate some time ago not because I agreed or disagreed with the views presented. I can make a Biblical case for either side.”
I have not seen you do this.
I have seen you debate frequently and in great detail why the Tithe is valid, but I have not seen you make a case against Tithing. I wonder why you make this claim, but continue to argue for Tithing, while dismissing what everyone else says as an attack against your spirituality.
You display no respect for anyone, yet expect everyone to not only respect you, but agree with you.
I am most interested in seeing you keep your word, and make a case against Tithing.
I have been considering your comments carefully these many hours and wanted to deal with them in a thorough manner. Honestly, we don’t disagree on everything.
I will try to follow your reasoning here. It seems very complex and based on things outside of scripture I’m not at all familiar with. You are dealing with only two of many points I raised. I mentioned procedures for church discipline, who has the right to ex communicate someone, what exactly is heresy, the historical establishment of doctrine, the validity of the Old Testament as the word of God, people’s heart motives, how a pastor is to be paid, and tithing. They do tie together as they were addressed in previous posts, even though the original article dealt only with tithing.
I am grateful someone is seeking to understand tithing from the scriptures that directly address it and not importing unrelated scriptures from other places.
I’m sorry you’ve had such a poor experience with your pastor demanding money, to sour you on the whole thing. I have not had your experiences. My pastors have always been underpaid, over worked, underappreciated, godly men. It’s a safer thing when sinned against as you have been, to try not to react against it, but find what the Bible says and seek to do what is says. This is not meant as a pat answer. I think we all struggle with these kinds of things, it’s painful, and I really feel sorry you’ve been hurt by those who have abused their stewardship.
OK As far as your line of thinking is concerned. I’ve never heard your reasoning before so will try to understand it. I’m not familiar with the man you mention as your reference, I don’t have his writing to look at. So let’s start with the scriptures. We can both open up the same passages and work through them. I’m looking at the passages about Melchizedek in Genesis and in Hebrews. We can both agree Abraham and Melchizedek were real people. That this is the first time the tithe is mentioned in the bible. That this incident occurred before the ten commandments, circumcision, instructions for the formal sacrifices. That Melchizedek came from a different priesthood than Levi and that he was like Christ in that he was both priest and ruler (significantly King of Shalom or Peace), and that Hebrews makes the tie in between Christ and Melchizedek, saying Christ was a priest “after the order of Melchizedek”. That in Abraham, Levi gave tithes to Melchizedek and so Melchizedek is greater than both Abraham and Levi.
I don’t know anything about the historical practice between kings in that day, but assume since the scripture was written for all time and is sufficient for our lives, and we are promised the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth, and God has a greater interest in us doing what is right more than we ever could, we can come to correct conclusions by examining the scriptures alone and comparing one part of the bible with another. (It’s safe to say neither of us want to base our theology on something other than the scriptures.) So let’s lay aside the point about the rights each king has to what specific goods, because it’s not mentioned in the Bible nor can it be inferred.
The question you brought up about ownership is important though. If the goods did not belong to Abraham, they belonged to someone else, and since he gave them to Melchizedek anyway, isn’t that stealing? How could Melchizedek, as priest of the Most High God, receive stolen property? There’s got to be another explanation. It has to be that the goods Abraham gave really were his to give. Otherwise God would be violating His own law. And didn’t Abraham actually say to the King of Sodom that he would take nothing from him and would return everything that belonged to him except what the young men had eaten and what the other kings were due? So Abraham couldn’t have given Melchizedek anything that didn’t belong to him first.
OK That still doesn’t clarify whether tithing as a current practice is prohibited. We established the idea Abraham did a good thing by tithing to Melchizedek , that it was acceptable to God, because it was received by His representative, and that it came from Abraham’s own property and not someone else’s.
Who was Abraham giving the tithe to? He realized this man represented the God of the universe, as Melchizedek was called not only King of Salem, but Priest of God Most High. And Melchizedek gives further clarification to Who this God is by extending a blessing from “God Most High, Possessor (also translated “Creator”) of heaven and earth”. The scriptures refer to Melchizedek three times as priest of God Most High. The repetition is striking. Abraham also realized Melchizedek represented the same covenant LORD who told him to leave Ur of the Chaldeans. Abraham mentions a promise he made to the LORD God Most High in verse 22 in response to this deliverance. That same word Jehovah is used in his call in Genesis 12:1. Jehovah is the special covenant name God uses with His people. There is no doubt as to Who gave the deliverance and Who Melchizedek represents. Was Abraham giving this tithe as an act of worship in gratitude to God for a massive deliverance, or did King Melchizedek demand it from him? It was freely given. Melchizedek gave the bread and wine and blessings first. Abraham responded. Melchizedek gave glory to God for the victory, why should Abraham give glory to a man, even though he is a king?
So Abraham gave the tithe to God via His priest in unforced worship. Abraham is a positive example of tithing. He didn’t do it to earn favor with God, as he already received the victory and blessing, but gave in response.
About the priesthood. You make two points. Let me see if this is what you mean. You are saying because we are a royal priesthood and have taken over the office of priest, we do not tithe because Old Testament priests did not tithe.
Is that what those verses mean in context though? What was Peter’s point in saying we are a “royal priesthood”? Aren’t we are made a royal priesthood so that we may declare His excellencies to those around us? That we can tell others about how God brought us out of darkness into light? In verse 11 we are to “abstain from fleshly lusts”. And further on in verse 12 we are to back up our talk with our lives, so our behavior may be “excellent among the gentiles”. We as “a royal priesthood ” do not offer blood sacrifices like the priests did, or wear special garments or officiate in worship the same way. We are to offer up spiritual sacrifices. What exactly are they? A reference to Hebrews13 may be helpful here. This is the cluster mentioned. We partake of the altar of Christ’s death, we seek another Jerusalem, we offer a sacrifice of praise to God, we do good and share sacrificially, and submit to our leaders. Perhaps 1 Peter isn’t the best passage to prove your point. Just because generosity is encouraged in Hebrews doesn’t mean planned giving is forbidden. They aren’t mutually exclusive.
Your second point is that priests don’t tithe. In Nehemiah 10:37-39 it says, “We will also bring the first of our dough, our contributions, the fruit of every tree, the new wine and the oil to the priests at the chambers of the house of our God, and the tithe of our ground to the Levites, for the Levites are they who receive the tithes in all the rural towns. And the priest, the son of Aaron, shall be with the Levites when the Levites receive tithes, and the Levites shall bring up the tenth of the tithes to the house of our God, to the chambers of the storehouse. For the sons of Israel and the sons of Levi shall bring the contribution of the grain, the new wine and the oil, to the chambers; there are the utensils of the sanctuary, the priests who are ministering, the gatekeepers, and the singers. Thus we will not neglect the house of our God.”
Numbers 19:25-32 “Moreover, you shall speak to the Levites and say to them, When you take from the sons of Israel the tithe which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then you shall present an offering from it to the LORD, a tithe of the tithe. And your offering shall be reckoned to you as the grain from the threshing floor or the full produce from the wine vat. So you shall also present an offering to the LORD from your tithes, which you receive from the sons of Israel; and from it you shall give the LORD’s offering to Aaron the priest. Out of all your gifts you shall present every offering due to the LORD, from all the best of them, the sacred part from them. And you shall say to them, ‘When you have offered from it the best of it, then the rest shall be reckoned to the Levites as the product of the threshing floor, and as the product of the wine vat. And you may eat it anywhere, you and your households, for it is your compensation in return for your service in the tent of meeting. And you shall bear no sin by reason of it, when you have offered the best of it. But you shall not profane the sacred gifts of the sons of Israel, lest you die.’”
Levites tithe. Looking over the scriptures in Leviticus, (and it’s quite extensive), this seems to be the gist of it. The specific offerings given to the priests– guilt, sin, peace, ordination are all divided in some way. A holy portion is burnt up before God and the rest of the offering is for Aaron and his sons. So a portion of the priest’s portion is set aside for God. “The best of it,” as mentioned in the numbers passage. The first fruits given to Aaron are not used for a burnt offering but seem to be given totally to him. When the Levites were given cities within Israel, they were only given pasture lands around them. Six cities out of the total number were open for the manslayer to flee to, so they were not really totally their own. The bread of the presence is for the priests who minister in the temple and is eaten after it is set out before the Lord. Even so, we see an example of what that means in merciful practice. When David came to the temple and was hungry, the priest gave him the bread of the presence. Christ commended him for it.
Even though the priests received offerings, cities, tithes of tithes, they didn’t get to keep all of it. So technically you are right, the priests did not “tithe” on what they received, but they were required to give not only themselves to God’s service, but proportionally of the goods they received, the best portion.
The things you have mentioned are thought provoking but don’t make your case for you. One thing has been helpful in our discussion, is it has forced me to examine scripture even more, and has convinced me even more of my own position. I’m not saying this to down you, only to encourage you to continue in the word. What I wrote you is only a thrid of what I’ve chewed over these last hours. For that I’m grateful.
I have not declared you an unbeliever as you have done so freely to others, or taken the role of final authority in the church. I have not used violent language towards you because of your beliefs. It is up to you to do the spade work and defend your own position from scripture. That’s really your problem. I have dealt with you and Gary with kindness and consistancy. You, yourself, have not responded in like kind. You have made no effort to use biblical reasoning but have dismissed anything counter to your position without bible proof. When you take texts out of context that doesn’t help your position. You have written quickly with out careful deliberation. I have been considering Gary’s comments and my reponse to them. Giving him the respect I had hoped you would give any professing believer. You need to spend more time thinking and praying before shooting back . One thing you need to know. I will not be bullied into a position if I am convinced the scripture does not teach it. I’d rather die than deny the scriptures or Christ who gave Himself for me. God have mercy.
All I did was attempt to refute you, as you have done with everyone here. Then you say you respect others but that no one respects you.
Then you said that you could make a case for or against Tithing. I asked you to make a case against Tithing, yet you have not done so.
You said you were not here to debate the issue of Tithing, yet that is all you’ve done.
You said you respect others but that no one has respected you. But you have done the opposite. You’ve dismissed what everyone has posted simply because you do not agree with them.
I again ask you what you ask of others: To think and pray about your beliefs before you start discussing the issues. And to at least consider what others post, even if you do not agree with them.
I have given a great deal of thought and prayer to the issue of Tithing. I used to believe what the Pastors taught. I used to do what they told me to do, believing that they were right. But when I asked God for a deeper relationship with Him, God taught me that the Tithe is wrong.
If you would like to discuss the issue of Tithing with me, I will gladly do so. If you say something I disagree with, I will tell you so and why. But I will not be like you, and disregard everything you say simply because I disagree.
It is not violent or disrespectful to point out religious error, and I do not feel that any of the men here have been violent with their answers. I think that if I were so vehemently in favor of something like tithing, and then found out I was wrong, I would be grateful for being set straight. We are to give as we have prospered.
Before I became a Christian, I was confused as to the Old and New Testament. I thought I was supposed to abstain from eating pork (hard here in the South). Yet, I couldn’t understand the rest of what I thought I was supposed to do. So, I found a wonderful preacher who did Bible lessons with us for a long time. He was so thorough with the Bible from beginning to end, and I will always be grateful for God sending him to us. It was because of him that I finally obeyed the Gospel.
No one here is trying to hurt your feelings, yet it may hurt to find out the truth. I appreciate the love and respect you feel for God. Just remember, He wants good, righteous men to teach us the truth.
@Olivia said, “I’m sorry you’ve had such a poor experience with your pastor demanding money, to sour you on the whole thing.”
Where did I ever say that? You made an assumption, as you do with the scriptures, that is not correct.
Facts: I was a member of a church where the pastor asked me if I would teach a Sunday School class on finances since I have a strong background in accounting and taxation. I agreed. At that time, I had not deeply research the topic of tithing. While preparing to teach that class, I started doing an in-dept study of the tithe. It was then that I discovered everything I had been taught about tithing was incorrect. I went back to my pastor who disagreed with me, but he said he would do his own research. Weeks later, that pastor stopped teaching tithing as he determined, as I did, that is was not appropriate in the Christian Church. That study lead me to my own financial ministry. I have spend literally THOUSANDS of hours studying the topic of tithing.
You make the assumption that Abram gave the tenth freely. The scriptures do not say that Abram gave freely, they only say he gave. The scriptures do not tell us WHY Abram gave.
While you make the assumption that he gave freely, I use historical data to try and find the answer as to why he gave. You ignore that there would have been laws and customs during that time because they are not stated in the scriptures, and I understand that. But then you go and decide, on your own, WHY Abram gave.
I’d rather take what Biblical historians say than make assumptions.
Because Abram gave a tenth of the spoils to Melchizedek, you again make the assumption that the spoils belonged to Abram; otherwise, he gave stolen property. But Abram wouldn’t keep any of the spoils for himself so that the King of Sodom couldn’t say that he made Abram rich. But if the spoils actually belonged to the Abram, how could the King have said such a thing? Biblical historians give us an answer that makes sense. Abram was following the laws and customs of the times. Your answer just satisfies your mind that Abram wouldn’t have given away something that didn’t belong to him. No where in the scriptures does it say the spoils belonged to Abram.
If you want to stick to the scriptures, do so. You accuse me of using Biblical historians to explain Abram’s actions while you use assumptions that go along with your own beliefs.
I never said that priests could keep all of the tithe they received. But we, as priests today, don’t receive any tithe to use to make an offering with.
I have made it clear that the New Testament teaches generous, sacrificial giving, from the heart, according to our means. Being Spirit led, I find myself giving far, far more than a mere tenth of my income. But it is done according to my heart, and according to my means. And no where in the scriptures does it say when we give to the church we are giving to God. But Jesus did say when we help the poor or needy we are helping him.
If someone wishes to give a tenth of their income to the church I am all for it. But I am against any pastor teaching tithing as being a requirement of God today, or even using ten percent as a so-called guideline. Neither is correct.
Giving a tenth of one’s income to the church is NOT, in any way, following Abram’s example. Abram had income, but there is no scripture to show he ever gave a tenth of any of it. Using Abram’s example is nothing but taking Abram’s one-time action totally out of context in order to take someone’s money from them.
I assumed we could have a civil discussion on this forum. I was wrong. I assumed you had a difficult interaction with your own pastor because you said the church teaches what’s wrong. I was trying to understand why you’re so violently hostile, but that was a mistake. You are a contentious man and this discussion is over.
Olivia, I don’t feel that Gary was being contentious in his last comment (#76). He was merely clarifying some of the misunderstandings between you two. I would encourage you to go back and reread what he’s said after putting aside your feelings about this conversation. I think you’ll find that you don’t disagree with him as much as you may think.
@Olivia said, “You are a contentious man and this discussion is over.”
I thought we were having a civil discussion. I guess if I don’t agree with you, I am a contentious man.
I merely teach the truth and point out false teachings. In my ministry, I have had meetings with many pastors, in person, and have found that most never studied the topic of tithing, but rather are merely teaching what they were taught. Most of those who listen to me, and then do their own study, stopped teaching tithing. One pastor who teaching that you are robbing God if you don’t tithe actually admitted to me that he knows that tithing is not supported by the scriptures, but that if he doesn’t make his congregation believe that tithing is required, they won’t bring in enough money to keep the church doors open. That is very sad.
I believe that God has called me to preach this topic because of my strong background in accounting and taxation. The Holy Spirit has guided me throughout my studies. I don’t claim to be an expert on any other topic in the Bible – but I am an expert in the field of finances as taught by the Bible.
There are pastors and Bible Study Classes around the world using my material to teach from. My ministry is 100% FREE. I charge nothing when I teach. My book is FREE to everyone that wants to download it. I accept NO free-will gifts. Whatever anyone wants to donate to my ministry I recommend they give to someone in need as I won’t accept it. God has already blessed me beyond my dreams. Some (but not all) who preach and are dependent on being supported by those they teach, may compromise their teaching if they feel they aren’t getting enough money to support their family. They spend time looking for ways to justify teaching tithing.
My, my, my! This tithing study has been a hot topic for the past months. I was one of the first to respond to this topic. And I have been just reading all the responses: those who are for or against it. I used to be for tithing until It was revealed to me by the Spirit that tithing was part of the old covenant and Jesus nor any of the early apostles ANYWHERE in the new testament commanded that tithing to a church be the standard and practice. Oh sure there is A LOT ABOUT GIVING AND FINANCING kingdom work, apostolic ministries, elders in the church, the poor and the week, etc. But tithing is mysteriously missing. And the few times where tithing was mentions in the New Testament, it was in reference to the Old Covenant and Not the NEW. You cannot take old cloth (tithing according to the law which requires no heart because it’s the LAW) and put it to the new (gifting cheerfully from the heart as God has prospered you).
I will post again in short point was I mentioned before.
1. Abraham never tithed on his own personal property or livestock.
2. Jacob wouldn’t tithe until God blessed him first.
3. Only Levite priests could collect tithes, and there are no Levite priests today.
4. Only food products from the land were tithable.
5. Money was never a tithable commodity.
6. Christian converts were never asked to tithe anything to the Church.
7. Tithing in the Church first appears centuries after completion of the Bible.
The Church would prefer you not know the following:
· The tradesmen who made the baskets for harvesting, did not tithe.
· The cobblers, who made the shoes for the servants of the field, did not tithe.
· The carpenters, who made the wagons used for harvesting the fields, did not tithe.
· The potters, who made the jugs for carrying water to the servants in the fields, did not tithe.
· The women, who made the garments for the field-workers, did not tithe.
· And certainly, the servants who worked in the fields for wages, did not tithe.
Here are the simple facts regarding the Biblical teaching of tithing:
Does anyone have a Scripture that contradicts what I have just said?
By the way, Jesus Christ was a carpenter by trade, and as such, JESUS DID NOT TITHE!
The tithe in the Old Testament was not 10% of their total income, but 10% of this and 10% of that, right on up to as much as 40 to 60% of their total income. I don’t know anybody who truly tithes according to the Law of Moses.
Here then is the bottom line: Neither, Jesus nor His apostles tithed themselves or taught tithing to others. And within a generation God pronounced to the entire world by the total destruction of both the nation of Judah, and their city of Jerusalem with its temple, that the church established in the wilderness, was now superseded by the Church of Christ. The nation of Israel was gone, the temple was gone, the priests were gone, the Levites were gone, and concerning the very Law of Moses containing the law of tithing, we read this:
“In that he says, A NEW covenant, He has made the first OLD. Now that which DECAYS and waxes OLD is ready to VANISH AWAY” (Heb. 8:13).
But the Church today doesn’t want the New Covenant to replace the Old. They want to put the New Wine (of the New Covenant), in the Old Bottles (of the Old Covenant). And they want to put the New Cloth (of the New Covenant), on the Old Cloth (of the Old Covenant). And what did Jesus tell us would be the result of such an unharmonious and unequal yoking?
“And no man puts new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled and the bottles shall perish [be ruined].”
However, in two thousand years, the church is still trying to put the Old and the New together as One, and the results are always disastrous.
Just why is it that they like the Old covenant better than the New? Here’s the answer from the lips of our Master Himself:
“No man also having drunk old wine [lived by the Old Covenant] straightway [‘immediately’] desires new [the spiritual New Covenant]: for he says, The old is better” (Luke 5:39).
Amen brother! Great post.
It’s like when I was a kid, the Methodist Church teaching me that Sunday was the Sabbath and that it’s okay to “baptize” infants. Neither is scriptural, yet those and others are still taught, regardless of what our only guide (the Bible) says.
Almost all the television preachers teach tithing; to themselves, of course. Some teach that the more you give to them, the more you will prosper. Yet, they prosper, while the person who sent in their “tithes” to them wonders why they have not prospered. That’s kind of greedy, to me. I don’t expect anything back when I give; God has already blessed me with all I need, anyway. I only pray when I give my offering that it be used to spread the Gospel.
Thank you so much for that wonderful study have got your site today but i will be studying it may God give you more thoughts and teach the world. we are praying for you and always
Well said, Ricardo!
Those of us who stopped Tithing have done so not out of greed, selfishness, or lack of faith. We don’t twist Scripture, take it out of context, add to it, or distort it’s meaning. We wanted a closer relationship with God, and stopped Tithing as a result of spiritual growth.
To grow, we knew we needed to change. We faced the disturbing thought that our beliefs were wrong in some ways and needed Godly correction. We had the courage to re-examine Scripture and asked God to teach us anew. When we were shown that we were wrong, we bravely admitted it, carried through with our new beliefs, and now share these beliefs with others.
As Andrew Nedelchev said back in post #4:
“Have you considered the possibility that maybe the Bible does not say that God wants us to show our love by giving back 10%? That maybe not everybody here is trying to find excuses or are “lovers of money”? That maybe we have honest and straightforward disagreement about the proper interpretation and implications of some parts of the Bible.”?
Finances are extremely tight for me. I have given 10% through the past months where I was unemployed and God provided money in the most absolutely unexpected ways!
However, after reading this, I am intrigued and to get back on my feet am going to cut the amount I give approximately in half. We will see what happens. I have noticed, and to the point of almost claiming it as fact that as I give, God has ALWAYS found ways to give even more back.. Its amazing. So, we will see if its 10% or what you can give, however, God loves a sacrificial giver, so I`ll be giving just a little more than I can bear to see go.
Dear Brad,
You mentioned that God provided (even the 10%) when things were so tight. Why stop now? God is not going to change course, so why should you?
I encourage you to keep going and trust Him to see you through.
This is powerful stuff and the fact that it is not one sided makes it even more interesting to us new converts. The truth is, it has always worried me, especially here in Africa where we see some pastors prospering while the flock lives in poverty. Twisting of scriptures for personal gain have reached unprecedented heights and therefore this debate is most welcome.
GOD bless
I’m glad that you have addressed this issue….This is an issue that at times has put me in a angry mood more than once….Some of the biggest cons in Christendom today teach the tithe….Copeland for example teaches the tithe with all the fervor he can muster and yet he can walk out of his home and board one of his own personal jets and sport around any where in the world and the church turns away form this type of behavior as if it didn’t happen..And he is not the only one that does this….Churches that follow this doctrine I believe are not so much interested in saving souls and solely their savings…..
It is obvious most of Christendom have no idea that Jesus words on the cross “It is Finished” means he alone was the fulfillment of the law and the prophets and that the words of Jesus on the cross, as in Paid in full does not mean Pay in full. Sad most so-called Pastors neglect grace and don’t want you to know if you are in Christ you have the Lord’s favor free of charge.
I have often questioned whether titheing is applicable for the New Testament Church. For those who are willing to look beyond what “tradition” has taught, please read, “What Preachers Never Tell You about Tithes and Offerings by Eric Hill.
