One thing that I have aimed to do over the past couple of years is to make this site a place where people could come to get solid financial advice in order to help them get back on track, pay off debt and start building wealth. I’ve done that by writing about budgets, plans for getting out of debt, and ways to get started investing once you were back on solid financial ground.
I still remember the day that we paid off our last non mortgage debt. We wrote that final check for my student loan by sending in a check for around $1500. It was such an amazing feeling to have finally paid off that last debt. We felt so free. We had so many more options now that the debts were gone!
If you’re reading this and you haven’t been able to dump your debt yet, I hope you’re able to buckle down, get “gazelle intense” as Dave Ramsey would say, and start paying everything off. Whether you have to do it by getting a second job or taking on extra shifts at work, you can pay off your debts too!
We’d like to help you get a jump start on your Debt Reduction plan, and that’s part of the reason for today’s Giveaway, sponsored by Perkstreet Financial.
Dumping Debt & Building Wealth Giveaway
Perkstreet Financial wants to help you get out of debt, and part of their corporate philosophy is helping people not to take on new debt from credit cards (especially those tricky rewards credit cards). Instead they’ll help you earn cash rewards spending money you need to spend anyway!
Perkstreet is sponsoring 4 great prizes for this giveaway – all tailored to the theme of getting out of debt and prospering financially:
- Dave Ramsey Starter Kit ($101.75 value): From the Ramsey website: If you’re just starting with Dave’s principles, this is a great way to get immersed in the basics that will transform everything you do from here out. Dave covers his Baby Step plan in-depth, shares testimonies from other people, and teaches you step by step how to set up a cash flow plan and pay off your debt in a way that really works for you. Included in this prize pack: “The Total Money Makeover” book, “Financial Peace Revisited” book, “Cash Flow Planning” DVD, “Dumping Debt” DVD, Starter envelope system.
Dave Ramsey’s “The Total Money Makeover” Book: Dave Ramsey condenses his 17 years of financial teaching and counseling into 7 organized, easy-to-follow steps that will lead you out of debt and into a Total Money Makeover. Plus, you’ll read over 50 real-life stories from people just like you who have followed these principles and are now winning with their money. It is a plan designed for everyone, regardless of income or age.
J.D. Roth’s “Your Money: The Missing Manual” Book: Keeping your financial house in order is more important than ever. But how do you deal with expenses, debt, taxes, and retirement without getting overwhelmed? This book points the way. It’s filled with the kind of practical guidance and sound insights that makes J.D. Roth’s a critically acclaimed source of personal-finance advice. You won’t find any get-rich-quick schemes here, just sensible advice for getting the most from your money. Even if you have perfect credit and no debt, you’ll learn ways to make your rosy financial situation even better.
Trent Hamm’s “The Simple Dollar: How One Man Wiped Out His Debts And Achieved The Life Of His Dreams”: Trent Hamm found himself drowning in consumer debt, working in a job he couldn’t stand… and figured out how to escape that debt and build the fulfilling career he’d always dreamt about, all at the same time. Hamm shared his experiences at—and built it into one of America’s top personal finance websites. Now, The Simple Dollar is a book: packed with practical tips, tools, and lessons you can use to transform your life, too.
Perkstreet Financial: No More Creating New Debt With Credit Cards!
If you’re trying to get out of debt, Perkstreet Financial can help you in reaching that goal, without creating new debt! That’s the reason why Dave Ramsey recommends Perkstreet as his checking account of choice. It’s good for those of us who have already paid off their debts as well – in fact, why not take that extra money you’ll earn from cash rewards and put it into your Roth IRA or a 6 month emergency fund?
Some of the benefits of an account at Perkstreet:
- Earn 2% cash back on every non-PIN purchases for 3 months after account is opened
- Earn 2% cash back on every non-PIN purchase when your balance is $5,000 or more or earn 1% cash back for balances below $5,000. Either way, you won’t find another bank in America that gives you more rewards on debit.
- Plus, sign up for an account by 11/15/2010 and earn 5% cash back on all non-PIN debit card purchases at the following popular holiday retailers until 12/31/2010:
Best Buy, Gap, Toys R Us, Babies R Us, Kohls, Starbucks, Macys, JC Penney, Sears, Victoria’s Secret, Ann Taylor, Ann Taylor Loft, Dick’s Sporting Goods, JCrew
That adds up to over $600 in cash back every year for the average American:
Sign up for an account with Perkstreet Financial today!
How To Enter The Giveaway
You can enter to win one of the four prizes listed above by doing the following things.
