A while back I wrote pretty extensively about how I had taken my small insignificant personal finance blog, and turned it into an income producing asset for my family. By writing about the right topics, performing the right types of promotion, performing SEO for the site and networking with the right people, I was able to make my site a success. If you want to read a bit more about how I was able to do it, I’d suggest checking out my ebook, Blueprint For How To Make Money With A Blog.
In the e-book I walk you through the process I followed to take my blog to the point where it was able to replace the income from my wife’s day job, so she could stay home with our son. (click on the banner below for more details)
While I have been blessed in that my site has done well since it launched in January of 2008, I haven’t done everything perfect. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes. One of the mistakes that I made that I regretted later on was not tracking the income and expenses for the blog better.
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Why You Should Keep Close Track On Income And Expenses: Taxes
When you start making any kind of income for your blog, it’s important to start tracking the income that’s coming in, and the expenses you’re incurring to keep the site operational. The reason? You’re going to need to pay taxes on your income when tax time comes around. In fact, if you’re making enough money on the side, you’ll need to be making regular estimated tax payments during the year as well. Our tax system is a pay as you go system, so you need to pay your taxes throughout the year either through withholding or estimated tax payments. If you don’t, you could face penalties when tax time comes.
So who should be making estimated tax payments? If you’re making any kind of regular income from your blog, you will most likely need to pay estimated taxes.
To avoid penalties at tax time you will need to make sure that you make your estimated tax payments, and at the very least meet one of the following safe harbor requirements so that you don’t have to pay during the year. Different rules may apply for some taxpayers.
Safe Harbor Requirements (To Avoid Tax Penalties)
- Owe less than $1,000 for this year’s taxes.
- Withhold 100% of last year’s tax liability. (We are doing this safe harbor requirement this year because it’s easiest to calculate)
- Withhold 90% of this year’s tax liability.
So as you can see – as always, taxes are going to be a complicated mess, especially if you’re making income on the side that doesn’t have taxes withheld. For a more detailed discussion of paying estimated taxes, check out this post: Estimated Tax Payments
Ways To Track Your Income And Expenses
When it comes to tracking your income and expenses for your blog, there are a lot of ways to do it. Today I just thought I’d talk about what has worked for me.
Consistency Is Key
Tracking income and expenses isn’t that hard to do. For me the problem usually happens when I don’t stay on top of things, and my income statements and expense reports start to pile up on me. So for me, consistency and entering things as they happen are key. If I don’t do that I usually find that tax time creeps up on me and I end up having to pull an all-nighter trying to enter all my income and expenses in order to figure out estimated tax payments. Trust me, you don’t want to be there.
Tools For Tracking Income And Expenses
At our house I use 2 separate tools to track our income and expenses for the blog.
- Personal finance software: I use YouNeedABudget to manage our household budget. You don’t have to use Money, but any budgeting software will do. (Check out our list of 75 Budgeting And Personal Finance Software). We enter all of our income from day jobs, and income from sideline pursuits. We also enter every cent that leaves our bank accounts be it for regular monthly expenses, or blog expenses. In order to track blog income and expenses effectively I’ve set up special categories for all blog income, and expense types. Money also downloads all transactions from my banks, so it double checks everything I’ve entered. This makes things easier because when it comes time to pay taxes and I need to know how much was made or spent, i can just run a report on those blog income and expense categories.
- Income and expenses spreadsheet (download it here): I also use a google docs spreadsheet for all blog income and expenses. In fact, I use this as my main source for this information just because I can enter it on the fly anywhere and anytime. I get paid for an ad banner sale? I enter it on the correct line in my spreadsheet on the “income” tab. I have to pay for hosting, or pay one of my staff writers? I go to the “expenses” tab and enter it there. Since I enter everything as it happens, I always have an accurate accounting for everything coming in and going out for my side incomes. Download a copy of my spreadsheet here:
So those are the three ways that we track all of our income and expenses that are coming in during the year. Because we’re doing it in more than one way, it also adds in a layer of confidence that the numbers we’re coming up with are correct.
Have your own favorite ways to track income and expenses? I’d like to hear them, tell us in the comments!
What Things Should I Track?
One thing I hear from people is that they’re not sure what types of things they should be keeping track of when they do make note of income and expenses.
On the income side of the equation I would just say to keep track of pretty much everything.
On the expense side, it will usually only make sense to track things that are going to reduce your tax bill, or count to reduce your taxable income. To be safe, I track just about everything just in case.
As a blogger or freelancer, here are some expenses and deductions you can track for use at tax time (As always consult a tax professional to confirm they can be claimed in your situation):
- Web hosting: Your website hosting fees can be claimed as a deduction on your taxes, so print out an invoice and keep it in your “expenses” folder.
- Premium themes: Premium WordPress themes like Thesis, Frugal and Headway themes can be claimed as deductions.
- Advertising, promotion and design: If you had a custom theme designed or a banner created for use on other sites, you can claim it as a deduction. Used adwords to push traffic to your site? Claim it!
- Domain names: If you bought or renewed domain names, you can claim them on your taxes.
- Staff writer fees: If you pay writers to create content like I do, you can claim their fees as a business expense.
- Internet access fees: You can deduct internet access fees.
- Software and blogging tools: Use a video editing software to create videos for your site? Bought a custom plugin to use on your blog? Claim them!
- Home office space: This one is a bit hazy for me, but if you have a well defined space used only for work in your home, you can deduct a portion of your home mortgage. Consult a professional for details on this one.
- Computer equipment: If you bought a new laptop or digital camera to use mainly for work, you can claim it.
- Paid stock photos for posts: Pay for a stock photo service to use their photos on your site? You can claim the membership fees.
- Supplies and stationary: Business cards, stationary, pens, etc can be claimed.