Yes, I love God, follow Jesus and give all that I have, myself, time etc. I am a tither because it has been drilled that you must do it or you will not be blessed, there was a part of our Church litany that said you will be cursed with a curse if you do not tithe. First of all Jesus came and we are no longer under a curse. There are those in the Church who look at who is tithing and how you are treated is based on how much you tithe and whether or not you tithe. Yet, for those who tithe, the Church does not want to assist you if you have a difficult time,. Second, I tithe, pray and fast and do so in spite of the fact that my family has been struggling for years, holding on for dear life. For example by the time I tithed from my last paycheck, paid my utility bill, gas for my car and food, there was literally nothing left. I will need to borrow to have gas after this week to make it to my next pay day. Yes, I am thankful to be able to pay those things, but to have to borrow for gas after this week, is very hard. God’s love for me is not contingent on how much I give.
I am so happy I came across this site. It has been a blessing to me. I have been upset about the constant begging and gimmicks (paintings, books, prayer cloths, et.) used every Sunday in my church to obtain tithes and offerings. I am a tither and in addition, give to other ministries and help feed the poor by supporting financially the feeding and clothing programs in my church as well as other organizations as well. I do not, however, believe in the methods used at my church each Sunday. I have learned a lot by reading the different comments presented on this site. Thank you for so much and I intend to do more studying on my own. However, I have a question. I was particularly disturbed this past Sunday when the pastor announced that he had a banquet for the top 100 givers in the church. He said this represented about 38% of the people who gave at least $100 or more a week, which amounted to a little over 3 million given last year. I, of course, immediately thought about the widow who gave the two mites (all she had), and how Jesus recognized her above the rich who gave more because she gave all that she had. What is your take on a pastor honoring the “BIG” givers only?
I would stay far away from that ministry as possible. How can you proclaim to be a man of God and be respective of persons. No true heart of God exists in that.
Prayer should always be used when studying the Bible so that the spirit of the Word is revealed rather than just expounding on it as if it’s a history lesson or as theology. One cannot possibly ever understand how Jesus viewed giving if one does live according to the Spirit by instead according to the current social, economic, theological, world view. It has always been about motive not the amount nor a ritual. The law is the school master to teach. Set a standard. If I let the Spirit give revelation rather than using the natural man to explain or interpret spiritual issues, there is no private interpretation of the living Word that does not change, not one jot or tittle.
Tithing was under and is under the law with a curse for Christians seeking salvation under the law, Galatians 3:3-13, Malachi 3:1-18. Saved Christians by grace lead by the Holy Spirit are ministers of the new testament with exceeding glory who have been redeemed from the curse of the law to adoptions of sons and are not under the law, Galatians 5:1, Galatians4:4-5,2 Corinthians 3:1-18 . Salvation under the law one attains it at last breath on earth having done all that pertains to the law which is hard for one to accomplish. Even the tithe which was given by Abraham was under the law of sin and death from the fall of Adam and Eve. Those who cheat would like to deceive Christians that tithe was before the law but before which law. When Christ was born He was given gifts and not tithes Mathew 2:11-12. Salvation under spiritual law of love by grace is freely given and attained, Ephesians 2:4 -9, Ephesians 2:13 -20. Under Leviticus priesthood tithes were given for the tribe of Levi and tithe of tithe to the high Priest for they shared no land apart from the walled towns they were allocated to stay in for their continuous sacrifice to God, Numbers 18:20 -29.Widows, strangers ,fatherless and orphans benefited from tithes and offerings given to Levites, Deuteronomy 14:22-29. In Christianity widows were asked to be catered by close brethren to ease burden to the Church. There were also tithes of different kinds in Israel. There was also a tithe where a family had to eat all before the Lord, Deutreronomy12:6-7. In Christ Jesus we are saved by grace and not by works of law ,Galatians 3:8-13,Acts13: 38-39, Galatians 4: 4-5, Galatians2:16-21, Galatians 5:18. In NEW TESTAMENT two priesthood are compared Hebrew7: 7-28, Hebrew8:6 -13, Hebrew 9:6-9, Hebrew 10:8-23. Leviticus priesthood under the law with tithes, death, discontinuity and its acceptance under glory of law done away in Christ and the holy priesthood of Christ without tithes, death and discontinuity with exceeding glory under which Christians are in salvation being a Holy nation and loyal Priests to preach to the world GOD being their Father in new covenant ministry, 2 Corinthians2:1-13, 2Peter 2:5-9. Christ is from the tribe of Juda without priesthood and he never sent the Levites Priests to preach to the world. Christ is the end of the law of sin and death which was against us having crucified it on the cross of Calvary Roman 10:1-4, Roman8:1-2,Roman 6:13-14 . Christ came to accomplish all the requirements of the law and became the Lord of the law. Beside the death of the two sinners, in CHRIST JESUS accomplished two deaths . Christ crucified on the Cross the law of sin and death which was against us. Christ then removed the first covenant and established the better Second Covenant mediated BY Him upon established better promises for us. All Apostles of Christ never asked for tithes. Even Judas never asked for tithes. Christ Himself never asked for tithes. In new testament comments are made on tithing under law which some want to use to justify tithing. Our Christian faith is founded on foundation of apostles, prophets ,JESUS CHRIST Himself being the Apostle and Corner Stone of our faith,Hebrew3:1. Leviticus priesthood is totally left out. In the same Spirit Paul referred law as was our and not law is our school master. To justify oneself us paying tithes under the law one has to give tithes to all saved Christians in the Church for we are loyal priests in Christ Jesus presenting our bodies as living sacrifice. But God does not have pleasure for Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings for sin neither had pleasure therein, which are offered under the law. Hebrew10:8. Pastors and priests have done away with offering ,sacrifices and burnt offerings for sins under the law and have been left comfortably with offering offered under law deceptively. A fountain cannot produce sweet and bitter water the same time. James 3:8-18. We Christian are saved by GRACE IN CHRIST LOVE(Spiritual Law) for we cannot be subjected to law of sin and death crucified and done away by Christ on cross of Calvary. We are subjected to spiritual law of life in Christ Jesus and ought to have the spiritual understanding of the Word of God. Roman 8:1-2, Colossians 1:9-10. As God has blessed us in common inheritance of the saints and we should give sacrificially as we have purposed in our hearts in liberty and in love, Galatians 5:1, 2Corinthians 9;6-7, Galatians 6:6-7, Hebrew6:6-12,Hebrew13:11-16. Christ taught spiritual giving to God and to our parents, Luke 6:8 ,Matthew15:5-9. Paul also taught the same .2Corinthians 9:6-14, Philippians 2:4-5. Aaron was given unto Moses, the Levite tribe was given unto Aaron, the eleven tribes of Israel were given unto Levite tribe to serve them but we Christians are purchased through the blood of Christ we are no mans’ servants but servants of Christ 1Corinthians 7:21-2 , Numbers 3:9-15. Those under the law are under curse. Are they telling Christians curses under law are blessings for them or they have powers to remove curses when Christians tithe to them? They have directed Christians to deceptive ways of curses for their own benefits and not blessings. The bounty of terror of deceptive greediness is professionally tactically presented as blessing based on salvation under their yard stick of tithes. The body of CHRIST is talking about the mess they have been subjected to by Levites priests and pastors. In willful deception by calling themselves the Levites of today who persecuted Christians and plunder Christians pockets today they are able to demand to be given tithes. Levites priests and elders never gave a helping hand to Christians. Christ did not leave His Church under Leviticus Priesthood. When we take the Word of God out of its content and contest ,we have contempt for the Word of God. He (GOD)who brought tithing under the old Covenant took it away in His(CHRIST) rights in the new Covenant.
We can preach the Word of God quoting scriptures like the devil when he tested Jesus or quote the scriptures like CHRIST when He answered satan in time of need. Matthew 4:1-11 We can teach doctrine of men instead of doctrines of God. We can have a zeal of faith and establish our own righteousness not according righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Pastors and priests calling themselves Levites of today have capitalized on low level Christian doctrinal knowledge teachings among Christians. .Tithing contradict the doctrine of salvation. Mathew15:5-9. We can preach the Word of God making the Church a house of merchandise to make merchandise of Christians and those who do so whose God is their belly which made Adam and Eve to fail in their relationship with God .If the trade was not profitable to them then it would have come to an end but it is a lucrative profitable business to them cunningly preserved with tactical appreciations to the body of Christ and spreading of the Gospel. Are elect Christians deceived? Romans 16:17 -19 ,2 Peter 2:1-3, John 2:16, Philppians3:17-19. We can preach Christ out of envy, strife or of good will. Philippians 1:15-17,2Corinthians4:1-2. It is the body of Christ the Church which is sent to preach to the world also as individuals brethren bearing the burden to preach to the world as Apostles of Christ did. The responsibility has not been on shoulders of priests and pastors only. Brethren are the loyal priests.
Tithing is a hard topic to teach without spiritual understanding since we have many high profile elite preachers teaching on the same with books written of great hoped promises and condemnation on the same for those who do not tithe, Ephesians 5:6-7, Thessalonians 2:3-4. Some Christians in deceptive manner do teaching on tithes which is warmly appreciated from the pulpit. They become the magnetizing force with alluring great hoped blessed promises of wealth .Pharisees and the Scribes were most well educated and Jesus said woe unto them seven times for being stumbling blocks in faith. Mathew 23:9-39. We only need to rightly divide the Word of God and know whether we are Christians seeking salvation under the law or we are Christians saved by grace in Christ through the Spiritual law of love, Corinthians 1:12-16,2 Timothy 2:15 . We redeemed sons of God who are made Kings and priests unto God have a common inheritance in Christ Jesus, Galatians 4:4-5, Colssians1:9-14 ,1Corinthians 2:12-16. Revelation 1;4-6 . We are called spiritual sons of God after salvation not before in fallen state and who are enabled to do the righteousness that was in the law but we are not under the law. The same priests and pastors wreck the spiritual scriptures when they teach fallen Angles are called sons of God who married daughters of men giving offspring of giants , Genesis 6:1-8. God says he has never called any angles his son, Hebrew 1:4-5.When were fallen angles redeemed and sanctified to be called sons? The ownership of increased daughters is unto men before being referred to as sons of God and the lust to polygamous marriage was with men. Are beautiful daughters born today for men? Shall we have another episode of fallen angles marrying daughters of men before the close of age? Many have taught the Word of God outside Biblical doctrines so many are deceived in their teaching and preaching which condemn God as unjust since no judgment is passed to angles they refer to as sons of God. When men dropped further from grace when they practiced polygamous marriage and their life span was reduced to one hundred and twenty years , no judgment is passed to purposed angles they teach us sons of God. The sons of God were men who had done reconciliation to God the same way Abel had done and was accepted by God. The judgment is specifically to mankind and giants born in sin of polygamous marriage do not qualify the sons of God to be angles. Angles are ministering spirits with no reproductive empowerment, Matthew 22:29-32, Hebrew 1:14-14. Our relationship to God our Father is in love in our loyal priesthood to the world. Roman 8:14-17. Only those who are covetous mix teaching under carnal law and spiritual teaching enlightenment under spiritual law .. The devil uses the nobles, evil and false witness to do his will according to circumstances, Acts 13;50-51 Acts 6: 9-14. Christians must remain wise and not be cheated by devils workers transforming themselves as angles of light which corrupt the Word of God, 2Corinthians2:17, 2Corinthians11: 13-15. Levites Pastor, Priests and some Christians misquote Jesus Christ on judgment. Judge not that you may be not judged . Matthew7:1-5. They say God prohibit judgment which is not true since it is based on taking the scripture out of content and contest on understanding Jesus statement. Shall you close your eyes to evils committed that they may not judge you. Do you buy yourself freedom from being judged for not condemning evil or commenting on anything positive or negative. The preaching of the Word of God is based on judgment on sins and righteousness . God requires from us righteous judgment in wisdom and in love which condemn sins which leads man to repentant of sins and redemption. The Word of God in its content and contest states judgment on sins and righteousness. All living beings and organic life are in constant judgment for existent. If we can stop all processes of judgments life will come to a standstill and ultimate death with final judgment of decay. Life and all creation were established in good judgment by God and close of age shall end in judgment to eternal life or eternal death which is eternal life of suffering and separation from God. Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-25. Even our bodies judge us out of energy and we hunger for food and thirst for water. All witty discoveries are results of acknowledgment of positive judgments on active well coordinated principals. Christians are encouraged to solve cases in judgment among themselves. 1Corinthians 6:1-7,The Bible encourage us that our love may abound yet more in knowledge and in all Judgment and we judge ourselves dead in Christ, 2 Corinthians5:14 ,Philippians 1:9-12,.Life is in active constant judgments and the creation mourns for final judgment which it shall be subjected by God. We relate in evaluation to all things in judgment. Irrespective of any judgment delivered on us we should delivers the Heavenly Kingdom judgment to sins . We saved Christians are counted and judged worthy to suffer tribulations together with Christ when we live Christian life in love ,Revelation Chapter1,2and3. We thus judge ourselves dead in Christ.
There are may be those who preach tithing to saved Christians for lack of spiritual understanding. We should girdle up the loins of our minds. 1Peter :13-15.Roman 10:1-4. We shall not be cornered and be cheated. God bless us in abundant grace of spiritual revelation and understanding of His Holy Word, Colssians1:9-14, Ephesians 5:6 -7,1Thessalonians 2:3-6, 2Timothy2:15, 2Timothy 2:24-26 . Amen
I am happy and blessed to interact with you on spiritual teachings. Hope we shall search more scriptures for our spiritual growth . Yearning to receive your input on the topic .God bless you.
The message is freely given
purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.
Tithing was under and is under the law with a curse for Christians seeking salvation under the law, Galatians 3:3-13, Malachi 3:1-18. Saved Christians by grace lead by the Holy Spirit are ministers of the new testament with exceeding glory who have been redeemed from the curse of the law to adoptions of sons and are not under the law, Galatians 5:1, Galatians4:4-5,2 Corinthians 3:1-18 . Salvation under the law one attains it at last breath on earth having done all that pertains to the law which is hard for one to accomplish. Even the tithe which was given by Abraham was under the law of sin and death from the fall of Adam and Eve. Those who cheat would like to deceive Christians that tithe was before the law but before which law. When Christ was born He was given gifts and not tithes Mathew 2:11-12. Salvation under spiritual law of love by grace is freely given and attained, Ephesians 2:4 -9, Ephesians 2:13 -20. Under Leviticus priesthood tithes were given for the tribe of Levi and tithe of tithe to the high Priest for they shared no land apart from the walled towns they were allocated to stay in for their continuous sacrifice to God, Numbers 18:20 -29.Widows, strangers ,fatherless and orphans benefited from tithes and offerings given to Levites, Deuteronomy 14:22-29. In Christianity widows were asked to be catered by close brethren to ease burden to the Church. There were also tithes of different kinds in Israel. There was also a tithe where a family had to eat all before the Lord, Deutreronomy12:6-7. In Christ Jesus we are saved by grace and not by works of law ,Galatians 3:8-13,Acts13: 38-39, Galatians 4: 4-5, Galatians2:16-21, Galatians 5:18. In NEW TESTAMENT two priesthood are compared Hebrew7: 7-28, Hebrew8:6 -13, Hebrew 9:6-9, Hebrew 10:8-23. Leviticus priesthood under the law with tithes, death, discontinuity and its acceptance under glory of law done away in Christ and the holy priesthood of Christ without tithes, death and discontinuity with exceeding glory under which Christians are in salvation being a Holy nation and loyal Priests to preach to the world GOD being their Father in new covenant ministry, 2 Corinthians2:1-13, 2Peter 2:5-9. Christ is from the tribe of Juda without priesthood and he never sent the Levites Priests to preach to the world. Christ is the end of the law of sin and death which was against us having crucified it on the cross of Calvary Roman 10:1-4, Roman8:1-2,Roman 6:13-14 . Christ came to accomplish all the requirements of the law and became the Lord of the law. Beside the death of the two sinners, in CHRIST JESUS accomplished two deaths . Christ crucified on the Cross the law of sin and death which was against us. Christ then removed the first covenant and established the better Second Covenant mediated BY Him upon established better promises for us. All Apostles of Christ never asked for tithes. Even Judas never asked for tithes. Christ Himself never asked for tithes. In new testament comments are made on tithing under law which some want to use to justify tithing. Our Christian faith is founded on foundation of apostles, prophets ,JESUS CHRIST Himself being the Apostle and Corner Stone of our faith,Hebrew3:1. Leviticus priesthood is totally left out. In the same Spirit Paul referred law as was our and not law is our school master. To justify oneself us paying tithes under the law one has to give tithes to all saved Christians in the Church for we are loyal priests in Christ Jesus presenting our bodies as living sacrifice. But God does not have pleasure for Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings for sin neither had pleasure therein, which are offered under the law. Hebrew10:8. Pastors and priests have done away with offering ,sacrifices and burnt offerings for sins under the law and have been left comfortably with offering offered under law deceptively. A fountain cannot produce sweet and bitter water the same time. James 3:8-18. We Christian are saved by GRACE IN CHRIST LOVE(Spiritual Law) for we cannot be subjected to law of sin and death crucified and done away by Christ on cross of Calvary. We are subjected to spiritual law of life in Christ Jesus and ought to have the spiritual understanding of the Word of God. Roman 8:1-2, Colossians 1:9-10. As God has blessed us in common inheritance of the saints and we should give sacrificially as we have purposed in our hearts in liberty and in love, Galatians 5:1, 2Corinthians 9;6-7, Galatians 6:6-7, Hebrew6:6-12,Hebrew13:11-16. Christ taught spiritual giving to God and to our parents, Luke 6:8 ,Matthew15:5-9. Paul also taught the same .2Corinthians 9:6-14, Philippians 2:4-5. Aaron was given unto Moses, the Levite tribe was given unto Aaron, the eleven tribes of Israel were given unto Levite tribe to serve them but we Christians are purchased through the blood of Christ we are no mans’ servants but servants of Christ 1Corinthians 7:21-2 , Numbers 3:9-15. Those under the law are under curse. Are they telling Christians curses under law are blessings for them or they have powers to remove curses when Christians tithe to them? They have directed Christians to deceptive ways of curses for their own benefits and not blessings. The bounty of terror of deceptive greediness is professionally tactically presented as blessing based on salvation under their yard stick of tithes. The body of CHRIST is talking about the mess they have been subjected to by Levites priests and pastors. In willful deception by calling themselves the Levites of today who persecuted Christians and plunder Christians pockets today they are able to demand to be given tithes. Levites priests and elders never gave a helping hand to Christians. Christ did not leave His Church under Leviticus Priesthood. When we take the Word of God out of its content and contest ,we have contempt for the Word of God. He (GOD)who brought tithing under the old Covenant took it away in His(CHRIST) rights in the new Covenant.
We can preach the Word of God quoting scriptures like the devil when he tested Jesus or quote the scriptures like CHRIST when He answered satan in time of need. Matthew 4:1-11 We can teach doctrine of men instead of doctrines of God. We can have a zeal of faith and establish our own righteousness not according righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Pastors and priests calling themselves Levites of today have capitalized on low level Christian doctrinal knowledge teachings among Christians. .Tithing contradict the doctrine of salvation. Mathew15:5-9. We can preach the Word of God making the Church a house of merchandise to make merchandise of Christians and those who do so whose God is their belly which made Adam and Eve to fail in their relationship with God .If the trade was not profitable to them then it would have come to an end but it is a lucrative profitable business to them cunningly preserved with tactical appreciations to the body of Christ and spreading of the Gospel. Are elect Christians deceived? Romans 16:17 -19 ,2 Peter 2:1-3, John 2:16, Philppians3:17-19. We can preach Christ out of envy, strife or of good will. Philippians 1:15-17,2Corinthians4:1-2. It is the body of Christ the Church which is sent to preach to the world also as individuals brethren bearing the burden to preach to the world as Apostles of Christ did. The responsibility has not been on shoulders of priests and pastors only. Brethren are the loyal priests.
Tithing is a hard topic to teach without spiritual understanding since we have many high profile elite preachers teaching on the same with books written of great hoped promises and condemnation on the same for those who do not tithe, Ephesians 5:6-7, Thessalonians 2:3-4. Some Christians in deceptive manner do teaching on tithes which is warmly appreciated from the pulpit. They become the magnetizing force with alluring great hoped blessed promises of wealth .Pharisees and the Scribes were most well educated and Jesus said woe unto them seven times for being stumbling blocks in faith. Mathew 23:9-39. We only need to rightly divide the Word of God and know whether we are Christians seeking salvation under the law or we are Christians saved by grace in Christ through the Spiritual law of love, Corinthians 1:12-16,2 Timothy 2:15 . We redeemed sons of God who are made Kings and priests unto God have a common inheritance in Christ Jesus, Galatians 4:4-5, Colssians1:9-14 ,1Corinthians 2:12-16. Revelation 1;4-6 . We are called spiritual sons of God after salvation not before in fallen state and who are enabled to do the righteousness that was in the law but we are not under the law. The same priests and pastors wreck the spiritual scriptures when they teach fallen Angles are called sons of God who married daughters of men giving offspring of giants , Genesis 6:1-8. God says he has never called any angles his son, Hebrew 1:4-5.When were fallen angles redeemed and sanctified to be called sons? The ownership of increased daughters is unto men before being referred to as sons of God and the lust to polygamous marriage was with men. Are beautiful daughters born today for men? Shall we have another episode of fallen angles marrying daughters of men before the close of age? Many have taught the Word of God outside Biblical doctrines so many are deceived in their teaching and preaching which condemn God as unjust since no judgment is passed to angles they refer to as sons of God. When men dropped further from grace when they practiced polygamous marriage and their life span was reduced to one hundred and twenty years , no judgment is passed to purposed angles they teach us sons of God. The sons of God were men who had done reconciliation to God the same way Abel had done and was accepted by God. The judgment is specifically to mankind and giants born in sin of polygamous marriage do not qualify the sons of God to be angles. Angles are ministering spirits with no reproductive empowerment, Matthew 22:29-32, Hebrew 1:14-14. Our relationship to God our Father is in love in our loyal priesthood to the world. Roman 8:14-17. Only those who are covetous mix teaching under carnal law and spiritual teaching enlightenment under spiritual law .. The devil uses the nobles, evil and false witness to do his will according to circumstances, Acts 13;50-51 Acts 6: 9-14. Christians must remain wise and not be cheated by devils workers transforming themselves as angles of light which corrupt the Word of God, 2Corinthians2:17, 2Corinthians11: 13-15. Levites Pastor, Priests and some Christians misquote Jesus Christ on judgment. Judge not that you may be not judged . Matthew7:1-5. They say God prohibit judgment which is not true since it is based on taking the scripture out of content and contest on understanding Jesus statement. Shall you close your eyes to evils committed that they may not judge you. Do you buy yourself freedom from being judged for not condemning evil or commenting on anything positive or negative. The preaching of the Word of God is based on judgment on sins and righteousness . God requires from us righteous judgment in wisdom and in love which condemn sins which leads man to repentant of sins and redemption. The Word of God in its content and contest states judgment on sins and righteousness. All living beings and organic life are in constant judgment for existent. If we can stop all processes of judgments life will come to a standstill and ultimate death with final judgment of decay. Life and all creation were established in good judgment by God and close of age shall end in judgment to eternal life or eternal death which is eternal life of suffering and separation from God. Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-25. Even our bodies judge us out of energy and we hunger for food and thirst for water. All witty discoveries are results of acknowledgment of positive judgments on active well coordinated principals. Christians are encouraged to solve cases in judgment among themselves. 1Corinthians 6:1-7,The Bible encourage us that our love may abound yet more in knowledge and in all Judgment and we judge ourselves dead in Christ, 2 Corinthians5:14 ,Philippians 1:9-12,.Life is in active constant judgments and the creation mourns for final judgment which it shall be subjected by God. We relate in evaluation to all things in judgment. Irrespective of any judgment delivered on us we should delivers the Heavenly Kingdom judgment to sins . We saved Christians are counted and judged worthy to suffer tribulations together with Christ when we live Christian life in love ,Revelation Chapter1,2and3. We thus judge ourselves dead in Christ.
