Tithing is controversial. There are always going to be people that question whether or not it is biblical, but for me, tithing changed my life. Here’s how.
Whether Through Tithing Or Free Will Gifts, Giving Is For Your Own Good!
Whether you believe in the tithe or free will giving, I think we can all agree that giving is something that Christians are called to do.
Tithing: Just How Are We Supposed To Give Anyway?
God has given us a template by which we can help our broken world, the tithe. While we don’t need to follow strict rules like the Israelites did, looking to that example can help us in our own giving.
Are You In A Position To Help Others?
As you read scripture, you probably notice injunctions to help the poor, widows, orphans and other unfortunates. I believe that one of the reasons that God blesses some of us with resources is so that we can help others. When we properly manage our finances, and do well with the stewardship given us, we put […]
Should You Tithe On Lottery Winnings?
There are Christians who play the lottery and some who have even won large jackpots, in the millions of dollars. Should Christians tithe on lottery winnings?
Why I Don’t Teach Tithing
As I’ve studied Scripture about tithing, I’ve come to the conclusion that God’s desire for Christian giving is a bit different than what some might think.
God’s Provident Plan: Giving
A while back I examined how I view what the Bible says about personal finance. There was a brief introduction to something I like to call God’s Provident Plan, and I planned on looking at several aspects of God’s Provident Plan in a 4 part series. This is the last post in that series in […]
Don’t Let Tithing Rules Rob You of the Joy of Giving
I was reading through some of the articles on giving and tithing at Crown Financial Ministries the other day. I was struck by something that both saddened and angered me at the same time. Many of their articles ask and answer questions like “Should I tithe on my Social Security checks?”, “Should I tithe on […]
Devotional: Giving as Worship
Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops. – Proverbs 3:9 In the Old Testament, believers did not come to the temple to worship without an offering to give God. Indeed, their offerings were integral, or essential, to their worship of God. While we do not worship in the temple […]
Are You Tithing Enough?
I‘m a relatively new Christian and have only begun tithing a full %10 of my gross income since the beginning of the year. This has been one of the best things that I’ve ever done and if you’re interested in the story of how I came around, read it here. But just the other day, […]
Is Tithing Biblical?
If we are to search the Scriptures to determine if tithing is Biblical, we should start from the beginning.
Automated Tithing: A New Way to Give
I don’t carry a checkbook anymore. I stick to cash and credit/debit cards for making daily purchases. There’s still one place I always end up needing my checkbook. At Church, at least once a month, for tithing. Automated Tithing: A New Way to Give With all we have going on these days, it’s sometimes an […]
It All Belongs To God: Giving Of Our First Fruits
‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty. Haggai 2:8 It All Belongs To God This verse brings home to me the fact that no matter how much money I get, or how many things I collect, that it all belongs to God. It isn’t mine, its His. […]
The Bible And Tithing: To Give Or Not To Give – Part 2
In part 1 of our “The Bible and tithing” series, we talked about the perspective that tithing is a biblical requirement, and that all Christians need to give 10% (at least) of their income. Anything after that is a free will offering. For a quick refresher, see Part 1 here. Today we’ll look at a […]