In just a few days the American government will require you to be thankful (at least they will give you one more reason to be thankful – a day off).
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What Is Necessary To Be A Truly Thankful Person?
Thankful people focus on what they have, not what they do not have.
At times I reflect on the situation in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had everything they needed except for access to one small tree. It seems as though resisting that tree would be easy – there must have been thousands of other eligible trees. But, Adam and Eve begin to think about The One Tree (with the help of that slick snake). In that moment, their focus turns from what they have to what they do not have. Ultimately, they think God is withholding something good from them. They are not thankful for what they have.
Financially, many people have a lot. But they don’t think about the many things they have. They think about what other’s have. They spend most of their lives discontent because they do not have as much as their neighbor. What a miserable existence.
Thankful people admit they have more than they deserve.
I still don’t know why so many Dave Ramsey callers ask – how are you? The answer is predictable – “better than I deserve”. Part of what is appealing about Ramsey is that he is massively successful but does openly say that he does not deserve everything he has.
Some call it luck. Others call it blessings. The truth is we all have more than we deserve.
For Christians there is this realization that what we have is a gift of grace. Everything is a graceful gift from God. A thankful person allows for a close relationship between grace and economics. As such, thankful people comfortably admit that God is the source of financial increase.
Thankful people know thankfulness is something we develop.
I have green eyes. That is part of how I was made.
I learned to to type. This skill is developed.
Unfortunately, many of us think that we are made thankful. I disagree. I believe that we learn to become thankful. One must first learn to be thankful, and then regardless of what they have they can be thankful.
Therefore, thankfulness is much like the wealth building process. You will not be rich when you have enough money, but you will be rich when you realize everything you already have. If you decide to be thankful when you get “x” then probably once you get that item you actually will just want something more.
Thankful people gauge blessings by things other than money.
Money is one way we are blessed as individuals.
There are, however, many, many other ways we are blessed as individuals.
This Thanksgiving your table might have some of the world’s finest garnishments. The table may be covered with the finest festive spread. But, if that is the extent of your thankfulness you are missing out on the greatest blessings available.
Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. (Proverbs 15:17 NIV)
If you are surrounded this Thanksgiving by friends and/or family, you are one of the most blessed people in the world. If you know Jesus and have a relationship with him, joy overflows. If you have children who honor and respect you – you have much for which to be thankful.
Go ahead. I dare you. Take this Thanksgiving to answer what really are the greatest blessings you enjoy? Do those things come from money?
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV)
Thanks for this post :) I really think that thankfulness is an important part of healthy finances, as well as a healthy attitude that can help you in many ways.
Miranda´s last post ..Insurance, Black Friday, Retirement and Taxes: What I’ve Been Doing Around the Web
It’s largely pride that keeps us from being thankful. Pride says I should have more than I do and if I don’t then I have nothing to be thankful for.
In truth, if we have food in our stomachs, a warm bed to sleep in at night, people with us on this journey called life, the ability to earn a living, reasonably good health and a relationship with our Creator, we’re blessed beyond measure. So many don’t have one or more of these.
“You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.” Deut 8:17-18
Kevin@OutOfYourRut´s last post ..Persevere and Persist
Thanks for the post Craig. My wife is going through some tough things right now, and this is a post she needed to read. It’s such a wonderful thing to be able to focus on the things that we do have, instead of the things we don’t – and to know that God is with us even in the hard times.
This article was very timely and worthwhile. You got off track a little bit with that Dave Ramsey reference. Don’t forget that he is making his small fortune off people who have very little. And to make matters worse, he trolls for customers in church settings, a venue of inherent trust. If he were truly giving, he would realize that now he has ‘enough’, and that it’s time for him to start helping people without financial reward and without taking money from their empty pockets.
Those are some great words that come at just the right time. Whenever you’re feeling down or not totally happy about anything, think of all those out there less fortunate than you. It should all come into perspective after that
I’m thankful to serve a Savior that loves me. I’m thankful for my wife, my kids, my job, my health, my abilities, my friends and relatives. I am a wealthy man. I often overlook the non-material blessings and they are so many.
Nice read.
I just told my husband this post was a blog post sent by God. I was just carping about the amount of help my firends and my in-laws seem to receive and we always seem to have to “go it alone”. Thank you for helping me turn my thoughts in the right direction.
the things that i am most thankful for is the people in my inner sanctum that accept and love me for me- people that i dont have to try and impress or show off to. Also i am grateful that i have never unwillingly slept hungry and finally that i am always healthy(i never ever go tho the hospital out of necessity). Finally i am grateful for the beautiful serenity that is my life :)
I’m incredibly thankful for a Godly husband who works diligently, yet takes plenty of time for his family. I’m blessed with happy, healthy children, and a beautiful place in which to live.
I really enjoyed the first two points in this post. Appreciating what I have and understanding that I’m already better off that 95% of the world is something that I’ve focused on over the last couple of years.
Trying to couple that with a never-ending passion to succeed and make progress is not an easy marriage, but I think I can get there.
Wojciech´s last post ..5 Ways to Get Ready for Worse Times Ahead
I agree – being grateful/thankful is a developed skill. It isn’t easy at first to be thankful always, but once you develop that habit, you can’t help but see the positive in everything!
Also, I think part of the reason people still ask Dave Ramsey “how are you?” is just to hear him say “better than I deserve”. I love that! Haha.