There are may be those who preach tithing to saved Christians for lack of spiritual understanding. We should girdle up the loins of our minds. 1Peter :13-15.Roman 10:1-4. We shall not be cornered and be cheated. God bless us in abundant grace of spiritual revelation and understanding of His Holy Word, Colssians1:9-14, Ephesians 5:6 -7,1Thessalonians 2:3-6, 2Timothy2:15, 2Timothy 2:24-26 . Amen
I am happy and blessed to interact with you on spiritual teachings. Hope we shall search more scriptures for our spiritual growth . Yearning to receive your input on the topic .God bless you.
The message is freely given
purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.
Tithing was under and is under the law with a curse for Christians seeking salvation under the law, Galatians 3:3-13, Malachi 3:1-18. Saved Christians by grace lead by the Holy Spirit are ministers of the new testament born of love with exceeding glory which surpassed the glory that was in law in Moses and we have been redeemed from the curse of the law to adoptions of sons and are not under the law, Galatians 5:1, Galatians4:4-5,2 Corinthians 3:1-18 . Salvation under the law one attains it at last breath on earth having done all that pertains to the law which is hard for one to accomplish. Even the tithe which was given by Abraham was under the law of sin and death from the fall of Adam and Eve. Those who cheat would like to deceive Christians that tithe was before the law but before which law. When Christ was born He was given gifts and not tithes Mathew 2:11-12. Salvation under spiritual law of love by grace is freely given and attained, Ephesians 2:4 -9, Ephesians 2:13 -20. Under Leviticus priesthood tithes were given for the tribe of Levi and tithe of tithe to the high Priest for they shared no land apart from the walled towns they were allocated to stay in for their continuous sacrifice to God, Numbers 18:20 -29.Widows, strangers ,fatherless and orphans benefited from tithes and offerings given to Levites, Deuteronomy 14:22-29. In Christianity widows were asked to be catered by close brethren to ease burden to the Church. There were also tithes of different kinds in Israel. There was also a tithe where a family had to eat all before the Lord, Deutreronomy12:6-7. In Christ Jesus we are saved by grace and not by works of law ,Galatians 3:8-13,Acts13: 38-39, Galatians 4: 4-5, Galatians2:16-21, Galatians 5:18. In NEW TESTAMENT two priesthood are compared Hebrew7: 7-28, Hebrew8:6 -13, Hebrew 9:6-9, Hebrew 10:8-23. Leviticus priesthood under the law with tithes, death, discontinuity and its acceptance under glory of law done away in Christ and the holy priesthood of Christ without tithes, death and discontinuity with exceeding glory under which Christians are in salvation being a Holy nation and loyal Priests to preach to the world GOD being their Father in new covenant ministry, 2 Corinthians2:1-13, 2Peter 2:5-9. Christ is from the tribe of Juda without priesthood and he never sent the Levites Priests to preach to the world. Christ is the end of the law of sin and death which was against us having crucified it on the cross of Calvary Roman 10:1-4, Roman8:1-2,Roman 6:13-14 . Christ came to accomplish all the requirements of the law and became the Lord of the law. Beside the death of the two sinners, in CHRIST JESUS accomplished two deaths . Christ crucified on the Cross the law of sin and death which was against us. Christ then removed the first covenant and established the better Second Covenant mediated BY Him upon established better promises for us. All Apostles of Christ never asked for tithes. Even Judas never asked for tithes. Christ Himself never asked for tithes. In new testament comments are made on tithing under law which some want to use to justify tithing. Our Christian faith is founded on foundation of apostles, prophets ,JESUS CHRIST Himself being the Apostle and Corner Stone of our faith,Hebrew3:1. Leviticus priesthood is totally left out. In the same Spirit Paul referred law as was our and not law is our school master. To justify oneself us paying tithes under the law one has to give tithes to all saved Christians in the Church for we are loyal priests in Christ Jesus presenting our bodies as living sacrifice. But God does not have pleasure for Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings for sin neither had pleasure therein, which are offered under the law. Hebrew10:8. Pastors and priests have done away with offering ,sacrifices and burnt offerings for sins under the law and have been left comfortably with offering offered under law deceptively. A fountain cannot produce sweet and bitter water the same time. James 3:8-18. We Christian are saved by GRACE IN CHRIST LOVE(Spiritual Law) for we cannot be subjected to law of sin and death crucified and done away by Christ on cross of Calvary. We are subjected to spiritual law of life in Christ Jesus and ought to have the spiritual understanding of the Word of God in liberty without corrupting the Word of God. Roman 8:1-2, Colossians 1:9-10. As God has blessed us in common inheritance of the saints and we should give sacrificially as we have purposed in our hearts in liberty and in love, Galatians 5:1, 2Corinthians 9;6-7, Galatians 6:6-7, Hebrew6:6-12,Hebrew13:11-16. Christ taught spiritual giving to God and to our parents, Luke 6:8 ,Matthew15:5-9. Paul also taught the same .2Corinthians 9:6-14, Philippians 2:4-5. Aaron was given unto Moses, the Levite tribe was given unto Aaron, the eleven tribes of Israel were given unto Levite tribe to serve them but we Christians are purchased through the blood of Christ we are no mans’ servants but servants of Christ 1Corinthians 7:21-2 , Numbers 3:9-15. Those under the law are under curse. Are they telling Christians curses under law are blessings for them or they have powers to remove curses when Christians tithe to them? They have directed Christians to deceptive ways of curses for their own benefits and not blessings. The bounty of terror of deceptive greediness is professionally tactically presented as blessing based on salvation under their yard stick of tithes. The body of CHRIST is talking about the mess they have been subjected to by Levites priests and pastors. In willful deception by calling themselves the Levites of today who persecuted Christians and plunder Christians pockets today they are able to demand to be given tithes. Levites priests and elders never gave a helping hand to Christians. Christ did not leave His Church under Leviticus Priesthood. When we take the Word of God out of its content and contest ,we have contempt for the Word of God. He (GOD)who brought tithing under the old Covenant took it away in His(CHRIST) rights in the new Covenant.
We can preach the Word of God quoting scriptures like the devil when he tested Jesus or quote the scriptures like CHRIST when He answered satan in time of need. Matthew 4:1-11 We can teach doctrine of men instead of doctrines of God. We can have a zeal of faith and establish our own righteousness not according righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Pastors and priests calling themselves Levites of today have capitalized on low level Christian doctrinal knowledge teachings among Christians. .Tithing contradict the doctrine of salvation. Mathew15:5-9. We can preach the Word of God making the Church a house of merchandise to make merchandise of Christians and those who do so whose God is their belly which made Adam and Eve to fail in their relationship with God .If the trade was not profitable to them then it would have come to an end but it is a lucrative profitable business to them cunningly preserved with tactical appreciations to the body of Christ and spreading of the Gospel. Are elect Christians deceived? Romans 16:17 -19 ,2 Peter 2:1-3, John 2:16, Philppians3:17-19. We can preach Christ out of envy, strife or of good will. Philippians 1:15-17,2Corinthians4:1-2. It is the body of Christ the Church which is sent to preach to the world also as individuals brethren bearing the burden to preach to the world as Apostles of Christ did. The responsibility has not been on shoulders of priests and pastors only. Brethren are the loyal priests.
Tithing is a hard topic to teach without spiritual understanding since we have many high profile elite preachers teaching on the same with books written of great hoped promises and condemnation on the same for those who do not tithe, Ephesians 5:6-7, Thessalonians 2:3-4. Some Christians in deceptive manner do teaching on tithes which is warmly appreciated from the pulpit. They become the magnetizing force with alluring great hoped blessed promises of wealth .Pharisees and the Scribes were most well educated and Jesus said woe unto them seven times for being stumbling blocks in faith. Mathew 23:9-39. We only need to rightly divide the Word of God and know whether we are Christians seeking salvation under the law or we are Christians saved by grace in Christ through the Spiritual law of love, Corinthians 1:12-16,2 Timothy 2:15 . We redeemed sons of God who are made Kings and priests unto God have a common inheritance in Christ Jesus, Galatians 4:4-5, Colssians1:9-14 ,1Corinthians 2:12-16. Revelation 1;4-6 . We are called spiritual sons of God after salvation not before in fallen state and who are enabled to do the righteousness that was in the law but we are not under the law. The same priests and pastors wreck the spiritual scriptures when they teach fallen Angles are called sons of God who married daughters of men giving offspring of giants , Genesis 6:1-8. God says he has never called any angles his son, Hebrew 1:4-5.When were fallen angles redeemed and sanctified to be called sons? The ownership of increased daughters is unto men before being referred to as sons of God and the lust to polygamous marriage was with men. Are beautiful daughters born today for men? Shall we have another episode of fallen angles marrying daughters of men before the close of age? Many have taught the Word of God outside Biblical doctrines so many are deceived in their teaching and preaching which condemn God as unjust since no judgment is passed to angles they refer to as sons of God. When men dropped further from grace when they practiced polygamous marriage and their life span was reduced to one hundred and twenty years , no judgment is passed to purposed angles they teach us sons of God. The sons of God were men who had done reconciliation to God the same way Abel had done and was accepted by God. The judgment is specifically to mankind and giants born in sin of polygamous marriage do not qualify the sons of God to be angles. Angles are ministering spirits with no reproductive empowerment, Matthew 22:29-32, Hebrew 1:14-14. Our relationship to God our Father is in love in our loyal priesthood to the world. Roman 8:14-17. Only those who are covetous mix teaching under carnal law and spiritual teaching enlightenment under spiritual law .. The devil uses the nobles, evil and false witness to do his will according to circumstances, Acts 13;50-51 Acts 6: 9-14. Christians must remain wise and not be cheated by devils workers transforming themselves as angles of light which corrupt the Word of God, 2Corinthians2:17, 2Corinthians11: 13-15. Levites Pastor, Priests and some Christians misquote Jesus Christ on judgment. Judge not that you may be not judged . Matthew7:1-5. They say God prohibit judgment which is not true since it is based on taking the scripture out of content and contest on understanding Jesus statement. Shall you close your eyes to evils committed that they may not judge you. Do you buy yourself freedom from being judged for not condemning evil or commenting on anything positive or negative. The preaching of the Word of God is based on judgment on sins and righteousness . God requires from us righteous judgment in wisdom and in love which condemn sins which leads man to repentant of sins and redemption. The Word of God in its content and contest states judgment on sins and righteousness. All living beings and organic life are in constant judgment for existent. If we can stop all processes of judgments life will come to a standstill and ultimate death with final judgment of decay. Life and all creation were established in good judgment by God and close of age shall end in judgment to eternal life or eternal death which is eternal life of suffering and separation from God. Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-25. Even our bodies judge us out of energy and we hunger for food and thirst for water. All witty discoveries are results of acknowledgment of positive judgments on active well coordinated principals. Christians are encouraged to solve cases in judgment among themselves. 1Corinthians 6:1-7,The Bible encourage us that our love may abound yet more in knowledge and in all Judgment and we judge ourselves dead in Christ, 2 Corinthians5:14 ,Philippians 1:9-12,.Life is in active constant judgments and the creation mourns for final judgment which it shall be subjected by God. We relate in evaluation to all things in judgment. Irrespective of any judgment delivered on us we should delivers the Heavenly Kingdom judgment to sins . We saved Christians are counted and judged worthy to suffer tribulations together with Christ when we live Christian life in love ,Revelation Chapter1,2and3. We thus judge ourselves dead in Christ.
There are may be those who preach tithing to saved Christians for lack of spiritual understanding. We should girdle up the loins of our minds. 1Peter :13-15.Roman 10:1-4. We shall not be cornered and be cheated. God bless us in abundant grace of spiritual revelation and understanding of His Holy Word, Colssians1:9-14, Ephesians 5:6 -7,1Thessalonians 2:3-6, 2Timothy2:15, 2Timothy 2:24-26 . Amen
I am happy and blessed to interact with you on spiritual teachings. Hope we shall search more scriptures for our spiritual growth . Yearning to receive your input on the topic .God bless you.
The message is freely given
purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.
Tithing was under and is under the law with a curse for Christians seeking salvation under the law, Galatians 3:3-13, Malachi 3:1-18. Saved Christians by grace lead by the Holy Spirit are ministers of the new testament born of love with exceeding glory which surpassed the glory that was in law in Moses and we have been redeemed from the curse of the law to adoptions of sons and are not under the law, Galatians 5:1, Galatians4:4-5,2 Corinthians 3:1-18 . Salvation under the law one attains it at last breath on earth having done all that pertains to the law which is hard for one to accomplish. Even the tithe which was given by Abraham was under the law of sin and death from the fall of Adam and Eve. Those who cheat would like to deceive Christians that tithe was before the law but before which law. When Christ was born He was given gifts and not tithes Mathew 2:11-12. Salvation under spiritual law of love by grace is freely given and attained, Ephesians 2:4 -9, Ephesians 2:13 -20. Under Leviticus priesthood tithes were given for the tribe of Levi and tithe of tithe to the high Priest for they shared no land apart from the walled towns they were allocated to stay in for their continuous sacrifice to God, Numbers 18:20 -29.Widows, strangers ,fatherless and orphans benefited from tithes and offerings given to Levites, Deuteronomy 14:22-29. In Christianity widows were asked to be catered by close brethren to ease burden to the Church. There were also tithes of different kinds in Israel. There was also a tithe where a family had to eat all before the Lord, Deutreronomy12:6-7. In Christ Jesus we are saved by grace and not by works of law ,Galatians 3:8-13,Acts13: 38-39, Galatians 4: 4-5, Galatians2:16-21, Galatians 5:18. In NEW TESTAMENT two priesthood are compared Hebrew7: 7-28, Hebrew8:6 -13, Hebrew 9:6-9, Hebrew 10:8-23. Leviticus priesthood under the law with tithes, death, discontinuity and its acceptance under glory of law done away in Christ and the holy priesthood of Christ without tithes, death and discontinuity with exceeding glory under which Christians are in salvation being a Holy nation and loyal Priests to preach to the world GOD being their Father in new covenant ministry, 2 Corinthians2:1-13, 2Peter 2:5-9. Christ is from the tribe of Juda without priesthood and he never sent the Levites Priests to preach to the world. Christ is the end of the law of sin and death which was against us having crucified it on the cross of Calvary Roman 10:1-4, Roman8:1-2,Roman 6:13-14 . Christ came to accomplish all the requirements of the law and became the Lord of the law. Beside the death of the two sinners, in CHRIST JESUS accomplished two deaths . Christ crucified on the Cross the law of sin and death which was against us. Christ then removed the first covenant and established the better Second Covenant mediated BY Him upon established better promises for us. All Apostles of Christ never asked for tithes. Even Judas never asked for tithes. Christ Himself never asked for tithes. In new testament comments are made on tithing under law which some want to use to justify tithing. Our Christian faith is founded on foundation of apostles, prophets ,JESUS CHRIST Himself being the Apostle and Corner Stone of our faith,Hebrew3:1. Leviticus priesthood under the law is totally left out. In the same Spirit Paul referred law as was our and not law is our school master. To justify oneself us paying tithes under the law one has to give tithes to all saved Christians in the Church for we are loyal priests in Christ Jesus presenting our bodies as living sacrifice. But God does not have pleasure for Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings for sin neither had pleasure therein, which are offered under the law. Hebrew10:8. Pastors and priests have done away with offering ,sacrifices and burnt offerings for sins under the law and have been left comfortably with offering offered under law cunningly concealed in good words and fair deceptive eloquent speeches. Romans 16:17-19 A fountain cannot produce sweet and bitter water the same time. James 3:8-18. We Christian are saved by GRACE IN CHRIST LOVE(Spiritual Law) for we cannot be subjected to law of sin and death crucified and done away by Christ on cross of Calvary. We are subjected to spiritual law of life in Christ Jesus and ought to have the spiritual understanding of the Word of God in liberty without corrupting the Word of God. Roman 8:1-2, Colossians 1:9-10. As God has blessed us in common inheritance of the saints and we should give sacrificially as we have purposed in our hearts in liberty and in love, Galatians 5:1, 2Corinthians 9;6-7, Galatians 6:6-7, Hebrew6:6-12,Hebrew13:11-16. Christ taught spiritual giving to God and to our parents, Luke 6:8 ,Matthew15:5-9. Paul also taught the same .2Corinthians 9:6-14, Philippians 2:4-5. Aaron was given unto Moses, the Levite tribe was given unto Aaron, the eleven tribes of Israel were given unto Levite tribe to serve them but we Christians are purchased through the blood of Christ we are no mans’ servants but servants of Christ 1Corinthians 7:21-2 , Numbers 3:9-15. Those under the law are under curse. Are they telling Christians curses under law are blessings for them or they have powers to remove curses when Christians tithe to them? They have directed Christians to deceptive ways of curses for their own benefits and not blessings. The bounty of terror of deceptive greediness is professionally tactically presented as blessing based on salvation under their yard stick of tithes. The body of CHRIST has been subjected to doctrinal mess by Levites priests and pastors. In willful deception by calling themselves the Levites of today who persecuted Christians and plunder Christians pockets today they are able to demand to be given tithes. Levites priests and elders never gave a helping hand to Christians. Christ did not leave His Church under Leviticus Priesthood. When we take the Word of God out of its content and contest ,we have contempt for the Word of God. He (GOD)who brought tithing under the old Covenant took it away in His(CHRIST) rights in the new Covenant.
We can preach the Word of God quoting scriptures like the devil when he tested Jesus or quote the scriptures like CHRIST when He answered satan in time of need. Matthew 4:1-11 We can teach doctrine of men instead of doctrines of God. We can have a zeal of faith and establish our own righteousness not according righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Pastors and priests calling themselves Levites of today have capitalized on low level Christian doctrinal knowledge teachings among Christians. Tithing contradict the doctrine of salvation. Mathew15:5-9. We can preach the Word of God making the Church a house of merchandise to make merchandise of Christians and those who do so whose God is their belly which made Adam and Eve to fail in their relationship with God .If the trade was not profitable to them then it would have come to an end but it is a lucrative profitable business to them cunningly preserved with tactical appreciations to the body of Christ and spreading of the Gospel. Are elect Christians deceived? Romans 16:17 -19 ,2 Peter 2:1-3, John 2:16, Philppians3:17-19. We can preach Christ out of envy, strife or of good will. Philippians 1:15-17,2Corinthians4:1-2. It is the body of Christ the Church which is sent to preach to the world also as individuals brethren bearing the burden to preach to the world as Apostles of Christ did. The responsibility has not been on shoulders of priests and pastors only. Brethren are the loyal priests.
Tithing is a hard topic to teach without spiritual understanding since we have many high profile elite preachers teaching on the same with books written of great hoped promises and condemnation on the same for those who do not tithe, Ephesians 5:6-7, Thessalonians 2:3-4. Some Christians in deceptive manner do teaching on tithes which is warmly appreciated from the pulpit. They become the magnetizing force with alluring great hoped blessed promises of wealth .Pharisees and the Scribes were most well educated and Jesus said woe unto them seven times for being stumbling blocks in faith. Mathew 23:9-39. We only need to rightly divide the Word of God and know whether we are Christians seeking salvation under the law or we are Christians saved by grace in Christ through the Spiritual law of love, Corinthians 1:12-16,2 Timothy 2:15 . We redeemed sons of God who are made Kings and priests unto God have a common inheritance in Christ Jesus, Galatians 4:4-5, Colssians1:9-14 ,1Corinthians 2:12-16. Revelation 1;4-6 . We are called spiritual sons of God after salvation not before in fallen state and who are enabled to do the righteousness that was in the law but we are not under the law. The same priests and pastors wreck the spiritual scriptures when they teach fallen Angles are called sons of God who married daughters of men giving offspring of giants , Genesis 6:1-8. God says he has never called any angles his son, Hebrew 1:4-5.When were fallen angles redeemed and sanctified to be called sons? The ownership of increased daughters is unto men before being referred to as sons of God and the lust to polygamous marriage was with men. Are beautiful daughters born today for men? Shall we have another episode of fallen angles marrying daughters of men before the close of age? Many have taught the Word of God outside Biblical doctrines so many are deceived in their teaching and preaching which condemn God as unjust since no judgment is passed to angles they refer to as sons of God. When men dropped further from grace when they practiced polygamous marriage and their life span was reduced to one hundred and twenty years , no judgment is passed to purposed angles they teach us sons of God. The sons of God were men who had done reconciliation to God the same way Abel had done and was accepted by God. The judgment is specifically to mankind and giants born in sin of polygamous marriage do not qualify the sons of God to be angles. Angles are ministering spirits with no reproductive empowerment, Matthew 22:29-32, Hebrew 1:14-14. Our relationship to God our Father is in love in our loyal priesthood to the world. Roman 8:14-17. Only those who are covetous mix teaching under carnal law and spiritual teaching enlightenment under spiritual law . The devil uses the nobles, evil and false witness to do his will according to circumstances, Acts 13;50-51 Acts 6: 9-14. Christians must remain wise and not be cheated by devils workers transforming themselves as angles of light which corrupt the Word of God, 2Corinthians2:17, 2Corinthians11: 13-15. Levites Pastor, Priests and some Christians misquote Jesus Christ on judgment. Judge not that you may be not judged . Matthew7:1-5. They say God prohibit judgment which is not true since it is based on taking the scripture out of content and contest on understanding Jesus statement. It has given the a highway of teaching lies without being questioned. They have separated themselves from the body of Christ to ideal entity who cannot be censured. Shall you close your eyes to evils committed that they may not judge you. Do you buy yourself freedom from being judged for not condemning evil or commenting on anything positive or negative. The preaching of the Word of God is based on judgment on sins and righteousness . God requires from us righteous judgment in wisdom and in love which condemn sins which leads man to repentant of sins and redemption. The Word of God in its content and contest states judgment on sins and righteousness. All living beings and organic life are in constant judgment for existent. If we can stop all processes of judgments life will come to a standstill and ultimate death with final judgment of decay. Life and all creation were established in good judgment by God and close of age shall end in judgment to eternal life or eternal death which is eternal life of suffering and separation from God. Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-25. Even our bodies judge us out of energy and we hunger for food and thirst for water. All witty discoveries are results of acknowledgment of positive judgments on active well coordinated principals. Christians are encouraged to solve cases in judgment among themselves. 1Corinthians 6:1-7,The Bible encourage us that our love may abound yet more in knowledge and in all Judgment and we judge ourselves dead in Christ, 2 Corinthians5:14 ,Philippians 1:9-12,.Life is in active constant judgments and the creation mourns for final judgment which it shall be subjected by God. We relate in evaluation to all things in judgment. Irrespective of any judgment delivered on us we should delivers the Heavenly Kingdom judgment to sins . We saved Christians are counted and judged worthy to suffer tribulations together with Christ when we live Christian life in love ,Revelation Chapter1,2and3. We thus judge ourselves dead in Christ.
