God emphasizes four main financial principles of contentment, hard work, stewardship, and generosity repeatedly. It’s important to keep all 4 in balance.
Generosity Is Proof Of Repentance And A Changed Heart
The way we spend our money shows our top priorities. What does your bank statement show about your generosity? Does it show a changed heart?
Why I Don’t Teach Tithing
As I’ve studied Scripture about tithing, I’ve come to the conclusion that God’s desire for Christian giving is a bit different than what some might think.
Review Of Mint.com’s New Goals Feature
A while back, Peter did a review of Mint.com, a free online solution for tracking your finances, and then just this year, he updated that Mint review. Mint lets you see all your accounts in one place, captures all of your transactions, and puts the data into a ton of great looking charts and graphs […]
God’s Provident Plan: Giving
A while back I examined how I view what the Bible says about personal finance. There was a brief introduction to something I like to call God’s Provident Plan, and I planned on looking at several aspects of God’s Provident Plan in a 4 part series. This is the last post in that series in […]
God’s Provident Plan: Prosperity
Earlier, I laid the foundation for how I studied personal finance in the Bible. I gave you a light introduction to what I call God’s Provident Plan and promised we’d look at each aspect in more depth. This is the third part of a series in which I’ll share what I’ve discovered about personal finance […]
God’s Provident Plan: Diligent Work And Good Stewardship
Where contentment helps us to spend less on ourselves, understanding God’s call to work diligently helps us earn more money.
God’s Provident Plan: Contentment In Christ
Last week, I laid the foundation for how I studied personal finance in the Bible. I gave you a light introduction to what I call God’s Provident Plan and promised we’d look at each aspect in more depth. This is the first part of a series in which I’ll share what I’ve discovered about personal […]
What Is God’s Plan For A Christian’s Personal Finances?
How many of you have heard that there are over 2,000 Bible verses about money? I’ve heard it, too. In 2007, I wondered if there really were that many Bible verses about money and finances. You see this was of special interest to me as I had just started my career in financial planning. Being […]
Don’t Let Tithing Rules Rob You of the Joy of Giving
I was reading through some of the articles on giving and tithing at Crown Financial Ministries the other day. I was struck by something that both saddened and angered me at the same time. Many of their articles ask and answer questions like “Should I tithe on my Social Security checks?”, “Should I tithe on […]
Have You Counted The Cost?
I‘m going to warn you right now. You’re not going to feel comfortable reading this article. Jesus’ words here are very challenging, and what I’m about to share with you may dishearten you if you haven’t already considered the following passage in detail. In Luke 14:26-33 we read: 26 “If anyone comes to me and […]