- Refunds and discounts to customers: If you give discounts on ad sales or give special pricing for package deals, you may be able to claim them as a deduction. Just be sure to carefully document it. Also, if you’ve given a refund on something, you can claim that as well.
- Post office box: If you have a post office box for use on your blog or email newsletter, you can claim it as an expense on your taxes.
- Tax software & tax preparation: They’re deductible!
For even more deductions for bloggers, check out Darren Rowse’s list at problogger: 46 Tax Deductions that Bloggers Often Overlook
When you start a side business whether it be a blog or other small business, it’s important to make sure you’re tracking everything that’s coming in, and going out. When it comes time to do your taxes, you want to make sure that you properly report everything, and at the same time, that you take advantage of all the deductions that are available to you. If you setup a system and follow it throughout the year, you’ll be far ahead of the game when it comes time to pay the tax man.
Have your own tips, tricks and hints for tracking blog income and expenses? Have software that you use to help make it easier? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!
What about the iPhone I bought primarily to keep track of comments and twitter, but that I use for other things as well? And the extra $30 per month I never would have otherwise spent? (really)
I have heard that cell phone usage could be deducted in some circumstances. As with everything, consult a tax professional first!
Nice spreadsheet! It gave me some ideas for mine, thanks for sharing that.
One way I try to track expenses is to make a copy to PDF of receipts. I’ll also save email receipts to PDF and keep them in a folder on my computer.
Great article! While I’m just a brand new blog getting started, I’m going to take your advice and just track everything that comes in. Especially helpful to know about what you can claim as a tax deduction.
Looks like a real good system, always being organized helps out a lot.
I have one credit card that I used for all my website purchases. This makes it easy to track and there is no confusion.
Great stuff
its important to track everything so you know whether your business (or blog) is growing or not.
Also, you can use the knowledge of your profits and so forth to decide when the time is right to expand.
Great stuff Pete!! I really needed a worksheet like this. I’m definitely not as organized as I could/should be when it comes to the blog.
Hi Pete,
Can you deduct all those expenses even if you haven’t incorporated yourself? What is the form that you use to report your income and deduct?
Similar question from me – since this would be considered hobby income at first, the domain costs alone exceeded my income in ’09, and I’ll have slight gain this year, at what income level do you move to a Sch C and not just add to the “other” line on 1040?
Joe, my plan is to help make you an extra G a month. Check out the Private Forums on Yakezie.com when you get a chance.
Sam you are doing it as DBA (Doing Business As) right now. You can of course deduct some things but you are best to put it into a corporation since as quickly as possible. You can put expenses into a biz without profit and can be deducted within your biz, which eventually flows to your personal tax statement.
The government considers it a “hobby” after a specific amount of years of not profit or trying to make a profit. That area can get hazy and best to speak to an accountant.
As long as you’re treating it as a business, I would file the schedule C. For more clarification on this issue, here’s a video from the IRS.
Schedule C: Who needs to file
Yes, i just have my blog business as a sole proprietorship, and file the Schedule C form with my 1040.
I made the mistake of not tracking this closely enough. Things started picking up steam, and I was still behind the curve. It ended up biting me in the end and causing me to miss some advertising opportunities had I stayed on top of things from the start. It is easy to say diligent in the very beginning rather than going back to try and create records. Great Spreadsheet!
I’m just starting out, and this is great advice. I’m going to track this from the very beginning. Thanks!
Whether you’re incorporated or not has nothing to do with filing a schedule c.
If your intention is to make money as a business, then you’re a business. You can show a loss on schedule c and write the loss off too (I’ve done that).
I think too many people, especially newbies, get hung up on taxes. Are you planning on owing more than $1,000 in taxes, above and beyond what you’re already having withheld in your job?
So, if you get a $1,000 refund every year, your business (blog) income would have to overcome the $1,000 refund and then be good for another $1,000 in taxes. That’s quite a bit to overcome.
In a previous business, I owed several thousand in additonal taxes at the end of the year. My penalty? $34.
Unless you think the government can take care of your money better than you :-)
I’d rather keep the money and pay the damn penalty.
Hope that helps!
I have a similar spreadsheet i use but I think I like yours better. Having trouble downloading though, it’s downloading a zip file and no spreadsheet inside?
That’s strange, not sure why that’s happening. It works for me? You should be able to just click on the link and have the download dialogue come up, or right click on the link and click “save target as” or “save link as”. It should then download a xlsx, excel spreadsheet. https://www.biblemoneymatters.com/download/Blog-Income-And-Expenses.xlsx
This is probably happening because it is a .xlsx (Excel 2007+) file. If you do not have at least Office 2007 or higher, or OpenOffice (which is free,) then you’ll need the MS Office compatibility pack.
Per the post, I agree with Pete in that you should track things carefully, and also agree with Jerret when it comes to taxes.
Good point Matt, yes, this is created in Office 2007, so that could be an issue for some. Maybe i’ll see if i can convert the file for users on older versions of office
Great advice! It’s really nice to keep track of everything so that you’ll be up to date, you know where to focus your money to as well as you’ll not rush anything come tax time. You’re using such great tools, I’ll definitely be trying it out.
So according to your excel spread sheet with zeros you’ve made no money blogging? :-) Sorry I couldn’t resist.
*wink *wink. Yup, that’s right. It’s been a tough year. haha..
Uh no, i’ve made a dollar or two. :) Hopefully you’ll have more than zeros in your column as well.
I hope to have a lot of zeros in my spreadsheet, of course with a 1 before all of them :)
oh.. of course! preferrably more than 5 or 6 zeros. :)
Shoot for the stars 7. ;-)
I use Numreceipt to keep track of my expenses. It helps processing expense reports effortless. I would strongly recommend Numreceipt app for tracking your expenses.