There are may be those who preach tithing to saved Christians for lack of spiritual understanding. We should girdle up the loins of our minds. 1Peter :13-15.Roman 10:1-4. We shall not be cornered and be cheated. God bless us in abundant grace of spiritual revelation and understanding of His Holy Word, Colssians1:9-14, Ephesians 5:6 -7,1Thessalonians 2:3-6, 2Timothy2:15, 2Timothy 2:24-26 . Amen
I am happy and blessed to interact with you on spiritual teachings. Hope we shall search more scriptures for our spiritual growth . Yearning to receive your input on the topic .God bless you.
The message is freely given
purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide
I have been doing a study on tithing a while now, most of research has indicated what I have read. I too do not believe in tithing, but giving cheerfully. I help my neighbour with her finances and recently my husband and I paid her travel so she could see her mother who long to see her. I don’t feel bad when my pastor throws Malachi 3:6-8 at me. I just smile.
I once told a sister I do not tithe, I help my neighbour and pay my bills, of course I was chastised, and I limited telling anyone my personal affairs.
To God be the Glory. Thank you Jesus for what You did on the cross at Calvary.
Ty for teaching on giving me and my aunt were about to quit our church because all they talk about is tithing I’m a new Christian just learning none will help me I’m struggling on the bible I don’t unrest and and I fill not wanted ty again Paul Williams my name is margi and my aunt Shirley
Didn’t scroll thru all comments but just in case no one referenced this critical scripture…
You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”
2 Corinthians 9:7 NLT
I agree totally with the Bible’s teaching on giving and your assessment as well. Feel free to view or refer anyone to my free website that teaches the biblical truth on forgiveness, giving and salvation under grace.
I had been a faithful tither for years. I had financial situations to arise even as a tither. God always made a way. But little did I realize, it was not because I was a tither. Paul you are right on it. I use to get so uneasy when I could not tithe. I wanted to buy a house. I was told by my pastor not to stop tithing and God would make a way through my tithing. One night I prayed about it and talked to God. I could not save after 2 years. Something always came up.. I proved God. I told God whether I sink or swim, it will be on my head. But I will not tithe for a year, and I pressed it by saying that I would not give a dime. God took great care of me that year, even better than when I was tithing. I prayed and talked to God about it often. God proved to me that it is not tithe, as we call money, that is the reason we are blessed, but because of Jesus. His love for us has blessed us. I had a home built instead of buying it already built, I got all the bells and whistles for free from the builder. A better interest rate and on some acreage instead of a piece of land. God proved to me that it is He that takes care of me better than anything that I can do or give. So, now I give according to my great love for Him, and as He has prospered me, of all my increase. The law condemns, points out our flaws and shows us our weaknesses.. Because of this, Jesus came that we might have life, free and without condemnation, even from the tithe.. All that Paul and some others have said concerning the tithe is true. I read it extensively and understand it now. Read for yourself I would say and not just accept what no one, even your pastor says about tithing. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ and my pastor. But I go to God for myself! Teach giving for the Love of God and all he has done for us through Jesus, not a money tithe. Freely give and just know,the way you give will be given back to you.. Give liberally and cheerfully and with love for our Father.
Thank you so much for this article. I don’t have a lot of money and have been trying to tithe, but feel terribly guilty when I can’t give the whole amount. When we are told we will be cursed if we don’t give God his 10% , that almost sounds like the Mafia where you’re paying them for protection and I don’t think of God as mafia at all!! Too many times I have cried for forgiveness for not tithing, and feel terrible!
Love your message about ” not tithing. ” I wholeheartedly believe the admonition in Luke 6:38 to Give, not tithe. Thank you.
I agreed with everything you said but noticed one thing I disagree with. First, I believe Baptist preachers originally misinterpreted scripture to teach the tithe, not intentionally. I believe now that it is very clear it is not how the New Testament church was set up by Christ himself these pastors have no excuse. I think pastors need to get their hearts right with the lord, ask forgiveness for their misunderstanding, and vow to God they will teach the way Chrisy intended. It won’t happen, to much pride to admit they were wrong, and no faith God will provide enough to continue their lifestyle as is. If they were closer to God, the Holy Spirit would convict the congregations to give even more than the minuscule 10 percent. These pastors will have to answer to God why they mislead his people! Tithing has caused Christians to leave the work, and caused the lost to claim pastors are robbing the congregation. The devil uses that! Have faith, God doesn’t need that money to do his work, and if the pastor is right with the lord, his congregation would be blessed.
Now the problem I do have Paul is that you quote NIV garbage! I suggest you get a King James 1611 version bible! That is an even bigger issue than tithing!
Finally someone who has the guts to say the truth. Everybody, especially the non Jewish Christians need to read Acts 15; it says that it was the decision of the Holy Spirit not to burden the gentile with the law of Moses. Christians who demand tithes are grieving the Holy Spirit!
Paul, thank you for your boldness to DEFEND the TRUTH! Everybody who can read knows that tithing as a law for, especially, the non-Jewish Christians falls under the category DECEPTION! So called Christian leaders will always object to this truth, because they made the tithes their primary source of income. How do they sleep at night?!!
Acts 15:28 clearly states that it was not just a decision of the first apostles, but in fact of the HOLY SPIRIT, not to lay any burden on the gentile believers, but to abstain from tasting blood, idolatry, sexual perversion and meat of strangled animals. Unbelievable that Christians don’t understand that TITHING as a LAW for believers GRIEVES the HOLY SPIRIT!!!
Keep up the good work, Paul!
God bless you and stay strong!
Tithing was under and is under the law with a curse for Christians seeking salvation under the law, Galatians 3:3-13, Malachi 3:1-18.When pastors and priests lie by quoting tithes in Malachi 3:1-18,under the law IN OLD COVENANT which was a prime contribution for the Levite tribe and Leviticus Priesthood, how many Christians line up to be served with food when tithes and offering under the law are given? Is the storehouse pastors’ and priests’ house or the Church being the bride and body of Jesus Christ? Saved Christians by grace IN NEW COVENANT who are lead and taught by the Holy Spirit are not under law or in generation curse in the law. Tithes in Malachi 3:1-18 were primarily for the tribe of Levi which was not allocated land for sharing among themselves , Numbers 18:20-28 . Those who simply imply Christians are under curse for not tithing put into question about unfinished work of redemption (SALVATION) by Christ Jesus on cross of Calvary which is bought and maintained continuously in tithes paid to them. Yet Christ is not ashamed to call us brethren whom He has sanctified. Hebrew 2:9-13.We have been redeemed from the curse of the law, Jesus Christ being made a curse for us : for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree. Galatians 3:8-13. Christians saved by grace are ministers of the new testament born of love with exceeding glory which surpassed the glory that was in law with Moses. We have been redeemed from the curse of the law to adoptions of sons in Royal Priesthood from the time the curtain partitioning the Holy of Holies was torn apart in into two when Jesus Christ was crucified and gave us free access to God our Father, Mathews 27:50-52. Pastors ,Priest and Bishops who are servants of God cannot subject sons of God in Royal Priesthood to tithe taxes which is absolutely illegal for we are not under the curse of the law, Galatians 5:1, Galatians4:4-5,2 Corinthians 3:1-18. Sins sacrifices ,offerings under the law, curses, and generation curses under law in the old covenant remained up to death of Jesus Christ on Calvary when He fulfilled the prophecy and requirements of the law. Salvation under the law one attains it at last breath on earth having done all that pertains to the law which is hard for one to accomplish. Even the tithe which was given by Abraham was under the law of sin and death from the fallen state of Adam and Eve at the garden of Aden. Those who lie would like to deceive Christians that tithe was before the law but before which law. When Christ our High Priest was born He was given gifts and not tithes Mathew 2:11-12. Jesus Christ our High Priest and Apostles of Jesus Christ did not ask for tithes. To whom do they pay allegiance to for them to justify asking for tithes today? Salvation under spiritual law of love by grace is freely given and attained with free miracles from God our Father, Ephesians 2:4 -9, Ephesians 2:13 -20. Under Leviticus priesthood which belonged to the tribe of Levi, tithes were given to Levites priests for use by the whole tribe of Levi and tithe of tithe to the high Priest for they shared no land apart from the walled towns they were allocated to stay in for their continuous sacrifice to God, Numbers 18:20 -29. Widows, strangers ,fatherless and orphans benefited from tithes and offerings given to Levites, Deuteronomy 14:22-29.In Christianity widows were asked to be catered by close brethren to ease burden to the Church. There were also tithes of different kinds in Israel. There was also a tithe where a family had to eat all before the Lord, Deutreronomy12:6-7. In Christ Jesus we are saved by grace to adoptions of sons in Royal Priesthood of Christ (for Christians saved by grace )and not by works of law ,Galatians 3:8-13,Acts13: 38-39, Galatians 4: 4-5, Galatians2:16-21, Galatians 5:18. Sons have direct access to the Father and free common inheritance not bought or worked for from the Father. For servants ( Pastors and Priests) are servants of God worthy all respects and due help. Much preaching is done in grace and love to Christians at early stages who are later sleeking entangled and enslaved in fear under the bondage of law in tithes emphatically taught by many in seeking dwindling fortune entrenched in tithes falsehood. The Church of Christ is founded in love by grace and a worker is worthy his labor. The Apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ understood from onset of Christ’s Ministry that they were not under Leviticus Priesthood and had no share in Leviticus Priesthood allotments. Thus questions were raised of their take and benefits in the Royal Priesthood of Jesus Christ Ministry in the New Covenant, Mathew 19:23-30 . Leviticus Priesthood which was upheld under the glory and the righteousness of law without partiality had allotments which existed before well-known and were already defined in obliged tithing. God had also to deal with wayward priesthood and a rebellious nation under the law. Malachi 2:1-17, Malachi 3:1-18. Christians were never left under leadership of Leviticus Priesthood. Christians are humbly called upon to support tithes sweetened falsehood purposed to enhance good glorious intentions communicated a smart way which forms practically some mega success which should not divert Christians from free spiritual giving. The essence of Christians righteousness in salvation by grace in the Loyal Priesthood of Jesus Christ is more falsely tied to tithes by the clergy and the bar raised often higher as they become masters of confusion in tithes falsehood teaching. Even Judas Iscariot is not recorded asking for tithes. We firmly stand by the truth our mouths being boldly louder and we faint not as we manifest the truth to man’s conscience to God without honoring personality clout in uncovering tithes falsehood taught,2Corinthians 4:1-2. They keep asking what is wrong with us to be at pains on tithes falsehood? There is nothing wrong with us and we have wronged no one except those who stumble on the plain truth who want to appease in altered falsehood.
IN NEW TESTAMENT two priesthood are compared and the need to replace the old covenant expounded. Hebrew7: 7-28, Hebrew8:6 -13, Hebrew 9:6-9, Hebrew 10:8-23. Leviticus priesthood under the law with tithes, death, discontinuity and its acceptance under glory of law without the great commission was done away in Christ and the Holy Priesthood of Christ without tithes, death and discontinuity with exceeding glory under which Christians are in salvation being a Holy nation and Loyal Priests to preach to the world GOD being their Father in New Covenant Ministry. In that He said, a new covenant He has made the first old. Now that which decays and waxed old is ready to vanish away Hebrew8:-13. God related with Adam and Eve in the garden of Aden under command of not eating from tree of knowledge and evil , Abraham related to God in faith when he was called out of Ur. The Israel related to God under law given to Moses under old the Covenant and we saved Christians relate to God under Spiritual law of love by grace in Jesus Christ in New Covenant where we get our salvation. Tithing weakens the Royal Priesthood of Christians in Christ where Christians are supposed to give themselves as living sacrifice in the mission vision fields. The Christians Royal Priesthood in Christ Jesus is internally weekend from within ,fought and economically drained mostly for indoors ministries under revival of Leviticus priesthood by pastors. The Royal Priesthood is internally spiritually emaciated and trodden upon.2 Corinthians2:1-13, 2Peter 2:5-9. Priesthood involves sacrifices and Jesus Christ did not choose Priesthood among the five fold ministry since all saved Christians are in the Royal Priesthood of Christ and we have been asked to give ourselves as living sacrifice. The priesthood was changed from the old covenant( Leviticus Priesthood) to the new covenant (Loyal Priesthood of labor in Christ without tithes allocations which is not appreciated) and the law governing it was changed Hebrews 7:7-12. Christ requested His disciples to give the crowd food to eat , Matthew 14:15-16. Jesus Christ told Peter look after his lambs and later to look after His sheep ( service) in clear shift from Leviticus priesthood which does not apply to Christians, John 21:15-17. JESUS CHRIST our High Priest is the mediator of the better New Covenant established upon better promises. Hebrew8:6-8. Under Leviticus priesthood an animal for sacrifice was alive between the altar of sacrifice and the Levite priest holding the sacrificial knife. Sheep remained alive for a period of time only when they were delivered many animals for sacrifice and the altar could not hold them all for sacrifice .We are dead to sin and alive in Christ who live in us being a living sacrifice to God. Christians saved by grace in love of Christ Jesus in Royal Priesthood within the New Covenant cannot be dragged back to curses enslavement in the law in Leviticus Priesthood in Old Covenant. The Royal Priesthood of labor of service in Christ Jesus is loathed by many clergy who opt for Leviticus Priesthood of waiting at the sanctuary for provision given for altar sacrifices. It is only through concealed falsehood that the clergy merge the Leviticus Priesthood under law in old Covenant ( which remained hostile to Christians), with the Royal Priesthood by grace in Christ love liberated in New Covenant. The Royal Priesthood of Jesus Christ bears no self-restrictions or inhibitions in fear of men in preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ since it has no people driven demand support pegged on expectations anchored under the law. Christians should give liberally in love as God has blessed us ,2 Corinthians9 :6-7, Galatians 5:1. Galatians6:6-10. Tithes crusader teach well packaged tithes falsehood from the pulpit managed humbly in sheep skins. Christians are increasingly facing common mounted front in tithes falsehood which is demanded by elites clergies as a Christian doctrine in Churches. It is easy for many unsuspecting Christian to take it as the Gospel truth. The remnant few faithful Christians must firmly remain in the narrow highway of faith and teach Christian doctrine on giving bearing in mind they stand on highways of interests of elites clergies on tithes falsehood taught with awkward professional church elders support . The humble craving of comfortable falsehood artistically and passionately taught on tithes by the clergy should not make Christians lose focus in Christian giving in love. Bishops, pastors, priests, church elders and those read the OLD TESTAMENT (Covenant ) BLINDED BY THE VAIL that is in law that was done away in Jesus Christ keep Christians in fear under bondage of law which is abolished and miss the righteousness in liberty sanctified in Jesus Christ. 2Corithians3: 6-18 . Successful prosperity based on falsehood cannot be accepted as blessing in holiness. Truth is easily dismissed but never nullified on tithes falsehood openly taught by the clergy. Christians must remain Pentecostal and evangelical in the Royal Priesthood of Jesus Christ without entangling themselves in Leviticus Priesthood bound in bondage of the law. IF SAVED CHRISTIANS WHO ARE LOYAL PRIESTS (clergy under Loyal Priesthood of Jesus Christ) ARE SUBJECTED BACK TO THE LAW,THEN THEY SHOULD EQUALLY SHARE TITHES WITH THE CLERGY FRATERNITY. Christ came to not to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfill so as the enmity that was against us in the law was abolished on the cross. Falsehood is taught that Christ came to strength the law. A way in love by Grace in Jesus Christ’s love for mankind was established for our salvation after Christ fulfilled the prophecy and the law and He defeated the enmity of law that was against us. Without fulfilled prophesy and law there would be no room for grace. Before HIS DEATH THE LAW WAS UPHELD TO THE LETTER .Mathew5:17-19, Ephesians 2:4—20. He paved the narrow highway of righteousness in salvation by grace, Isaiah35:1-10. Tithes falsehood nullifies grace and love bestowed on them by Jesus Christ. Those who want to seek salvation under law with curses of the law should continue in glory of the law and fulfill the whole law without entangling salvation by grace in Christ’s love with law in any lewd manner since the glory in law in old testament at fault (where God found faults with them) was to be done away and was abolished, 2Corinthians 3:1-18 Galatians2:16-21, Galatians3:1-13 ,Galatians4:4-5, Hebrew8:6-13. The Church of Jesus Christ is established by grace in Christ’s love in the glory of the new testament that excels. Christians must move forward Spiritually Holy away from all forms of non-doctrinal spiritual slavery exploitation honored and established . It is quite amazing how the spiritual clergies who bear tithes compliance records can overlook tithes falsehood over their shoulders and tell Christians that tithing is the best way of starting giving though they agree it is not instructed in the New Covenant.
Levites Pastors and Priests are comfortable and friendly to brethren who live like dead sacrifice with almost free access to tithes. Levites priests were to labor to sacrifice and not tendering the flocks or do any farming ,Numbers 18:20-32 Joshua7:7.They lived in walled towns .Pastors and Priests who revive the Leviticus priesthood removed by Christ for Christians and meticulously merge it to the Loyal Priesthood of Christ do so for personal gains in mass concealed cheating in tithes allocations. The old covenant had amassed personal sought atonement for sins through animals sacrifices but the new covenant has atonement for sins in Christ’s blood. Leviticus priesthood under law remained hostile to the Ministry of Jesus Christ and His disciples who suffered in their hands even after Christ’s death, Mathew 27:12-17. Levite priests beat and wanted to kill all disciples of Christ whom they told not to preach in His name. Acts 5:17-42. Today Levite clergy tell Christian that their salvation by grace is not complete without paying them tithes which is a lie. Let well educated brethren teach the Word of God the same way as learned Doctor Luke and Br. Paul did for spiritual growth of the body of Christ. Let well educated Christians stand for justice like Dr. Gamaliel who was a doctor of law who in his response rescued the apostles from eminent death in the hands of Levite priests Acts;5:17-42. What pastors are not telling the Church (the bride/sons/ ambassadors /advocate, royal priests, and ministers of the new covenant in the Word/children and servants made friends by His Holy calling) is the reason Jesus Christ had in choosing the twelve disciples ( under new covenant in Grace ) and opted not to use the Levite Priests (in old covenant under law) that were well established and placed had they to be chosen preach to the world. LET PASTORS , BISHOPS AND PRIESTS HONESTLY PURGE THEIR HEARTS AND SPEAK THE TRUTH ON TITHES. CHRIST IS THE END OF THE LAW IN THE OLD COVENANT. The intrigue of doctrinal falsehood on tithes smartly engineered and flamboyantly taught by them worldwide cannot be justified or be cleansed by their religious social status. Christians should not be for entertainments but for truth in Holiness preached and taught which is not in contest in numerical strength for acceptance. It quite clear from the Bible that there is no perfection and justification under works of the law. Galatians 2:16- 21, Galatians 3:8-13,Galatians 4;4-5,Galatians 5:1,18. FOR CHRISTIANS GOD HAS NO PLEASURE FOR SACRIFICES AND OFFERINGS AND BURNT OFFERINGS AND OFFERINGS FOR SINS AND FOR WHICH IS OFFERED UNDER THE LAW. HEBREW 10: 8-9 . THIS SCRIPTURE THEY WOULD WISH IT NEVER EXISTED. Can those who advocate for tithes honestly deny openly that there were sacrifices and offerings under law not acceptable to God for Christians? Tithes advocates call Christians passionately to tithe an illustration of spiritual disconnect to bridge. WHY WOULD THE CLERGY NOT TELL CHRISTIANS TO SACRIFICE FOR THEIR SINS BUT TITHE? Selective preaching and teaching on tithes falsehood cover up still remains. Tithes falsehood taught has remained guarded and guided in shrewd cover up of honored fortune justification hidden in tithes falsehood teaching proliferation by professional Christians.. Christians must know the truth to be free and move from being trapped in great justified doctrinal falsehood taught ,Ephesians4:11-14. In law men in old covenant remained the instructors and enforcers of the law. In new covenant the Holy Spirit remains our wonderful teacher and counselor in grace. For sure those who are in bondage of the law have men appreciation at hand but those lead by the Holy Spirit in Liberty within the yoke of Christ in grace have the acceptance of God. Christians should not be held spiritually hostage by unifying falsehoods taught in concealed falsehood out of labor. This would be spiritual blindness and slavery for many Christians hard for some to overcome. Apostles did not teach and preach the Gospel Of Jesus Christ through deceptive greediness but by sound doctrines, 2Peter:1-3. Christians taught for doctrines the commandments of men replace Jesus Christ for men who become their gods (idol worship based on men). They admire them for their earthly great achievements and they testify much of their stardom. Mathew 15: 5-9. There is the church of men where men teach for doctrines commandments of men and Church of Jesus Christ which cannot be swallowed by institutionalized organized falsehood and greed concealed in martyrdom of false knowledge which is not in the True Word of God. Even those workers of iniquity with miracles shall not cheat and defeat the church of Christ since He holds the Church in His holy hands in due time. Matthew15:8-9. The gates of hell shall not prevail over the Church of Jesus Christ. Mathew16:18. The Church of Christ cannot live by glorious commandments instituted by men standards. Christians must break free and be clean from men commandments enslavement. Christians’ true love and care will then freely flourish. Christians should not feel comfortable for being appreciated for accepting and supporting goals of concealed falsehood taught through feigned words in covetousness to make merchandise of us,2 Peter2:1-3. Falsehood clarified and justified in concealed covetousness is hard for many Christians to overcome. Many Christians plunged globally into tithe doctrinal falsehood and held spiritually captive by clergy that are Levites require spiritual rescue and deliverance. The Church must wrestle herself free from shrewd elite spiritual con-men who keep the Church of Jesus Christ under bondage of the law. Tithe given by Abraham in faith in God and tithes given by Israel under the law given to Moses are not in the Royal Priesthood in new Covenant of Jesus Christ put under carpet by tithes crusaders. Tithe given by Abraham to Melchisedec had no third party human usage tied to it. Tithes given under the laws had personal usage, third party human usage and were used by the Levites Priests and the Levites tribe. Windows ,orphans and strangers benefited from the tithes offerings and offerings received by the Levite priests. To quote the tithe given out of war by Abraham the father of faith to justify tithes given by the Royal priests (Saved Christians by Grace ) is more mischievously misleading even when tied to helping the spread of the Gospel Jesus Christ a self- righteousness imposed requirement under men law for doctrine. Jesus Christ did not allocate tithes to spreading of the Gospel in the hands of Levites Priests and Pastors who are taking Christians Spiritually for a ride. Success built on falsehood should not dampen Christians quest for truth and justice in holiness without deceit. For many to hear the truth that tithe is not a Christian doctrine in the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, it is like venom to them. The only option left for them is to rush to the final line of defense and hid under falsehood by using well endorsed and educated elite Christians to teach humbly tithes falsehood escalation with well loaded professional cover up backing. Let the clergy deny openly falsehood on tithes taught and not use third parties blinded by the veil in reading the old testament that was removed by Jesus Christ for a cover up, 2Corinthians 3:1-18. Truth is easily dismissed but never nullified. Christians should not embrace scheduled resourceful falsehood taught in honor. Christian Churches must remain Sanctuaries of true love in grace instituted by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God calls us to the holy mountain of reasoning in liberty of faith in Christ Jesus, Isaiah 1:18-20, Galatians5:1, 18. The implication of self-imprisonment by Christians in men’s law for doctrines is spiritually devastating. The glory achieved is the glory of men. Faith without work is dead but work in the Holy Faith in Christ Jesus is not bound by the law. We establish the law fulfilled by Jesus Christ through the righteousness of the law of faith in Christ Jesus being justified freely from sins in His blood by Grace to liberty from the law,Roman3:1-31,Galatians2:16-21, James 2:17-26.
