With the tight economy, more and more families are finding themselves living in multi-generational households. Here are some pros and cons.
Consider Giving Your Spouse Gifts All Year Long
If you are frugal or digging out of debt, expensive gifts may not be an option. Instead consider these ways to show your spouse you care.
24 Habits Of A Healthy Marriage: Part 2
In order to have a healthy marriage we must sow good habits in our relationships. Here are 24 habits to help create a healthy marriage.
24 Habits Of A Healthy Marriage: Part 1
This past weekend my wife and I attended a Christian couples conference that our church was putting on. They put on this weekend getaway every year as a way for couples to get away together and strengthen their love for each other, and to reaffirm that Christ comes first in their relationship. I thought this […]
Improve Communication About Money In Your Marriage
One of the more difficult responsibilities of a husband or wife is to learn how to communicate with each other about money. I say it’s difficult because even the best of marriages can find they have challenges in this area from time to time. I often hear money is the leading cause of divorce and […]
How To Get A Spouse To Start Budgeting
Married couples don’t always see eye to eye. If you’re married, you didn’t need me to tell you that :). When I started writing about making a budget and answering budgeting related questions, I found that people often struggle with a spouse who won’t get on board with the finances. The usual response is a […]
Do You Share Equal Financial Responsibility With Your Spouse?
It’s inevitable. An individual within a married couple will become the main financial person. It’s common knowledge that over the course of marriage, either the husband or wife will emerge as the “one who does the finances.” But should this be allowed to be taken to the extreme? Should only one be in charge of […]
Should Married Couples Divide Their Money?
Some couples combine their money while others choose to keep their money separate. Perhaps both couples were earning and managing money individually before they got married, so why not continue doing it that way once you’re married? It’s the easy thing to do, right? Of course there is always the discussion about who will pay […]
The Financial Checklist For Newlyweds
First things first, congratulations to anyone who has recently married or is getting married. I wish you the best of luck. Once you get married, a lot of things change real quick. One area of change that takes some time to get used to is in your personal finances. Even if you decide not to […]
Improve Marriage And Money Problems By Setting Spending Limits
It’s quite customary for consumers who are making big purchases to set spending limits. As an example, a couple might say, “I think it is time to buy a new car.” Once they have decided to purchase another car, they will then ask, “How much should we spend?” A great question. They’ll either talk about […]
Overcoming Money Issues In Marriage
Recently, my pastor gave a message about the leading causes of money issues in marriage. He referred to them as “money minefields” that if not dealt with (or defused) lead to problems in marriage and much of the time divorce. After listening to the message the second time this past weekend, I think it is one […]
Ten Ways To Improve Financial Intimacy In Marriage
“Money related issues in marriage can draw a husband and wife closer together.” Following this phrase a laugh typically ensues. People think someone is obviously trying to humor them by speaking such ridiculous words. Money brings about intimacy in marriage? I want to plead with you to accept this premise – all married couples have […]