They are amazed and bitter for we stand for Christ without seeking their favor or consultation on tithes issues without joining the sweeping wave in teaching tithes falsehood benefits acclaimed. The way some have reacted vilely to those who are opposed to tithes as a doctrinal falsehoods for Christians shows well from the comfort of their hearts that they are deeply dismayed and battered by the truth and have realized they are known on cheating on tithes fortunes acclaimed. It befit us well to be called Christians of low estate with little minds rattling for we have not been soothed smoothly cool to support tithes falsehood taught in order for us to fit perfectly in the will of Jesus Christ with no regrets. We are satisfied with what God has provided us without gains of falsehood. We do not clamor for glamorous wealth of falsehood taught. They have stood as heroes in championing tithing as a way getting blessings for Christians from God which we have totally disagreed with them which they took as affront to their spiritual dignity clout. They have degraded the Royal Priesthood of Christ and nullified grace and love of Christ to themselves. We are aware there are spiritual babies on milk and feeble who are tossed to and fro by every kind of doctrines who have not come to the full knowledge of truth. It will be unjust to us if do not take spiritual care of them and love them in Christ’s love, Hebrew5: 13-14. Those asking for revelation on tithes are asking for undeserved free room of manipulation to lie. Their theoretical assumption on tithes as the only easy way of meeting Church needs requirements through tithes justified falsehood taught to Christians saved by grace deserve spiritual analyses with no regrets. Blessing and curses dealt with in tithes in old covenant are clear to those who seek truth in clear knowledge of wisdom. The same is theoretically assumed and taught on Abel offering being accepted because he offered animal sacrifice and burnt fats as sweat savor to God. Cain offering was not accepted just because were seeds and fruits. Abel chose the best and considered the even age of his sacrifice offered to God. No special sacrificial preparation on Cain offering was dedicated to God. Cain did not pay deserved attention on what he offered to sacrifice to God. God told him if he did well his offering would be accepted. God did not tell Cain to replace his offering with animal sacrifice. He was to do well to his offering for his acceptance and offering. Genesis 4:1–7. Cain offering had no respect for God and God had no regards for it. CEREALS AND FRUITS WERE NOT REMOVED FROM BEING OFFERED IN THE OLD COVENANT.
THEY LIE IN WAIT TO DECEIVE MANY UNSUSPECTING BELIEVERS NOT KNOWING WHAT THEIR ARE TAUGHT MANY TIMES HAD BEEN DISCUSSED IN COUNCILS OF MEN FOR UNIFORMITY AND NOT WITH THE HOLLY SPIRIT. IF TITHES WERE TO BE APPLICABLE AND JUSTIFIABLE IN THE NEW COVENANT ,ALL TITHES SHOULD BE SHARED EQUALLY AMONG ALL BRETHREN SINCE WE ARE THE ROYAL PRIESTS MINISTERING THE NEW COVENANT. The tithe burden is not for Christians . Let Bishops ,Pastors, Priests and Church Elders handle the Church of Christ within Christians doctrines established by Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles in the mission field vision. CHRISTIANS MUST FACE AND ADDRESS THE MASS SWEEPING AND SOOTHING FALSEHOOD TAUGHT BY SOME WELL EDUCATED ELITE CHRISTIANS ABOUT TITHES BENEFITS AND BLESSINGS IN A SOBER SPIRITUAL REALITY FACE OUT. Tithes teaching is unexpected real falsehood investment from those held dearly in trust by many Christians who regard them us spiritual leaders. The situation becomes more murky and tricky when church elders are accomplished in the classic falsehood which puts the church into mental slavery. The Royal Priesthood in grace is quite different from Leviticus Priesthood under the law. Leviticus Priesthood in the old covenant belonged to the Levite tribe among the eleven tribes in Israel but the Royal Priesthood in the new covenant under oppression and suppression belongs to all brethren in the world in Christ Jesus ( the Church being the bride of Christ / the body of Christ) who are ministers of the new covenant commissioned to preach to the world. Irrelevant testimonies are given of blessed Christians even who gave beyond 70% and remained richly blessed to encourage giving beyond 10% for more blessings. Having given 70% and being left with 30% translates to millions of dollars left for their personal use. The same 70% if applied by Christians of minimal income will leave them in the cold without basics needs requirements being meet. They have encouraged Christians even to give beyond the law requirement to appear more spiritual. This is bound to impoverish Christians who will appear to have enmity with God in their old age. When the Government taxation is at 30% and the pastors at 10% without being end of requirement to give, almost 50% income is gone from the Christians who are offered weekly prayers for prosperity and blessings. How committed will these Christians be us Royal Priests to the great commission at grass root levels? Tithing is more emphasized to salaries without shame. Some have tragically wished Christians not to be employed who do not tithe to them. It would be sheer folly for Christians to become submissive hopeful prisoners under falsehood taught by those blinded by veil in bondage under law in the old covenant, Galatians 31-13, Galatians 5:1. Christians cannot buy salvation from the hands of the clergy under yard stick of salvation justification in tithes set by the clergy.
It is quite easy to justify tithes falsehood based on easily acquired wealth which meet the church needs which operates under Leviticus Priesthood. The Royal Priesthood in grace is quite different from Leviticus Priesthood under the law. Leviticus Priesthood in the old covenant belonged to the Levite tribe among the eleven tribes in Israel but the Royal Priesthood in the new covenant under oppression and suppression belongs to all brethren in the world in Christ Jesus ( the Church / the body of Christ) who are ministers of the new covenant commissioned to preach to the world. The Royal Priesthood is well placed to reach the world more effectively at close quarters in Christ love and glory expected. It is quite unfortunate that Christians unknowingly are victims of systematic unmarked high professional intellectual falsehood commercialization cover up in tithes teaching by learned elites Christians brethren which is a disservice to the (church) body of Christ. But Christians have been warned not to be fools since for some preaching and teaching falsehood is a smart act energetically engaged and Christians are openly conned .Ephesians 5:15-16. Tithing under law impoverishes the Royal Priesthood of Christ physically and spiritually which make the Great commission less effective. When all saved Christians are in Royal Priesthood, to whom do you tithe to in the in new covenant? The Royal Priesthood needs to take its place in Christian missions empowered in New Covenant for Christians to work in glory of Christ love intended for the body of Christ. It quite clear from the Bible that there is no perfection and justification under works of the law. Galatians 2:16- 21, Galatians 3:8-13,Galatians 4;4-5, Galatians 5:1,18. Hebrew 10;8-9. Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples did not ask for tithes but only comments were made on tithes under the law. As early church had needs equally relevant to their time and did not ask for tithes, we too have needs relevant to our time which require sacrificial offerings to solve problems but no through tithes offerings under the law with a curse. Saved Christians ( The Body of Christ /Church/ Royal Priests) are able ministers of the new testament of the spirit and not of the law which is not sorely the burden of the clergy as some would like us to believe in their theoretical tithes justification support for the clergy and meeting Church needs requirements, 2Corithians 3:6 .
A fountain cannot produce sweet and bitter water the same time. James 3:8-18. A new piece of cloth does not patch an old cloth nor do men put new wine in old bottles. Matthew 9:16-17. And with the priesthood changed there was need of changing the law governing it. Our royal priesthood in Christ Jesus is not after law of carnal commandment but after power of endless life Hebrews 7:7-26 .We Christian are saved by GRACE IN CHRIST LOVE(Spiritual Law) for we cannot be subjected to carnal law of sin and death crucified and done away by Christ on cross of Calvary. We are subjected to spiritual law of life in New Covenant in Christ Jesus and ought to have the spiritual understanding of the Word of God in liberty without corrupting the Word of God. Roman 8:1-2, Colossians 1:9-10. As God has blessed us in common inheritance of the saints, we should give sacrificially as we have purposed in our hearts in liberty and in love, Galatians 5:1, 2Corinthians 9;6-7, Galatians 6:6-7, Hebrew6:6-12,Hebrew13:11-16. Christ taught spiritual giving to God and to our parents, Luke 6:8 ,Matthew15:5-9. Paul also taught the same .2Corinthians 9:6-14, Philippians 2:4-5. Aaron was given unto Moses, the Levite priests were given unto Aaron, the eleven tribes of Israel were given unto Levite tribe to serve them but we Christians are purchased through the blood of Christ we are no man servants but servants of Christ 1Corinthians 7:21-2 ,God is our Father and our readily help in times of needs and not men. We are warned not to call any man our father in the spirit. Mathew23:9. Some have made men their fathers and call them fathers turning them their gods on earth. Numbers 3:9-15. No servant can hinder children access to the Father and His blessed inheritance. Are pastors, priest and Bishops in the Royal Priesthood of Christ or are in the Leviticus priesthood? Who coordinate pastors only to work for Christ for a living. Apostles of Christ worked with their own hands for a living and for preaching the Gospel of Christ. All saved Christians are servants of Christ in the Royal Priesthood of Christ. Do we make the spiritual understanding between the Leviticus Priesthood under the law and the Royal Priesthood in grace in the New Covenant or do we mix the two distinctive priesthoods cunningly for selfish gain to eliminate the so called clergy poverty and mess up with the doctrine of salvation in Grace? Christ gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and some teachers for the perfecting of saint in the work of the ministry for edifying the( church) body of Christ so us not to be deceived Ephesians4:11-19. Who set aside and allocated poverty and tithes to the pastors in preaching the Gospel of Christ since those who preach the Gospel (Christians/Royal priests) shall live by the Gospel or who bear the burden of mercy for the clergy to teach and preach falsehood on tithes for them not to be poor? When did they become pastors in poverty for the church to eliminate their poverty? Christians should share their wealth with the clergy willingly in Christ love but not in law. We are saved by Grace in Christ’s love and our sharing should be in love. We saved Christians are not justified by the law. Galatians 2:21. We saved Christians are servants of Christ Jesus in the Royal Priesthood of the Saints. Why do many talk about key poverty of pastors on tithes among the five fold ministry? Where is their care and concerns for the other four ministries for they vouched for tithes not for the benefit of the body of Christ? This has brought a flood gate of preaching entrepreneurship boom diligently anchored by many on salvation under yardstick of tithes obligation. Some have spoken from the pulpit of brethren who don’t allow them eat tithes from their labor. Do they preach and teach for souls to be saved or for economic gains in tithes eating? Are they in LEVITICUS PRIESTHOOD or in THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD OF JESUS CHRIST? A GENUINE ANSWER IS REQUIRED FOR NON DOUBLE STANDARD DOCTRINAL FAITH. For Christians it should be precepts upon precepts without contradictions.
Should the pastors ministry overshadow other ministries? All ministries should work as one body in the body of Christ. Foot soldiers who support falsehood on tithes preaching and teaching are calling Christians who do not support tithing to ask for forgiveness in face saving cover up. They have stood as heroes of faith in tithes teachings falsehood. Christians bear no apology to no one for preaching and teaching the truth . Only those who preach and teach falsehoods are hurt by the truth. Christians should not be coaxed by great promises and deadly threats hedged in none doctrinal falsehoods promises taught in guarded personal ego gains. With God, the means justify the end in Jesus Christ. Christians should not be hoodwinked by GROANING DELIVERY OF FALSEHOOD AND THE GLORY associated with the fruits of falsehood benefits . As we speak on the falsehood on the doctrine of tithing for Christians, we have not closed our eyes to the needs of the Church nor have buried our heads in the sand devoid of understanding of our emotions to face the truth. We stand for truth aware of forces against the truth within the Church and outside the Church. We have been asked to ask for forgiveness for not supporting tithing without being told from whom to apply for forgiveness. We do not pursue and preserve justified falsehoods which meet easily the needs of the Church for with God, the means justify the end in Christ. We are told we point an accusing finger to the clergy on issues concerning tithes falsehoods. We are part of the body of Christ and no part of the body accuses other parts. All body parts coordinate in functions and take care of one another when giving our body parts that are not comely more honor .We only pin point doctrinal falsehood taught by clergy thus taking care of the body of Christ spiritually in love. We do not waver in our minds and hearts in our stand on tithes issues. If one is stuck in sticky clay of falsehood, us a Christian one has to owner up and warm up to the truth and shape up to be free in did. We are fully aware of glorious unstable spiritual empires built on quick sand by men through falsehood under threat from the truth. If the empires fall apart there is no loss for Christians to worry about for apology. We are warned of danger of teaching and preaching the truth by exposing ourselves to well organized affluent churches of humble men. We stand for Christ in life and death without shame . Well organized fruitful falsehoods from those in authority do not translate to truth and righteousness, 2 Corinthians11:13-14.
Those under the law are under curse and the law kills 2 Corinthians 3:6. Those lead by the Spirit are not under law and curses Galatians5: 6, Galatians 3:8-13. Christians are redeemed from the curse of the law to adoption of sons . Roman 8:1-17,Galatians4:4- 5. We saved Christians are not under law but under grace Roman6:13-14.Are they telling Christians curses under law are blessings for them or they have powers to remove curses when Christians tithe to them? Christians must remain spiritually alert and be not be spiritually blind, They have directed Christians to deceptive ways of curses for their own benefits and not blessings. The bounty of terror of deceptive covetousness is professionally tactically presented as blessing based on salvation under yard stick of tithes. Many pastors have illegally allocated all tithes to themselves. Tithes were for specifics needs under old covenant for specific people help. Apostles of CHRIST did not use concealed deceptive covetousness to preach the Gospel .1Thessalonians2:3-6.We should renounce hidden things of dishonesty and not walk craftily handling the Word of God deceitfully 2Corithians 4:1-2. In tithes teaching the clergy makes spot of the needs for the better faultless New Covenant in obtained excellent ministry established upon better promises which has specific intended goals in Love by Grace in Jesus Christ. Hebrew 8:6-8. Christians are Spiritually born in the new Covenant by Grace in Love in Christ Jesus.
The body of CHRIST has been subjected to doctrinal mess by Levite priests and Levite pastors. TITHE IS A PURE CLASSIC SLEEK DOCTRINAL FALSEHOOD FOR CHRISTIANS CULTIVATED IN UNMATCHED PERSONAL CONCEALED ZEAL BY PASTORS IN LEADERSHIP FOR PERSONAL INTERESTS AND GAINS WHO UNDERSTAND UNIVERSALLY ON TITHES AND SALVATION AND FAIL TO APPRECIATE THE TIME OF LAW AND THE TIME OF GRACE DISPENSATION. In willful deception by calling themselves the Levites of today who persecuted Christians and plunder Christians pockets today they are able to demand to be given tithes. Levites priests and elders never gave a helping hand to Christians. Christ did not leave His Church under Leviticus Priesthood and no Levite priest was chosen as His Apostle . Leviticus Priesthood is forced on the throats of Christians by pastors for perfectly concealed selfish interests and gains. Do they want to tell us that Christ and Apostles of Christ forgot to ask for tithes during the early formative stage of Christian Ministry. When we take the Word of God out of its content and contest ,we have contempt for the Word of God. He (GOD)who brought tithing under the Old Covenant took it away in His(CHRIST) own Divine rights( after the order of Melchisedec ) in the new Covenant. Perfection is in grace and not in law. Hebrew7: 7-26, Hebrew8:6-13 Hebrew9:1-27 Hebrew10:1-23. Leviticus Priesthood is impressive to many since it involves waiting at the sanctuary for provision and serving only at the altar of sacrifice. The order of Melchisedec was in Melchisedec Himself and existed before any tithe was offered. It is erroneously taught that tithes taught in the Old Covenant and comments made on tithes in the New Covenant in reference to Old Covenant sum up to uphold to tithe for Christians in order of Melchisedec which some teachings made suggest the order of Melchisedec in modeled on tithes. Now where is indicated in the Holly Bible that Abraham redeemed his first born sons Ishmael and Isaac when they were born since he operated in faith in God and not under the law. The law is not of faith. We are saved by grace from all sins of iniquities.
We can preach the Word of God quoting scriptures like the devil when he tested Jesus or quote the scriptures like CHRIST when He answered satan in time of need. Matthew 4:1-11 . Jesus Christ taught men can teach commandments of men for doctrines. Mathew15:5-9. This addressed falsehood which can come from those in authority in the Church ( bishops, pastors, priest and elders) leadership. We can have a zeal of faith and commitment to establish our own righteousness not according to righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Pastors and priests calling themselves Levites today have capitalized on low level Christian doctrinal knowledge teachings among Christians. Tithing contradict the doctrine of salvation by GRACE and deprive the Christians in Loyal Priesthood in Christ Jesus the individual empowerment to do the Great Commission. When we are loyal Priests and the bride Of Christ to whom do we tithe to? Is it not even if it were in Natural world for servants to tithe to Loyal Priests? Pastors Priest and Bishops are also in the Loyal Priesthood of Jesus Christ all of us being sons and servants composing the body of Christ unless they exclude themselves. The underlying mystery is to deliver the Church of Christ in concealed form to Leviticus Priesthood for Priests ,Pastor and Bishops to enable them demand tithes. Mathew15:5-9. We can preach the Word of God making the Church a house of merchandise to make merchandise of Christians and those who do so whose God is their belly which made Adam and Eve to fail in their relationship with God. It is a lucrative profitable business based on arithmetic of numbers cunningly preserved with tactical appreciations to the body of Christ and spreading of the Gospel. Are elect Christians deceived out of their wits? Romans 16:17 -19 ,2 Peter 2:1-3, John 2:16, Philppians3:17-19. We can preach Christ out of envy, strife or of good will. Philippians 1:15-17,2Corinthians4:1-2. It is the body of Christ the Church which is sent to preach to the world also as individuals brethren bearing the burden to preach to the world as Apostles of Christ did. The responsibility has not been on shoulders of priests and pastors only. Brethren are the loyal priests and ambassadors of Christ and has committed unto us the Church the word of reconciliation, 2 Corinthians :19-20. THERE WERE NO FENCE SITTINGS AND ARE NO FENCE SITTINGS IN THE NEW COVENANT MINISTRY MEDIATED BY OUR APOSTLE AND THE HIGH PRIEST OF OUR FAITH LORD JESUS CHRIST. Apostles labored with their hand to provide for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Christians’ offerings they received were not tithes. No one is specially chosen to be at receiving end of tithes so as to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We saved Christians are the Loyal Priests AND Ambassadors of Jesus Christ.2 Peter 2:1-9, 2 Corinthians5:14-20. The preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not entirely sorely in the hands of clergy. It is in the hands of the (Church in Loyal Priesthood) believers composing the body of Jesus Christ.
Tithing is a hard topic to teach without spiritual understanding since we have many high profile elite preachers teaching on the same with books written of great hoped promises and condemnation on the same for those who do not tithe, Ephesians 5:6-7, 1Thessalonians 2:3-4. Some well educated elite Christians are involved in deceptive teaching on tithes which is warmly appreciated from the pulpit. They are the magnetizing force with alluring great hoped blessed promises of wealth based on tithes. When will it dawn on them that they teach doctrine of men on tithing for Christians saved by grace. On moving from one church to another or by taking a flight from one continent to another on falsehood mission, lies taught on tithes by them cannot be justified by the sacrificial cost incurred to do so. Only when they uphold the truth and uplift Christ as they decrease and Christians stop earthly social status cult adoration in respect of human beings will truth prevails’. Pharisees and the Scribes were most well educated and Jesus said woe unto them seven times for being stumbling blocks in faith. Mathew 23:9-39. We only need to rightly divide the Word of God and know whether we are Christians seeking salvation under the law or we are Christians saved by grace in Christ through the Spiritual law of love, Corinthians 1:12-16,2 Timothy 2:15 . We redeemed sons of God who are made Kings and priests unto God have a common inheritance in Christ Jesus, Galatians 4:4-5, Colssians1:9-14 ,1Corinthians 2:12-16. Revelation 1;4-6 .Let well educated brethren teach the Word of God the same way as learned Doctor Luke and Br. Paul did for spiritual growth of the body of Christ. Let well educated Christians stand for justice like Dr. Gamaliel who was a doctor of law who in his response rescued the apostles from eminent death in the hands of Levite priests, Acts;5:17-42. We are called spiritual sons of God after salvation not before in fallen state and who are enabled to do the righteousness that was in the law but we are not under the law. The same priests and pastors wreck the spiritual scriptures when they teach fallen Angles are called sons of God who married daughters of men giving offspring of giants , Genesis 6:1-8. God says he has never called any angles his son, Hebrew 1:4-5.When were fallen angles redeemed and sanctified to be called sons? The ownership of daughters is unto multiplied men who were referred to as sons of God and the lust to polygamous marriage was with men. Are beautiful daughters born today for men? Shall we have another episode of fallen angles marrying daughters of men before the close of age? Many have taught the Word of God outside Biblical doctrines so many are deceived in their teaching and preaching which condemn God as unjust since no judgment is passed to angles they refer to as sons of God. When men dropped further from grace when they practiced polygamous marriage and their life span was reduced to one hundred and twenty years , no judgment is passed to purposed angles they teach us sons of God. The sons of God were men who had done reconciliation to God the same way Abel had done and was accepted by God. The judgment is specifically to mankind and giants born in sin of polygamous marriage do not qualify the sons of God to be angles. God said His spirit shall not always strive with man and He saw the wickedness of man was great. This time there is no wickedness associated with angles, Genesis6:1–7 . Angles are ministering spirits with no reproductive empowerment, Matthew 22:29-32, Hebrew 1:14-14.
Our relationship to God our Father is in love in our loyal priesthood to the world. Roman 8:14-17. Only those who are not sincere mix teaching under carnal law and spiritual teaching enlightenment under spiritual law. When we study the old covenant it should help us get rooted deeply in the new covenant. The devil uses the nobles, evil and false witness to do his will according to circumstances, Acts 13;50-51 Acts 6: 9-14. Christians must remain wise and not be cheated by devils workers transforming themselves as angles of light which corrupt the Word of God, 2Corinthians2:17, 2Corinthians11: 13-15. Levites Pastor, Priests and some Christians misquote Jesus Christ on judgment. Judge not that you may be not judged . Matthew7:1-5. They say God prohibit judgment which is not true since it is based on taking the scripture out of content and contest on understanding Jesus statement. It has given them a highway of teaching lies without being questioned. They have separated themselves from the body of Christ to ideal entity who cannot be censured. Shall you close your eyes to evils committed that they may not judge you. Do you buy yourself freedom from being judged for not condemning evil or commenting on anything positive or negative. The preaching of the Word of God is based on judgment on sins and righteousness . God requires from us righteous judgment in wisdom and in love which condemn sins which leads man to repentant of sins and redemption. The Word of God in its content and contest states judgment on sins and righteousness. Christians are saved by grace in Christ’s love and our judgment must remain under Spiritual law of love in Grace that leads to redemption and under perfect law of liberty to do righteousness in Christ love, James 1:20-25, James2:10-26. Thus to him that knows to do good in liberty and does not do it is sin to him, James 4:15 Bro James taught us to avoid judgment under carnal law that brings condemnation without redemption. Those who live under law shall face judgment without mercy for no man shall be justified by the works of the law,Galatians2:16-21 . All living beings and organic life are in constant judgment for existent. If we can stop all processes of judgments life will come to a standstill and ultimate death with final judgment of decay. Life and all creation were established in good judgment by God and close of age shall end in judgment to eternal life or eternal death which is eternal life of suffering and separation from God. Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-25. Even our bodies judge us out of energy and we hunger for food and thirst for water. All witty discoveries are results of acknowledgment of positive judgments on well active coordinated principals. Christians are encouraged to solve cases in judgment among themselves. 1Corinthians 6:1-7,The Bible encourages us that our love may abound yet more in knowledge and in all Judgment and we judge ourselves dead in Christ, 2 Corinthians5:14 ,Philippians 1:9-12. We are encouraged to be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment, I Corinthians 1:10. Life is in active constant judgments and the creation mourns for final judgment which it shall be subjected by God. We relate in evaluation to all things in judgment. What we known and do not know is based on judgment. What we believe right or wrong is based on judgment. Irrespective of any judgment delivered on us we should deliver the Heavenly Kingdom judgment to sins. We saved Christians are counted and judged worthy to suffer tribulations together with Christ when we live Christian life in love ,Revelation Chapter1,2 and3. We thus judge ourselves dead to sin in Christ Jesus. We cannot stop delivering Heavenly Judgments to buy ourselves freedom from being judged. Without sense of judgmental evaluation of good, evil or bad would never exist for humanity and humanity would enter into a void valueless state in life. Even when others say do not judge others , that statement bear judgment in itself. Our appreciation is in judgment. There are may be those who preach tithing to saved Christians for lack of spiritual understanding. We should girdle up the loins of our minds as the knowledgeable wise sharers of the Word of God . 1Peter :13-15.Roman 10:1-4. We shall be off the hook of being soothed ,cornered, and been cheated on doctrinal issue in Christianity. God bless us in abundant grace of spiritual revelation and spiritual understanding of His Holy Word, Colssians1:9-14, Ephesians 5:6 -7,1Thessalonians 2:3-6, 2Timothy2:15, 2Timothy 2:24-26 . Amen I am happily blessed to interact with you on spiritual teachings. Hope we shall search more scriptures for our beneficial spiritual growth . Yearning to receive your input on the topic .God bless you. The message is freely given purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.
By Br. Robert Munyui Kamunyu
I believe God expects us to give of ourselves in everything we do. To give our time, energy, material possessions, money, food, shelter, clothing, love (agape), patience, listening ear, forgiveness, compassion, talents, abilities, skills and other things all for him and his kingdom. Giving is so much more than financial giving, its about giving to those who are in need of the things that God has given you.
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.
Proverbs 3:27
He who is generous will be blessed, for he GIVES some of his food to the poor. Proverbs 22:9
And he would answer and say to them, “The man who has two tunics is to SHARE with him who has none; and he who has food is to do LIKEWISE.” Luke 3:11
GIVE to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back. Luke 6:30
If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not GIVE them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? James 2:15 -16
Every man shall GIVE as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has GIVEN you. Deuteronomy 16:17
He who GIVES to the poor will never want, but he who shuts his eyes will have many curses.
proverbs 28:27
But when you GIVE to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your GIVING will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:3-4
For God so loved the world that he GAVE his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him wouldn’t perish, but would have eternal life. John 3:16
GIVE, and it will be GIVEN to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return. Luke 6:38
In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must HELP the weak and REMEMBER the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive. Acts 20:35
…Or he who EXHORTS, in his exhortation; he who GIVES, with liberality; he who LEADS, with diligence; he who SHOWS mercy, with cheerfulness. Romans 12:8
“If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with ACTIONS and IN TRUTH.” – 1 John 3:17-18
And you yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of GIVING and receiving but you alone; for even in Thessalonica you send a gift more than once for my needs. Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account. philippians 4:15- 17
these are just but a few examples of giving in the bible, but there are many, many more verses dealing with GIVING in the bible.
when Abram offered the king of Sodom, a tenth of all the war spoils that he took in battle, that the king did not want it, Genesis 14:21 why no one every preach on that, Abram gave tithe one time because there were no law for tithing, Abram told a lie about his wife God did nothing to him about it because there were no law for telling a lie at that time, tithing does not show love for God, Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandment’s, and tithing was not a commandment of Christ, Malachi 3:14 say’s that tithing is a ordinance, the book of Ephesians 2:15 say that Christ having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandment’s contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace, Christian’s are to live by the Gospel of Christ and not the law of Moses
You make excellent points on why preaching tithing is not appropriate for Christians.
I like to ask a series of questions to get people to think because it’s very hard sometimes for people to understand the message being conveyed. Especially when some Christians hold the tithing doctrine on par with the message of salvation it seems.
What tribe of Israel was Jesus from? Judah.
Which tribe collected the tithes in Jesus’s day according to the law of Moses? The tribe of Levi.
With that said, did Jesus or his Apostles collect tithes from their followers? No, or they would be breaking the law of Moses.
What did Jesus and his apostles collect from their followers then? Offerings, not tithes.
If our Lord and Head Pastor did not preach that his followers pay him tithes, then what gives today’s pastors the idea they should preach tithing to themselves?? Are they above our Lord Jesus Christ? Nope.
Jesus and the early church leaders were supported by offerings, not tithes.
Keep preaching the truth. Feel free to correct me if my train of thought is wrong.
I believe in the law of giving. Giving cheerfully not bondage and cursed giving. The givings in the synoptic gospels are all old covenant giving and promises as they the synoptic gospels are extensions of the old covenant. Jesus could not expound new covenant to the disciples because it has not been established and he had to wait on the Holy Spirit to reveal it to them more. John 16:13 God wants us to give cheerfully. The reason it is hard for people to understand that tithing is ended with the old covenant is two things. Old covenant is a covenant of performance. You do this God does that for you. Many people still love to perform so they can boast of their abilities. Like the deacon in my church. Secondly, many believers do not have a clue what the new testament is. First off Jesus never dealt with new testament people. The disciples were all old testament people. The new testament was ratified when the blood of Jesus was spilled on the cross. Blood signifies the ratification of covenants. The new covenant established us as royal priesthoods, a chosen generation. We have all become the extension of Christs body with Christ as the head. Therefore a priest cannot pay a tithe to a priest. We must not let the Judaizers of today put us back under the law. They need your tithes to build their kingdoms on earth. All these buildings will be destroyed before Christ comes back. What we need is a build up of true worshipers in spirit and in truth. There is now no more condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. Roman 8:1 KJV not NIV. At every opportunity we have we must give first to our immediate family members who have not, the poor, Christ said we will always have them, the widows and fatherless as a way of bringing them to the love of God and the atonement of Jesus Christ which is filled with salvation, joy divine health divine wisdom prosperity and all. At that point you may discover that you are giving more than a tenth cheerfully. You can feel it when you see these faces light up because of your giving rather that investing in a project that does not glorify God or edify men. Above all give cheerfully to the body of Christ, the church. Remember Jesus is Lord. We exalt God, we we exhort men, and we exhaust the devils and their deceptions.
Malachi 3 v 10 – 12 indicates God’s commandment to tithe and offerings. This, actually, can be referred to as one of the Mosaic laws but they still apply to today’s Christians. Why are people quick to disobey a God’s commandment because it’s in the old testament but are very willing to claim many blessings that are also in Mosaic teachings. Hypocrites! If tithes were for the Levites, the priests, the house of God in the Mosaic time, don’t we have men of God and houses of God that need foods and other things including money today? Why do people argue with themselves on the appropriateness of tithe’s payment? This is devil at work! Rebuke it.
I hear people debate on if Jesus, Paul or any of the disciples of Jesus paid tithe. Please read Mathew 23 v 23- Jesus in this reading, admonishes the teachers of the law and the Pharisees on their hypocrisy. He says they pay their tithes i.e they observe the law of tithe payment but lack justice, faithfulness and mercy. So, he says they should have practised the latter- justice, faithfulness and mercy- which are more important without neglecting the former- payment of the tithe. Remember Matthew 5 v 17- 18: Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill them. Why then are some teachers always trying to say we are not under the laws? Jesus didn’t place more importance on tithe but he didn’t go against it neither. So Jesus acknowledged it. He was only more interested in justice, mercy and faithfulness.
The main reasons why many people go against tithing is out of selfishness, financial stinginess and or ignorance. It is hard for people to let go a 10% of their profits. So many find reasons to disobey the Godly commandment. If God blesses the sons and daughters of Israel, we all want to claim them and we say we are also children of God. Yet, when He commands the people of Israel to do something, we, non-Israelites, consider hard to observe, we say the commandment is for the old people of Israel and we are not one of them! We are not under the law! How hypocritical we sound.
However, tithes should not disturb your offering. We should help the poor, help the needy and the less privileged. The two Godly acts are important.But we must take the tenth of our profit to the house of God. Food must be readily available in His house. His priests must be cared for. What’s wrong with these statements- that will must take care of His house and His servants?
Lastly, the obedience to tithing attracts its blessings; however, u cannot be condemned if u do not want these blessings. It then must be emphasised that tithing is not a requirement to inherit the kingdom of God but it’s a practice that honors God and unleashes His blessings. Tithing is not for everybody as many people wrestle with God on its effectiveness. But if you obey and pay your tithe, you are one of the few blessed Christians. Please read Proverbs 3 v 9-10
Don’t ever worry about how the church spends your tithe. That’s not our concern. You gave it to the Lord and He knows about it. That’s enough! How it is spent should not bother you. That judgement lies with God.You go ahead and test God and see if Mal 3 v 10-12 is real or not. Remember Matthew 5 v 17-18. God’s words are more important than His name. If He says it, who are we to denounce it?! And where else does God specifically ask us to test Him? So do we think He just says something without a substance of reality? Let’s think again. He is a Living God of yesterday, the days of the Mosaic Laws, today and forever. He doesn’t change!!!!! Let usObey him and quit the debate.
Thanks. l am not a pastor. And l say l really much respect your views.
God’s words are more important than his name??!!!
Malachi 3 1-10 is an abomination to the leaders of the temple for not only misusing tithes, but invoking false teachings of exploiting widows and wage earners for money that was not part of the tithe. Read the parallel vs to Matthew 3:23 in Mark and Luke. It becomes clear the exploitation of widows and wage earners (false tithe teachings) from Malachi was continuing. Mark 12-13. Sadly I feel most are misguided like the widow allowing yourself to be exploiting for a structure God will tear down anyhow.
The law still exists, except we pre-date the law adopted into Abraham’s family. Gal 3, you may chose to be a descendants of Jacob. Since we are about biblical truth’s did Peter tithe as a fisherman?
Secondly we are all priests in the since we have a direct pathway to Christ. So yes you are responsible for the church budget.
The truth is if a person is in need and we can help them and do not we are not following Christ. 1 john 3.
Hello Brother Paul,
I discovered the truth about tithes and offering, and these so called pastors either are ignorant of God’s word or knowing full well that they’re are lying on God, and fleecing God’s people. I will not step in a religious institution where they’re teaching the false doctrine of tithes and offering. It’s. It’s very dangerous, and Christ didn’t send them. Majority of these religious disorganizations are false churches and don’t trust God to provide, they rely on that false doctrine. Here’s a sister in Christ who wrote this:
12 Facts Every Sincere Follower of Jesus Should Know about Tithing:
The tithe was food (crops) and animals, NOT MONEY Deuteronomy 14:22
People who were poor did not tithe – Deuteronomy 14:28
You are under a curse if you are a tither (observing Levitical laws) Galatians 3:10 clearly states if you attempt to do any, you must do them all.
Any church building made of brick and mortar is not God’s storehouse – 1Corinthian 16 :19
Anyone attempting to be justified by tithing is alienated from Christ and you have fallen from grace – Galatians 5:4
Most all pastors spend the tithes and offerings on their excessive living and personal pleasure.
in the Book of Malachi 3, the prophet of God was speaking to the priest, not the Israelites.
You are not a Israelite by blood or geneology.
There is no longer one temple where the Israelite priest gave offerings to God for their sins, those who have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior from sin are the temple of God. 1Corinthians 3:16.
Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the Law but rather to fulfill it by living a sinless life and dying on the cross for the sins of the entire world….and he said,” it is finished.” John 19:30 He fulfilled the Law!!!
Modern day false teachers can start a church oganization without any federal or state regulations and begin teaching this tradition of men and false doctrine without any scrutiny whatsoever.
If you are not serious about your salvation in Christ and commit yourself to being a student of the scriptures for yourself, you will be taken for a ride with this false doctrine that has emotionally deceived and damaged the masses.
-Sister Sharon Johnson
I am late to the discussion but wanted to add an important note that is often missed.
The tithe law was not only a giving requirement but also a requirement of how it was to be used. Malachi 3 is a rebuke of priests and levites misusing tithe funds.
I have heard the giving part of the tithe taught, but never that 30% should be set aside for the poor and needy.
Think about that for a second, and how many biblical principles this breaks teaching one without the other.
Many Christians cannot believe that the clergy can plan evils and tell lies. You can only teach and preach about tithes from the cover up of law without spiritual scandal but not from grace. Hebrews 7:12,12 For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law. Know by grace you are saved and Christ is the end of the law and we are not under the law. Ephesian2:8-9,8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Romans 6:14 ,14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace John1:17,17 For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Matthew27: 62-66, 62 On the next day, which followed the Day of Preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees gathered together to Pilate, 63 saying, “Sir, we remember, while He was still alive, how that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise.’ 64 Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night[a] and steal Him away, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ So the last deception will be worse than the first.”65 Pilate said to them, “You have a guard; go your way, make it as secure as you know how.” 66 So they went and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and setting the guard. Matthew28:10-15, Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.11 Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.14 And if this come to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. The Chief Priests and elders got tithes but did not spread or help the spread of the Gospel but persecuted Christians. When were the tithes allocated to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Paul got letters from the high priest to persecute Christians. Acts 22:5, The high priest and the whole council of elders can testify that this is so. For I received letters from them to our Jewish brothers in Damascus, authorizing me to bring the Christians from there to Jerusalem, in chains, to be punished.
Having went to church today where the main jist of the service was tithing specifically the 10 percent. It left an bad taste in my mouth. I appreciate articles that t ut in perspective.
What about if the topic of giving being presented more in terms of generosity instead of tithing.
New believers or non-givers “Christians” should learn from their spiritual leaders that tithing is the minimal measure they should refer and practice in terms of giving. The generosity of God through Christ indeed should never be compared or justified with a mere tenth. Living in the grace and by grace, we should embody generosity instead, as we learned from the exhortation of the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9.
I agree with all you are saying however this doesn’t remove the requirement for us as Christian’s to give. The tithe you are speaking about above refers to the tax of a theological government. We no longer have a theological government so we now pay the tax to our current government.
The tithe also existed before the law is what some pastors will state and therefore exist after the law.
But I say so did animal sacrifices but they don’t exist still.
No we required to give by grace; we are required to give all. The two examples of giving in the new testament show the poorest of the poor who gave all they had. It was a sacrifice for them. Furthermore Jesus scoffed at the priesthood for making sure that they tithed the exact 10%. So I concluded from the scripture that tithing is no longer a requirement but if you are not giving to the point that you feel the sacrifice, in other words, if you are not giving up something that you find dear and near in order to give, you don’t give enough. You are in essence cheating God. God wants it ALL.
Having looked into this subject with great study for approximately 40 years, I am thankful that you are standing for the biblical truth. Many will say that they don’t agree and will tell you things is scriptural but then most do not tithe according to the law either. When I was first saved I ask the Lord how I was to give because there were do many thoughts out there. His response was ” How much water do you give to your bushes?”
I replied after some thought, I just water them thoroughly until I feel they are sufficiently watered.
I have made it a practice to do so for all these years never holding anything back from Him!
Regards, Gary
Registering here after looking at the articles on investing and then saw this one. Worthy of a registration and an AMEN! So glad to see other young believers actually look into tithing and see how it’s poorly taught today in most churches and authors. Many even think the first fruits were tithes but they weren’t! They fit in a little basket :)
Kudos to you. If you approach every area of your life according to the Bible by looking at what God’s word actually says you’ll do well. If believers aren’t giving enough preaching more of Moses law won’t change their hearts. Only Jesus can do that as we come under his amazing grace.
And contrary to popular opinion, neither Jesus nor the apostle Paul taught tithing. Jesus told the Pharisees under the law who were steeped in self righteousness that they should be tithing their food (herbs and spices) if they were going to be perfect but quickly showed them they fell well short through their character. He never told people under the new covenant to tithe. Neither did Paul. The weekly collection was clearly stated to be a free-will offering they committed to gathering so that they could help those believers in other areas under a famine. Today’s collections are largely spent on the local believers programs, salaries, and buildings. Very little goes to those in need in the church let alone outside the church.
Giving is supposed to be as each decides in his heart, free willed, not under compulsion or obligation, and a response to God’s ultimate giving of His son. As he gave so we give.
If the church isn’t generous it’s an issue of the Gospel message and the heart, not an issue of obedience and the law.
If the law is not of faith, why tithe ? If the just shall live by faith, why tithe ? If no one is justified by the works of the law, why tithe ? If we did not received the Spirit by the works of the law, why tithe ? If God loves a cheerful giver, why tithe ? If Jesus abolished the works of the law, why tithe ? If you are going to be a debtor to keep the whole law, why tithe ?
Do you think God will say ‘Oh, we’re not tithing anymore, didn’t you get the memo? So my promise from the old testament isn’t valid, my bad!’
I think you miss out tremendously on an abundance of blessing if you decide not to tithe. Only a legalistic mindset like a Pharisee would teach that tithing is a bad thing, or something not to be taken seriously.
Thank you so much for this wonderful article in regards to tithing. Too many Christians are trapped and need to be delivered from this concept of giving to get from God. When we give to God, it is an attitude of worship in that we “give” Him the glory, honor and praise. With this understanding, we then become cheerful givers whom God loves.
I pray that the Lord will continue to use you to advance His Kingdom and teach the right way of giving.
Take care,
Your sister in Christ Jesus,
I’m sorry but you are confusing about giving Jesus did not condemn tithe he said these things you ought to have done but not leave the other undone meaning pay tithes but don’t be a hypocrite with it the law was not done away with it was forfill in Love the tenth commandments was not done away with but forfill in Love we are still obliged to live right but have love in the heart with it same way tithes and keeping the commandments seek God and he will give you understanding ??????
Why would God tell us to test him in the matter of tithing if it wasn’t an extremely important issue with him?
Testing God in the tithe (Mal. 3:10–12) Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.
Thank you.
I’ve struggled to pay bills and tithe continually. Although i love to give back freely to God. i need to help my husband earn bec we live in a third world country, it’s so hard to earn… I’ve literally starved myself in order that my child have enough to eat. to read this has freed me and has made me more grateful for what has been given to me. you’ve literally helped save my life as ive been planning to kill myself bec of all the financial burden. a little extra is gonna save me a lot instead of eating baked potatoes every day. its in this sense where I am also free to give cheerfully now that im free of the guilt. may Jesus bless you for writing this. please send me some articles on how to save and invest in a third world country…
Guilt is often the fruit of disobedience. Tithing serves 3 main purposes. 1.) It honors God. 2). It helps carry out the work of God at your local church 3.). It proves your trust in God. Remember, Malachi 3:10 is the ONLY Scripture in the entire Bible where God says to test Him. That means, it’s extremely important to God. Tithing birth faith and expectation in your heart to receive from God. Remember, money is one of the greatest test that God uses to see where a person’s heart is towards Him. God will never fully have your heart if he doesn’t also have your wallet. Giving is the only proof that you’ve conquered greed. You only prove to God that you don’t love money by your willingness to give it to Him. My dear brother who runs this site might be sincere but he’s wrong!
Brandon Boyd…
Guilt is not the fruit of disobedience, Death is, according to Christ. Your first 2 points about tithing are subjective at worst and facetious at best. Your 3rd point abt tithing is completely false/ wrong and you are a liar. You willfully lie on the word of God saying that tithing proves your trust in God. Faith and faith alone proves your trust in God. Furthermore, I honestly think ur trolling with the statement about God not having your heart if he doesn’t have your wallet. God knows the heart of every man, even before they were in the womb. Giving is not proof you have conquered your greed, Salvation is proof of conquered sin, a.k.a greed. You prove to God that you don’t love money by not having the love “of” money. The only person that is wrong here is u with ur hereby. You sir, are an Edomite, you pervert the word of God. You bring shame on his name with what u say. I pray that God has mercy on your black and wicked soul.
Your idea of tithing is very poor and evil inspired..Jesus law is more difficult than the Old Testament..example in Old Testament having sexual relationship with other woman aside from wife,you committed adultery..but in Jesus law,if you lustfully look unto woman with out physical contact you already committed adultery..Now,in giving in Old Testament ten percent and offering but Jesus teaching is more than 10 percent…remember the young man asking Jesus how to be save..Jesus said go sale your riches and give it to the poor and follow me..a tax collector when He in counter Jesus half of his position sold and give to the poor..Giving ten is biblical and it’s a key of blessing..now if your convections is to give more than ten then it’s more good..as long as your giving is not below ten percent.
Hi Paul,
I love what you share here. Like you’ve mentioned, setting aside money for God is important and helpful (such as giving 10%), but can be hurtful when it becomes law or done out of compulsion. The problem with the teaching of the tithe is that it’s the Old Covenant teaching, which we are not under and it may actually be unintentionally holding us back from God’s greater. I think the New Covenant teaching or at least the core of giving is so much bigger than tithing (and offerings). “Jesus’ Example is a Better Motivation for Giving”…and Jesus’ example and that of the early church were lives that revolved around giving.
In Acts 2:44-47, all who believed sold their possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.
I think this is the theme of the Bible, that 100% of our money is God’s, so we are to use it for His glory. Imagine if Christians got back to this; the impact we could have on the world. Obviously, the issues are complicated, and just giving to the poor can sometimes enable them more than help them. But what if our heart was that of the church of Acts. How can we give more? How can we make more to give more? And how can we use our giving (or spending) to bring God glory.
I think this is an incredibly difficult thing for us to see, at least in the American church. We need a $600 phone to survive, we spend $100s, maybe $1,000s of dollars on holidays for each other on all sorts of materialistic items as our giving. We need a home with lots of rooms, some which are rarely used, and all sorts of materialistic things because otherwise “we couldn’t be a good witness to the world”. And I am not trying to say any of these things in and of themselves are wrong. But I wonder if the way we use “our” (God’s) money, after the tithe and sometimes offerings, is motivated by Christ. Is it in the spirit of 2 Corinthians 9:11: “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving”. We could pursue making money and decrease spending, so that God is glorified: by giving to missionaries to distribute Bibles, to spread God’s Word, to help the poor, to help bring girls out of human trafficking, to support women to pursue their pregnancies rather than choosing abortion, to show the world that the church is here to transform this place.
Brothers and sisters the word church is not in the original scriptures so surely we are not to tithe to the church. We are the church! If you see your brother or sister in need give. Not to the institution!
Thankyou Paul, I think this overview highlights the fact that the law and/or old testament patterns of giving have now been overshadowed by the new and more glorious life lived by the power and under the direction of the Holy Spirit’s leading. If I had to add up the missionary trips, jobs left behind, spontaneous gifts given to the church and the saints, it would far exceed 10% of my earnings.
Life by the Spirit and in obedience to God’s promptings will teach us about living generous lives that reflect our generous God.
We don’t give to get, we give as He leads and when it makes us happy, because we have already received! ?
I agree. As I have study the Word of God over the years, I have also come to the conclusion that we as the cildren of God through Christ do not have to tithe. As I see it almost seem like paying God to bless you which sounds so awful when you say it out loud, but that is the mindset of Christians. Why? Because we have been told we are curse with a curse if we do not tithe. How did we the church moved away from Christ in this way? We all know we were saved by grace of God, and not of our own. I am praying God open our eyes and hearts to the whole truth of His Word.
It is interesting that in Acts 6 the deacons were set up to make sure the Greek widows would recieve a fair share with the Jewish widows. They were recieving not giving. In the OT a tithe was not required on wages or sale of land. Priests were giving of all the recurved.
Today we see church leaders focusing great wealth and giving to others who agree with their ideas on tithing. See James 1:26. Visiting widows and orphans in their troubles implies taking them something not just going empty handed. I see tithing as a form of worshipping mammon. We just give then when we look back on the year are amazed to see it up near 20% yet just gave for the joy of helping others in and outside of the church.
I am thankful St Paul’s did not charge for all his and the other disciples wrote.
I am blessed and the knowledge that God has given you and others in reference to tithing is profound. Thanks for allowing God to use you to share and shade some light
on this topic that has been misguided.
I think people also miss a very important fact. If we are Christians and follow Jesus then we would listen to him anyway. Remember you leaders, consider the outcome of their lives and imitate their faith. For Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Did Jesus not basically abolish the tithe in 2 Corinthians 9:7? He wanted us to give, not under compulsion but will a grateful heart.
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
He straight up tells us not to give from the law in this statement. He wants us to give what’s in our heart, period.
I believe we are Not in the Old Testament culture, when the church was the government. We are living in another type governmental culture that interferes with church culture giving. Our culture we live in now demands higher government Taxes, Medicare Taxes, State Taxes, Old age Tax, Transit tax, car registrations, Car and house Insurances, Property taxes etc…. Jesus pointed out in Matthew
12:21-24 The widows offering. If everyone would give what God put on there heart out of love, instead staying stuck on the leagalistic mode of 10%, the churches would be rich in love to spread the love. If God says 1% then give 1%. If you can give 10% then do what God says with a cheerful heart. Remember he who uses it for the Kingdom will be given more to work with. It is everyone’s battle I think to use money wisely. Most of us fall short. Not to give up though, for practice makes perfect!
People need to read and understand the Bible in it’s proper contexts. The plain truth is that tithing was part of the Old Testament Law and was addressed specifically to Israel and that’s why Jesus did not teach His apostles to tithe or teach it. The New Testament has nothing to do with tithing since tithing was a command, instead, it has everything to do with sacrificial, freewill and cheerful giving. I have read the specific verses in their proper context and have come to a conclusion that tithing was under the Laws given to Moses. I once taught my church about church giving and the end times where I was refuting the common commanding of tithing by false pastors. I was called to dialogue with the ‘church committee’ but i refused because they insist we must tithe. I excommunicated myself from the church because I refused to comply with false teachings. No matter what it takes, I never tithe, but will always give my offerings sacrificially, cheerfully and out of love for God. It is so shameful that many people who claim to teach the word of God cannot differentiate between grace and law, Levitical priesthood and the priesthood of all believers and even cannot tell to whom Malachi 3:10 was addressed. Hebrews 7:12 makes it clear that the priesthood was changed, but false preachers argue that they are the Levites of today, so shameful.
We are not commanded to tithe, but to give my sacrificially, cheerfully and out of our love for God
If one feels they must tithe, the follow the Bible in doing it or realize that you’re using a man-made tradition. This comes from Dueteromomy 14:
22“You shall tithe all the yield of your seed that comes from the field year by year. 23And before the LORD your God, in the place that he will choose, to make his name dwell there, you shall eat the tithe of your grain, of your wine, and of your oil, and the firstborn of your herd and flock, that you may learn to fear the LORD your God always. 24And if the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, when the LORD your God blesses you, because the place is too far from you, which the LORD your God chooses, to set his name there, 25then you shall turn it into money and bind up the money in your hand and go to the place that the LORD your God chooses 26and spend the money for whatever you desire—oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves. And you shall eat there before the LORD your God and rejoice, you and your household. 27And you shall not neglect the Levite who is within your towns, for he has no portion or inheritance with you.
28“At the end of every three years you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce in the same year and lay it up within your towns. 29And the Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance with you, and the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, who are within your towns, shall come and eat and be filled, that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands that you do.
Excellent article, I left a church earlier after seeing the pastor who made people who don’t tithe to stand in middle of congregation and cursed them with Holy Spirit. When Jesus died on the cross and took away the curse for sure I believe he took away the curse of tithing too. On the other hand in New Testament we are a family. I do tithe but I don’t do it out of fear, also I don’t streamline that to one particular person or his ministry, I do divide it to Local church+Poor and Needy+Missionaries. God do bless a cheerful giver but I don’t think he curse anyone for not giving to a man whenever he demands. Certain family members of mine are about to be bankrupt since they kept giving to every Tom dick and Harry without any second thought and just out of fear of curse. Your article is excellent and apt to the point. God Bless you so much.
Mal.3: 8-10. First to understand the Bible & to interpret & apply it for today’s Christians we must know the DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OLD & NEW TESTAMENT
We must know that the Bible is divided into 3 dispensations (1)The Patriarchal (2) The Mosiac & the Christian Dispensations. We must also know what’s written for the Jews, Gentiles & the Church.
1. The Patriarchal age is the age of the fathers from Abraham to Moses.
2. The Mosaic age is from Moses to Christ
3. The Christian age is from Christ’s death on the cross to the His second coming.
God dealt with the people in a very peculiar ways e.g. in the Patriarchal age there was no 10 commandments, in Mosaic age God gave them 10 Commandments & ceremonial laws to be obeyed. The Christian age brought in Grace & Truth.
The law was our school master to bring us into Christ but now faith has come through Christ we are no longer under the school master. (Gal. 3:22-24). We’re not justified by law (Gal.5:4). Christ is the end of the law. (Rom.10:1-4).
If we’re to practice the Old Testament doctrines together with the New Testament there will be lots of confusion as we will be required according to Leviticus 20 to stone to death fornicators, adulterers, witches, wizards, stoning to death a rebellious son Deuteronomy (21:18-21), practice several burnt offerings & sin offerings of different kinds, stone to death those who work on Saturday (Sabbath day). (Numbers 15:32-36). If a girl loses her virginity she must be stoned to death to death also (Deut 22:13-21)
Women during their monthly period will be forbidden to come to church & so many more old testament practices. But we know that Christ have nailed all these practices & laws to the cross ( Col. 2:14-16, Rom.10:4)
WHAT IS TITHE? Tithes is a practice of paying “one- tenth” of one’s income or possession according to the Old Testament
The first time the word tithe ever appeared in the Bible is in the Book of Genesis where Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek the priest of Salem. Note that Abraham paid tithes as a reciprocal gestures in appreciation/ response to Melchizedek giving food & wine to Abraham’s servants on his way back from war. (Gen.14:8, 18-20). Abraham did not pay tithes to Melchizedek from his personal possessions but from spoils of war that he brought back when he went to rescue Lot his brother. (Gen. 14: 21-24). There was no law compelling Abraham to pay tithes to Melchizedek, he did it freely, Abraham DID NOT PAY TITHES AS A CONTINUOUS MONTHLY OR YEARLY RITUAL, but it was a one-time event.
Tithes became a law in the land of Israel when the children of Israel got to the Promised Land of Cannan. God divided the land to eleven out of the twelve tribes of Israel. But to the tribe of of Levi God didn’t give any portion of land, rather God gave them the tithes of which rightly belong to God, because of the services he gave them to perform in the Temple of Tabernacle (Lev. 27:30, Numb. 18:20-24) e.g the tribe of Judah where Christ came from are tithe payers, because they collected their own share of the land of Cannan & God Commanded them to pay to their brother Levi- Aaron & his descendants (Jos.15:1-5, Neh.13:12).
God told all the Nations of Israel to pay Tithes from the land he gave to them. (Num. 18:20-21). (Mal. 1:1-2, 3:7-12). We must understand that the laws of the Old Covenant & the laws of TITHES in particular wasn’t given to any other tribe in the world but to Israel as a Nation (Deut. 5:1-3). The Israelites were Commanded to pay tithe to the tribe of Levi only. No other tribe in the whole world including Jesus Christ & Judah his tribe has any scriptural right to collect tithes ( Heb. 7:5, 13), rather Judah the tribe Jesus came from were tithes payers & not tithes collectors (Neh. 13:12)
FROM WHAT PROCEEDS DID GOD COMMANDS THAT TITHES BE PAID?. Many Pastors who are tithes collectors says tithes must be paid from salaries & business profits but the Bible clearly states where tithes proceeds are to be paid. Tithes were commanded to be paid from FARM PRODUCE of the Israelites be it ANIMALS or CROPS ( Deut. 14:22) (Lev. 27:30-31). In which case God has already provided them farm lands (Jos.15:1-3). So there’s no excuse for any
Israelite saying “I can’t pay Tithes” or “I don’t have a land to farm”.
God Commanded that money shouldn’t be used for tithes payment but FARM PRODUCE ONLY. This is stated clearly & expressly. (Deut. 14:22-26). God knows that money was a good medium of exchange but commanded that if all you have to bring your tithes ( FARM PRODUCE) from a far distance to where God has put his name then you have to sell the farm product for money but when you get to the place you have to turn the money into farm produce again & eat before the Lord (Deut. 14:22-26).
God actually gave commandments to Israel to pay specific tithe for specific purposes.
1. Annual or yearly tithe to be given to take care of the Levites- Aaron & other priests officiating in the Tabernacle (Num. 18:20-24)
2. Tithes every 3 years to be given for the general populace of Levites, widows, orphans, strangers & the poor (Deut. 14:22-29).
3. The priests were also commanded by God to pay tithe of tithes to God, that is the priests are to pay tithes to God from the tithes the Israelites have paid to them. (Num. 18:26-29). Note the tithes which the priests will give to God must be offered as “HEAVE OFFERING” not money offering.
We can clearly see from the Bible that Judaism is different from Christianity. The New Covenant is superior & better than the Old Covenant with better promises. Heb. 8: 6-7, 2 Cor. 3:6-16). Bible says if the Old Covenant was perfect enough there wouldn’t have been need for the New Covenant. (Heb. 8: 7-13). The Old Testament & all it stands for were mere SHADOW of things to come but the New Testament is the real image. Heb.(10:1). Tithes & all Old Testament Practices & Doctrines have been abolished (Heb. 8:13)
(Heb.10:9) (2 Cor. 3:6-16) (Col. 2 : 14-17). Do Christians are not commanded to pay tithes today but to give a free will offerings as they are blessed. No levying of any kind. Give what you have.
This statement must be well understood not taken in isolation & out of context. Luke clarifies this issue better. (Lk.24: 45-49). In effect Jesus was not saying that he came to destroy nor re-establish the law but to “FULFILL” all that were written about him in the law of Moses, in the Prophets & in the Psalm. And Jesus Indeed have fulfilled all the prophecies concerning him, including his birth, death, burial, resurrection & ascension as prophesied. Again in Matt. 23:23 Jesus rebuked the Scribes & Pharisees & he said woe unto them & called them hypocrites for over-emphasizing the payment of tithes at the expense of the weighter matters of the law: mercy, judgement & righteousness. Jesus was NOT in this instance recommending tithe payment for his disciples & the New Testament Christians. He was rightly addressing the Jews who were given the law he wouldn’t have said woe & called his disciples hypocrites. At that time Christ will or Testament wasn’t yet in full force. Christ will & Testament became fully in force & enforceable after his death on the cross because there can be no testament except the tester dies. Wills can only be enforceable after he who wrote the wills dies. (Heb. 9:15-23). So at Christ’s death on the cross the law of tithe & other Old Testament practices ceased to be effective. In effect CHRIST became the only standard of faith for Christians today & no longer the Old Testament. (2 Cor. 3:6-14)
Tithing means : on one’s yearly increase please look into the Orginal Text in Hebrew , Strongs explain it beautiful
Wow. I had stopped tithing to my church for over two years. My pastor always said that God likes a cheerful giver and not to give out of obligation. I didnt feel comfortable giving to the church anymore but continued to allocate my tithes for advancing God’s kingdom. Nevertheless, I felt slightly condemned and asked Christian friends about their giving practices. Surprisingly, they actually said they don’t give all to the church, but some to other ministries that advance God’s kingdom. Yet I still wasn’t convinced.
Then I read your guest article by Michael Holmes, who interestingly, used my pastor’s (Joseph Prince) slides with regards to tithing. However, it was this article “Why I Don’t Tech Tithing,” that gave me a new assurance. Specifically, it was this sentence that captured me “When we look to tithing to become our rule and strict standard for giving, we ignore the freedom we have in Christ – not to stop giving, but to base our giving completely on love motivated by God’s love for us.” I had forgotten that by giving out of obligation, I was under law. But I now feel that God has been preparing my heart to open up my giving (in different ways) once I caught the revelation that I was free to give based on God’s love for me and Jesus perfect sacrifice.
Thank you for this mind blowing article. Though I have heard similar iterations, it was your specific sequence of words that captured me. May God always work in you and through you, and bless you always!
Tithing was the old testament. Today we give what we purpose in our hearts as God loves a cheerful giver. We see this in the New Testament the widow in Mark 12 gave her last note and she purposed that in her heart. She did not grudge about it like the other people who where giving their excess dollars away. In 2nd Cor 9:6-11 we see that God will come and goes come to our need through Christ Jesus his Son and his words in you. We also read in Galations 6:8 that we sow to the spirit and not reap corruption. The love of money is the root of all evil. Ask Annias and Sapharis who held back what they promised to give the price of the land they sold every penny in Acts 5. They lied to the man of God Peter and the Holy Ghost. Finally in Philippians 4:17-19 our offerings what we purpose in our hearts is a sweet smell in the nostrils of God through Christ Jesus.
The problem us we have man who has their brain stuck in the old testament and are still trying to follow Jesus in the flesh when he us no longer available in the flesh 2nd Cor 5:16-17. Jesus’ words are spirit and life John 6:63 and that us what we follow is after his words.
Mark 12:42] And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
[43] And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
[44] For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.
2nd Cor 9:6] But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
[7] Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
[8] And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
[9] (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever.
[10] Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)
[11] Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.
1st Timothy 6:10] For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
[11] But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
[12] Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Galations 6:8] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Philippians 4:17] Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.
[18] But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.
[19] But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
[20] Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Acts 5:1] But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,
[2] And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
[3] But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
[4] Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.
[5] And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.
[6] And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him.
[7] And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in.
[8] And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much.
[9] Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out.
[10] Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband.
[11] And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things.
Were struggling right now and we’ve been tithing for years, more than 10%, even when I couldn’t find a job. I’m beginning to think that during times when we can’t even pay bills, it may be okay to pay our debts and still give what we can.
Right now, we’re having a hard time and I have calculated that if we don’t give for February, we can get mostly caught up, so we can pay our bill on time in March.
Today, I was told to stay busy at work or they would send me home. The company is hurting and despite their excessive spending and lavish vacations, they want to cut costs and the cit anything where staff are concerned.
My husband is wondering if it’s because I already cancelled some giving for February. We really need help understanding. We love God and trust Him, but are also thinking we’ve been negligent of our debt obligations. Please help with anything you can teach us.
We do believe that He is a huge God that understands and can extend His grace and mercy.
Thank you for listening! God bless you!!!
Very interesting point of view.
Hey guys I’m Jeremy.My mom recently started going to a Baptist church.It turns out they strongly encourage tithing.That wasn’t so bad until she was sent a box of her own personal envelopes completely with name,address,and a blank spot asking for the tithing amount.Mom asked around a little bit and it so happens they keep track of each persons donations as long as they are tithing.I asked mom if she was sure that it was a Baptist church.Your preachers last name isn’t Borgia or Medici is it?All jokes aside I’ve been looking in the good book and from what I understand a good Christian abstains from doing anything to bring glory to their name,especially for giving to the lord..Tell me please if it isn’t money mongering,usery,or a sort of forced donating by inviting competition in having names and amounts and records kept…..It is un-Christian to me,a good old fashioned methodist.MY QUESTION;IS IT A BIBLICAL LAW,UNDISPUTED IN ANY OTHER BOOK IN THE BIBLE,THAT ONE MUST TITHE?PLACE THEIR TITHE AMOUNT FOR ALL TO SEE RIGHT BELOW THEIR NAME?DOES THE BIBLE SAY THAT A PASTOR IS TO KEEP TRACK OF EACH PERSONS TITHE..She litterally was called out in church for placing cash in the offering after she had recieved her TITHING ENVELOPES..I’d bet this was a Roman Catholic practice before the invention of The Baptist.I’d bet one of the reasons given by those who broke away from The Roman Catholic Church was the demand of tithes….what a joke….Selling the idea that one may buy their way into heaven via the tithes….My reading tells me to give to the poor…To use your money if you have an abundance to give something you have that is needed..I can find nothing about getting extra credit for saying HEY LOOK I GAVE A MILLION DOLLARS TO A POOR FAMILY OF 12…no it seems to be more Christian to mention nothing because God knows and all passages I’ve read about giving promise a reward of heaven….Please respond;Was it pope alexander the vi?idk.Rodrigo borgia or was it one of the Medici puppetts?surely the act of tithing is roman..
What an a concept to understand.
I call it GRACE GIVING..
The Widow gave 100% Luke 21:1-4
The Little Boy with his Fish and Bread gave 100% John 6:1-10
The Lady with the Alabaster Box gave 100% Matt.26:6-13
Jesus Gave 100% John 19:1-30
there are many in scripture that tell us to give all. Take up you cross and Follow me 10% of the time or 100% of the Time(mark 8:34) so what is the Cost All. Matthew 8:18-22
Jesus Don’t need our Money he desires our Hearts. but we we Give the Bible is Clear that GOD Loves a Cheerful Giver 2 Cor.9:6-8.
so Grace Giving is relationship between you and the Father what you decide in your Heart to give. Giving is Worship.
Wow an honest example of what the scriptures teach about tithing. It’s amazing the trained leaders ( widely known Evangelical leaders ) today go beyond the scriptures in maintaining the status quo regarding tithing, going to church 1 hour a week and other non biblical oppression to God’s people through pharisee type guilt teaching. We have come 360 from where we started in the book of Acts and have put non informed believers back under the law just like the converted Jews were demanding during Paul’s time. We need repentance from the pulpits where these false teachings are occurring. I have studied the original Greek in the entire NT and I can’t find where they get this stuff. The O.T. Law has been abolished, just study the teachings of the Apostle Paul to the Gentiles and the oppression he experienced from the Jews. I guess we have our modern days Jews.
Tithing was the old testament. Today we give what we purpose in our hearts as God loves a cheerful giver. We see this in the New Testament the widow in Mark 12 gave her last two mites and she purposed that in her heart. She did not grudge about it like the other people who were giving their excess dollars away. In 2nd Cor 9:6-11 we see that God will come and goes come to our need through Christ Jesus his Son and his words in you. We also read in Galations 6:8 that we sow to the spirit and not reap corruption. The love of money is the root of all evil. Ask Annias and Sapharis who held back what they promised to give the price of the land they sold every penny in Acts 5. They lied to the man of God Peter and the Holy Ghost. Finally in Philippians 4:17-19 our offerings what we purpose in our hearts is a sweet smell in the nostrils of God through Christ Jesus.
The problem us we have man who has their brain on worldly and carnal things for example: a new car, jet, jet ski, house, wife, etc. The preachers are deceiving people by using the old testament and clain to follow Jesus when he is no longer available to be followed 2nd Cor 5:16-17. Jesus’ words are spirit and life John 6:63 and that us what we follow is after his words as that is what he left for mankind.
Mark 12:42] And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
[43] And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
[44] For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.
2nd Cor 9:6] But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
[7] Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
[8] And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
[9] (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever.
[10] Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)
[11] Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.
1st Timothy 6:10] For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
[11] But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
[12] Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Galations 6:8] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Philippians 4:17] Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.
[18] But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.
[19] But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
[20] Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Acts 5:1] But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,
[2] And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
[3] But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
[4] Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.
[5] And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.
[6] And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him.
[7] And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in.
[8] And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much.
[9] Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out.
[10] Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband.
[11] And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things.
Heb 7:5: “And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham:”
Looks like you got it all backwards. We are no longer in Abraham we are now in Christ. After the cross we purpose in our hearts as God loves a cheerful giver 2nd Cor 9:6-8.. What you have is an out of context scripture. Tithes was great before the cross, now after the cross it is a different story. Jesus before he died preached about the mite the widow gave as she gave by faith a cheerful giver in Luke 21. Tithes today is just pocketbook preacher teaching to get at your pocketbook and nothing for the saving of the soul.
Hebrews 7:[9] And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.
[10] For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.
[11] If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?
[12] For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.
2nd Cor 9:6] But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
[7] Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
[8] And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
Hebrews 10:1] For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.
[2] For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.
[3] But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
[4] For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
[5] Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:
[6] In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure.
[7] Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
[8] Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;
[9] Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.
Mr Williams, Thanks alot for sharing these good news.
I can not begin to tell you how much I have battled with the subject of tithes in my walk with Christ. It has been confusing, because the preacher speaks of the grace of God and how we have been freed from the curse of the law in that Christ died for us and yet on the same day in the same pulpit I hear teaching of giving that God will curse you if you don’t tithe which contradicts the former message of grace, so I really stopped going to church because I felt like the message of grace was theafter being contaminated by the teaching of tithing that enslaves me to the law again.
““Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me! “But you ask, ‘What do you mean? When did we ever cheat you?’ “You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me. You are under a curse, for your whole nation has been cheating me. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!”
??Malachi? ?3:8-10? ?NLT??
The book Malachi is a ceremonial book, Christ had been cursed for us so that we may be freed from our own righteousness. The Lord is talking to the Israelite people, not us.
This passages are only applicable to them. Agricultural products are used here. We must not misled other people. Christian churches today just adopted this concept from levitical practices and therefore should not be applied today.
The curse and promise are only applicable to the Israelite people; don’t be fooled as if you’re acting as one of them. Ceremonial practices had gone already. There are no levites and tabernacle now. Even the NT points out as our body as the temple of God.
Practice freewill giving and you’ll be freed from worry and be experiencing the true act of giving.
Another thing, promise is not true because I’ve known so many tithe givers but still did’nt experience the promise to Israelites as overflows as it is.
God bless you.
1 Corinthians 16:1-2,16 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do you. 2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. Christians were not giving tithes.
Abraham paid the tenth, from the spoils…. he would have already paid this tenth of other property. Read clearly in the chapter the real meaning of why we should Tithe, it’s profound, also read in what Jesus did.We are delivered fromSatan and this evil world and generation, read the meaning of numbers … 4 and 10 .4 means creation , 10 means Glory, Holy . We are sanctified and delivered from this world creation, therefore we pay are Tithe. Jesús is a priest of the order of Melchizedek and his saints will be priests at His return, both priesthood’s we passed to Abraham on this day that he was delivered from the Kings if this world.therea many parallels.? this a just the start.
Abraham spontaneously tithed from the spoils of war to Melchizedek AFTER receiving the profoundly prophetic bread and wine. (communion with God thru Jesus sacrifice) Sodom got the other 90%.. We are priests of God at new birth not when we get to heaven. ( Revelation 1:5, 5:10, 1 Peter chapter 2)
The main message of the Bible is the prophesied blood bought and glorious new covenant of grace which continually puts the spotlight on Jesus Christ and who we are in him which is a redeemed and beloved child of God AND Kingdom of new covenant priests at new birth. Whose primary purpose is to minister unto the Lord as a new covenant priest in the inner court to be nearest his presence thus being empowered to present Jesus himself to others and bring the Kingdom of God to earth!
Thank you for tour clear answers about tithing. Having been raised with fear based consequences of not tithing, this is a refreshing read. I also have come to understand Grace with difficulty so I was glad to see your perspective . thank you.
The verse Matthew 23:23 only points out that the tithing is on herbs: mint, cummin, and annise. It was taught by their elders instead of the law-for they were told to tithe corn. So, if we will follow-it must be also the ceremonial way – herbs and NOT MONEY, but the author was correct when he used the word warped, some people changed it.
That’s why Jesus didn’t want to oppose it; (take note Jesus is talking to Scribes and Pharisees, who practiced ceremonial rites just like this), before the cross. After his death, all of these ceremonial rites had gone already. What matters most are justice, mercy and faith.
There’s always an issue on money, because God’s kingdom is not based on money but by His power. We must put our trust on Him, not on money.
We always gave at least 10% of our income to the church and then additional offerings on top of that. However, I now attend a church that is led by a pastor who is interested in growing his church above teaching the word. He continues to acquire buildings through purchase and building programs. While he is busy with this, our church members, many who are poor, are struggling financially. The staff members work around the clock and can not go on vacation when the pastor does because they are paying to repair their old vehicles…..We have recently been redirecting our tithe to missions, and to the people in church as needs arise. We are still giving more than 10%, however we feel that the church consists of the people and we have widows without vehicles, widows who are on staff and need a bed for their kids…..I don’t know if what we are doing is right or wrong, but I don’t see a need for all these buildings. I think it makes the pastor feel successful to see shiny new buildings, but we are fine with the existing ones.
If you read the entire account in Genesis, you will find the tithe given was only from what was taken (the spoils of war), not anything from Abraham’s wealth or possessions.
Paul, may God bless you richly. I read this article yesterday and I was very disappointed first in myself because I didn’t study the Bible well and I relied so much on my pastors, and secondly in my pastors for knowing the truth and not preaching it. I and my wife have resolved not to pay tithe again, we will channel our church contribution to widows and orphans in the church. I shared the article on Facebook and Twitter and today I have told three people about it and I will continue to do so. We are called to Truth-we can’t preach anything less. In Nigeria, Christianity has turn into something else, sometimes I am ashamed of what people do in the name of Jesus and for Jesus. In Nigeria, church members keep getting poorer while the pastors get richer, even in this Coronavirus pandemic pastors are busy creating platforms to collect tithe and offerings without giving anything to its members and the community.
At least with Coronavirus, pastors are on break with their fake healings, they didn’t even see it coming less give false prophesy about its coming-now we know them, wolves in sheep clothes.
I’m totally inspired when someone breaks down tithing and why it’s not condemning New Testament Christians! I consider it robbery when ministers do such! It’s extortion! I never heard any apostle charge anyone with tithing after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! You’ve done a great job on the subject. If I were in better health, I’d want to go to your church.
Just as much about tithing, I stopped going to church, being raised Pentecostal. It was about not believing in the tongues they practiced, where no one knew what was said! It became encouraging hysterical behavior to create babblings taken for unknown tongues!
I’ve got to believe tongues are for communication, as they were the Day of Pentecost! I believe there are real gifts of tongues, but for the purpose of speaking to someone who already speaks the language!
I would find it strange that no one knew the language of the speaker, but the speaker, yet he’s spirit filled, speaking to someone! It would be unbelievable if even the speaker didn’t know the tongue, but was speaking to someone who didn’t know it or able to interpret it by God supplying the gift, because that would defeat the purpose of communication!
I used to be mystified and believed they were under the spirit. I now believe it’s a spirit, but their own spirit out of emotions, or the devil!
Excellent Christ centric teaching on tithing. There is not one mention of anyone tithing money to anyone else in the entirety of Scripture. The Biblical tithe pertains to produce and livestock so the poor, the Levite’s and the Priesthood could eat and perform their duties. Tithing in Scripture does not pertain to money. Tithing under the old obsolete covenant was simply a land tax for land owners only. Tithing under the new covenant of Jesus Christ can be a holy and beautiful thing IF done wholly unto the Lord. In response to Jesus new covenant blood offered in heaven for our eternal redemption. The poor under the old covenant received tithes. Of food. But if one is motivated to give God 7%, 25% or 75% in response to communion with God taking into consideration who Jesus is and what he has accomplished on your behalf God loves a cheerful giver. Tithing under the grace of God with Abraham opens and closes the Bible. ( Genesis 14, Hebrews 7) Hebrews 7 teaches the law tithes into grace. As the Levite’s through the loins of Abraham tithed to Melchizedek after Abraham received the profoundly prophetic bread and wine. ( communion with God through Jesus new covenant blood and body sacrifice) Jesus being our new covenant Lord/King and High Priest fulfilling Psalm 110:1,4 as well as the promise to David “ you shall never lack a man to sit on your throne” and the promise to the priesthood “for a perpetual priesthood.” Hebrews 7 itself but especially in the context of Hebrews chapters 6-10 liberally utilizes Psalm 110:1,4 to encourage Messianic disciples of Jesus to continue with Jesus and the new covenant he came to earth to inaugurate. Colossians Ephesians Galatians Romans and Hebrews directly teaches that Jesus came to fulfill the old covenant law and establish a new covenant. So false teachers like Joseph Mattera are in spiritual reality unwittingly anti Christ as the old covenant law is whole 613 set of laws indivisible. Jesus is our new covenant law and he lives inside us! There is not one example in the entirety of Scripture of anyone tithing $ to anyone else but tithing can be a holy and beautiful thing IF done wholly unto the Lord with a grateful heart for Christ living his life inside you out to others! For someone to teach promised blessings and suggested curses based on Malachi is divorced from Jesus new covenant blood offered in heaven for eternal redemption. ( Luke 22:20, Hebrews 9, Hebrews 10:29)
I do believe Not one Jot or Tittle of the Law is Done Away With Until all is Fulfilled, etc. Matthew 5:17-21 and we are still required to honor God’s laws until Heaven and Earth passes away. However, when it comes to tithing, there is no possible way it can be required during today’s times because there is no more Temple and Levites/Levitical Priests to give to. Not to mention, it was a Commanded Ordinance, which all of the Ordinances of the Law was fulfilled at the Cross throughf Jesus Christ. If you look at the Torah (1st 5 books of Moses), Tithing does not fall underneath the Royal/Moral Law; however, you do see where it was required during the feasts as a Festival Tithe, Deut. 14-22-27, which everyone ate before the presence of the Lord once they brought their tithes to the Temple where the Lord placed His name. However, the other two Tithes were not for the up-keeping of the of Temple. It simply was God’s way of ensuring everyone had plenty of food to eat. They had money during this time (1 Kings 10:14, Ex 30:13, Ex 38:25-26, Jer 32:9, 2 Chr 1:17, 1 Kings 16:24 etc.; but, God never required money to be tithed and it was never mentioned no where in the scriptures as being for the up-keeping of the Temple like pastors teach today for the up-keeping of the churches. However tithes were able to be redeemed (Lev 27:31), which was an additional 1/5 part of on top of the tenth. I notice many preachers use Abraham and Jacob as proof that tithing was given prior to the establishment of Israel’s Old Covenant and their examples should be followed as far as tithing for today; however, the main thing they fail to mention is what was the last commandment given pertaining to the tithes? The last commandment given by God was they were supposed to be given to the Levites because they had no land inheritance unlike the other 11 tribes. All of Israel’s tithing laws were based on Jacobs vow he made with God if He blessed him which only pertained to food and not necessarily money, Gen 28:20-22. When he mentioned all, he was referring to all of the agriculture God would increase the lang flowing with milk and honey (Israel) to include the clean animals. Money was never mentioned as a requirement for tithing and many Israelite’s as mentioned earlier had money during the this time frame. Therefore, there is no more ordinances (Nailed to the Cross with Jesus), Temple (destroyed) and Israel have since been raided by foreigners, who have settled into the land and assumed the Hebraic culture as a result of the Israel’s disobedience’s throughout their generations as God’s way of punishing them for not keeping His Commandments etc. Deut. 28:65-68 (There is also other scriptures in regards to this as well). Today’s pastors cannot use Abraham and Jacob’s tithing as examples because it was not the last commandment given by God. The last commandment given was for the tithes to go to the Levites as the Lord would be their inheritance as they would serve in the tent of meeting, which is the Temple/Tabernacle, Numbers 18:21. You will never find anywhere in scripture where God Commanded the tithes to go to anyone else other than the Levites. So the Order of Melchelsedic example in Hebrews Chapter 7 is a poor example for church goers to be paying 10% of their money to the local church pastors for their salaries and up-keep of the church. Church pastors cannot assume the duties of the Levitical Priests because God never authorized it. Today, we are all considered priests as part of Jesus Christ’s royal priesthood, 1 Peter 2:9. We can all go directly to the Father through Jesus’ Christ our High Priest Heb 4:14-16 and make our requests known to Him without the requirement of a Priests or Pastor today. However, I do believe if the church need money to pay the mortgage, light bill, food, bless the Man of God who preaches/teaches the true word of God etc. then the leaders should simply request the member to give by taking up an offering and let the members of the church know exactly what is needed to sustain the finances of the church building because it is very convenient for worship service and other ministerial functions. I believe that basic communication from the church leaders out of love for the children of God is what is necessary to maintain the up-keeping of the church. No pastor(s) should be trying to place a yoke around their members necks by telling them that God requires them to tithe a tenth of their income, and if they do not tithe then they are robbing God and will be cursed with a curse, Malachi 3:6-9. This scripture is totally taken out of context and was directed toward to Levitical Priests who were in fact robbing God of the Tithes. Please refer to the book of Nehemiah in order to truly understand the prophesy of Malachi. In closing, if the last commandment of the tithes, which required a tenth of the produce to go to the Levitical Priests are taught today, then there is no way it could be followed because there is no Temple, Israel is no longer an agricultural society, you cannot identify who the Levites are today because they were all scattered to the four corners of the earth. There are no more Commanded Ordinances because Christ became our sacrificial Lamb, which ended all of the ordinances of he law under the Old Covenant Levitical Priesthood. Today, under the New Covenant, we are to give as the Lord has prospered us with a cheerful heart and not with a grudge, 2 Cor 9:7. I believe this is what God desires of us today along with keeping the rest of His Commandments. Remember, Jesus said, if you love Me, Keep my Commandments, John 14:15.
I taught tithing and was a tithe for many years until I was compelled to fully study it. Tithing, as we practice it today is fear based. It is taught as a way to prosper the church in ways that God never meant ot to. We forget the purpose of tithing. Priests were not allowed to own property or have jobs. The tithe was to feed them. The only time a tithe was given as money was when the tithe was unable to take it to the temple. He would give it in the form of money which was then used to purchase livestock for the sacrifice. To further reinforce this, let’s look at what the people of the law currently do. Jews no longer tithe because it is unlawful to give a tithe to anyone but a Levite and they no longer exist. To engage in tithing means you are a Christian in name only but a child of the law and subject to it’s curse. Don’t forget that in Galatians the Apostle Paul admonishes Apostle Peter for teaching the gentiles the law. You can’t straddle the fence if your desire is to live as a Jew then fully commit to it and if your heart is to Christ then fully commit to him. You may give as much as you like because you were commanded to purpose in your own heart. In my past, I’ve tithed thousand of dollars and was proud of it. I had the hardest time acknowledging that I was wrong. As for all that still wish to do so, that is your choice.
Thank you for speaking on this subject of tithing. I have been to churches that I had to leave in the end because they BULLIED followers of Christ about giving 10%. What about single moms, widows, single wage earners, and the COST OF LIVING? Where are the needy in this equation? And how can you compare those with less to financially well healed followers? This is not apples to apples. Christ must have known that! This is not about biblical prosperity but the disproportionate distribution of wealth. I CAN and DO accept living with less than others, but should I be bullied when I go to church for not adhering to an unbiblical rule that they conveniently place on ALL? Tithing 10% was shouted out from the pulpits as often as repentance in these churches to shame, frighten or even invite the followers to LEAVE if they would not tithe to their church. Giving from a cheerful heart is the only way I can reconcile the act of giving since Christ paid for our sins. If I am not free to give as my heart would dictate, then I am not free at all. Sadly, the organized churches that I encounter persistently equate new testament giving with the tithe. In the church any discussion of giving needs to be about sharing with needy persons, not the tithe, if the heart of giving is shown in the proper light!
Thank you for this article. I shall look at the other tithe articles aswell. When I worked full time hours I tithed and gave offerings to my Church faithfully but when I had children and worked part time hours I simply couldn’t tithe as I had previously.
Needless to say it did not go down well with my Churches Pastors.
Pastors claiming brethren are “robbing God of His tithes” are destroying the Church. Tithes were of grains and food in Biblical times.
Even now during the Covid Pandemic the is actual Pastors telling struggling Christians ” you’ve robbed God of tithes and offerings”.
It seems to me that many above have destroyed any idea that the O.T.Tithe. If it is for today, where are the Levites? Note that to equate the support of Pastors with the support of the Levites would be to confuse both Similarly, to confuse any support of the Temple and the Sacrificial System with supporting a Church would be to confuse both.
Saying that, I have another basic question. Even if tithing were for today- (and it very clearly isn’t) how does giving it to an Established Church become the proper (sometimes only) place to give it?
Google and find out where and why the Catholic Church began the idea and why it was adopted even outside of Rome.
Church leaders ( Pastors and especially Seminaries ) have a very self serving reason never to question the entire -might I say racket?
Just as the giving of indulgences were once a haymaker so can you imagine how esteemed it was in my State of Va. when people were required to tithe to the State Church of Va.
Obliviously, when that idea went to of the Trashbin of History it was a sad day for some. Hence the idea that people should support their local Established Church through tithing became the replacement.
Hence the Church would baptize the concept of tithing as it has become one of the biggest consumer frauds the world has ever seen. Biblical or not, what Denomination would stand up against it? In short, it’s their lifeline!
And btw-they would also control who is qualified to be a Pastor. (another conjob that runs hand -in hand with those seeking “POWER and CONTROL”) I don’t have time to expound here but suggest begin by you seeing the works of Jon Zens “Google Serching Together
“For those sincerely interested (not interested in debate) in thinking about it more after reading some of Jon’s work -EMail me at palmer.5@comcast.net.
One thing those that preach tithing miss: If i tithe on my net, live with my means and save, then when i retire i am free of tithing. I have already “paid” tithe on money when i earned it. So when i get SS (tithe paid on that when earned) and use my savings to live, at 65 i no long have to tithe.
Nowhere in scripture does it even suggest to give to the local church. You give as God calls you to give to those who need it. We are not under the law and tithing is not in the New Testament. I give my money to who God places in my heart to give. It does have to be a Christian or a ministry in which I give my money. Are calling is to “help in sustaining and maintaining God’s works and services to reach and save other people.” It is really that simple. I give my money on a monthly basis to help a family in Ethiopia. So, no matter whether you feel called to give to your local church, a ministry, the homeless, prisoners who have been released and need help with expenses or a family in a 3rd world country it is all the same to God.
Jesus came to fulfill the law. I hope we all agree that He did not come to abolish the law.
I just came across your article as I was searching online: “curses for preaching against tithing”. Your article came up first on Google.
Please allow me to share: My 67-year old brother taught against tithing a couple of years ago on the pulpit in church on a Sunday morning. I thought to myself, “isn’t there a better topic to build us up with?” I kept wondering “how did Jesus fulfill the bringing of all the tithes to the King since He is the King”, as it is written in Deuteronomy 16:16: “They shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed. 17 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you.“ God asked for a free-will offering. Could my brother at least mention this free will offering in his very dangerous sermon? He preached against tithing before the Lord to God’s people.
Allow me to fast forward to June 1st, 2021. I received a call that my brother had been working in his backyard, when his wife found him lying dead on the ground. The medics had suspected a heart attack. We were devastated and still are. He was blessed with a loving God-fearing mom of 98 years of age, a wife who adored him, 3 beautiful children who deeply mourn him and 5 young grandchildren whom he will never see grow up.
Three days after his death, the autopsy revealed it was instant death; he had a broken neck. What? How? Four months later, the Coroner’s report is still not yet released and we have nothing but unanswered questions with deep sorrow and shock.
I am surrounded with family relatives who are well into their nineties. My dad was close to it before he was promoted to glory. But my brother? Such a senseless death! His life was cut short. We don’t understand. We don’t know whether he was under a curse. However, you are young and must consider whether you understand everything about curses, especially when preaching against tithing. As for me, I do not understand everything, no more than about preaching against tithing.
One preacher ( very wealthy ) once said he would like to line up all in his congregation who do not tithe , then shoot them with machine gun and return to finish his sermon . An example of madness surrounding tithing
I find that supporters of the tithe base their argument on “but Abraham tithed before Moses”.
The weakness of this argument is that there is only one occurrence of Abraham tithing. The tithe Abraham paid was from the spoils of war. The supporters of the tithe entirely dismiss that Abraham gave the rest of the spoils (minus some expenses) back to the King of Sodom. That same city of Sodom God personally destroyed.
This begs the question; Abraham gave 90% of the spoils to Sodom, aught tithe supporters not to pay their governments or enemies 90% of their income too?
God’s tithe established through Moses only qualified some to observe this law. For example, Jesus a carpenter did not have to tithe under the Law of Moses. Certain criteria had to be met, yet tithers all believe they somehow qualify.
Finally let me say, if tithing was required to be blessed and provided for as so many evangelicals preach, why did our brother Paul go hungry? Why did he not just tithe a little to the levitical priests so that the Lord would bless him with an abundance of provision?
Why did the disciples not instruct the followers of the way to pay tithes to the levitical priests so that they all would be wonderfully blessed and that they could build a giant cathedral?
They did not do that, because it is not God’s will for us.
Instead, we are carefully instructed to “give” not under compulsion but with a cheerful heart, because the great Jehovah is an observer of our hearts and loves a cheerful giver.
When you are tied under the law and compelled to give under the Law of Moses, as so many evangelical brothers do to their congregation; it is difficult to give with a cheerful heart.
Consider also those who are in debt, or have no money to pay. Each Sunday they sit there and are told how they are “robbing God”. Does that sound like something Jesus would do?
Definitely NOT!
You are correct! The seventh chapter of Hebrews is clear on the tithing issue! Tithing law was established through the tribe of Levi and enforced through by the Levi- priest and Melchizedek being the high priest.”
Melchizedek IS NOT the high priest of the christens, the Lord JESUS CHRIST is! Jesus replaced Melchizedek as high priest and Jesus is not from the tribe of Levi but from the tribe of Judea! If there was a “necessity” to change the priesthood from Melchizedek to JESUS CHRIST then there was also a necessity to change the tithing law. Hebrews 7:1-18)
Abraham only tithed ONCE!
Any theological dictionary will tell you the same! The NT commandment for giving in Cor. 9:5-8)