- Required to win: Leave a comment on this post telling us what you’ll do once you’re debt free. If you’re already debt free, tell us how good it felt and what debt you paid off last. Also tell us which prize you would like to be entered for. (prize 1-4)
- Facebook – 10 Entries: Become a fan of both Bible Money Matters and Perkstreet Financial on Facebook and share this contest with your friends. Leave us a link to your post in the comments.
- Perkstreet Account – 20 Entries: Sign up for a new account with Perkstreet Financial, and email me to let me know about it to get extra entries!
- Twitter – 10 Entries: Follow both @perkstreet and @moneymatters on Twitter, and then tweet about the contest using the tweet below.
Example Tweet: Dumping Debt & Building Wealth Giveaway: Win 1 of 4 great prizes from @moneymatters and @perkstreet Enter here:
Contestants will be put in four prize groups based on the prize they designate in the comments. Entries will be totaled and a winner from each group will be randomly selected using Contest open to US Residents only. Contest ends October 29th, 2010 at 12:00 PM (noon) CST. Good luck.
I have to choose? I’m terrible at choices! I guess I would like to be entered in drawing #2 for the Dave Ramsey book.
I tweeted about this great contest.
Oh, it seems I don’t follow directions very well. What will I do if I when I am debt free? The only non-mortgage debt that we have is a car payment. We actually have the cash to pay the car loan but it is important to me to have a large emergency fund. Once the car is paid off (I’m estimating April 2011), then we will start socking away cash for our next move/housing hunt in June 2013.
I have been really impressed with my buddy Matt Jabs of DFA’s success in reducing debt and have been considering checking out Dave Ramsey’s starter kit. It would be pretty sweet to start the debt reduction by saving some money! :-)
The first thing we would do is fix the AC in our car. :)
I’d like to be entered in for prize #1
The first thing I will do when we are debt-free is pick up my husband off the floor where he will have fainted because he doesn’t think it’s going to be possible for us to ever pay off all of our credit card debt… then we are saving up to take everyone to Disney World! I would like any of the prizes, but I think #4 would be great since I also read The Simple Dollar. Thanks!
If I were debt-free, I would make the much-needed updates to our 1960s home: kitchen countertops, flooring, new toilets, new interior and exterior doors, a new roof, and maybe even an addition.
I’d like #1. I actually got the book in #4 as a free download on Amazon a few weeks ago but it’s no longer free. I just checked.
I am following both on Twitter and tweeted about it. Not sure if you can see it, as my profile is protected.!/mabeswife/status/28417953445
Hey everyone,
My name is Jenna and I work in the Marketing Department at PerkStreet Financial. I love that everyone has unique ideas about what they would do if they were debt-free! The giveaway options are great ways to begin or continue your journey to a debt-free life.
Keep in mind that signing up for a PerkStreet checking account is another great way to stay on budget and get debt-free. As mentioned above, the average American earns over $600 cash back every year just from spending on their PerkStreet account! That’s a lot of extra money to put towards upcoming holiday purchases, paying off some debt or give back to others.
Simply click on “Sign up for an account with Perkstreet Financial today!” in this post for more information.
Thanks and good luck to everyone,
Jenna Walker
PerkStreet Financial
Once I am debt free, I would like to give more financial support to Christian mission work. I would love to have the Dave Ramsey Starter Kit.
If I were debt free, I would reduce my hours at my job and spend my time volunteering to help those who are less fortunate. I would like to be entered into drawing # 1!
My goal is to also assist others to become debt free….My testimonial will be sweeter once I get outa debt.
I’m debt free yay! The last debt I paid off was my car loan!
Also I’d love to win #1 Dave Ramsey Starter Kit!
I follow you both on Twitter!
The first thing I would do if I were debt free would be to start saving for retirement. And be a stay at home mom and Home school my two boys. I would like to enter to win the starter kit from Dave Ramsey. THANKS!
Yay for home schoolers! (I was home schooled for several years. Definitely learned a lot more than when I was in public school)
Once my wife and I pay off my student loan debt and medical bills, we’ll save up for a trip out west to Oregon. I’d like to be entered into the # 4 drawing. Thanks.
Once I got all debt out of the way besides my mortgage. I celebrated with a trip overseas (paid for in cahs by the way).
Once I get my mortgage paid off…I don’t know…a trip around the world???
I’d like to be entered for the starter kit. Thx
We have had Dave Ramsey’s Debt MAkeover book for about 3 years. WE have implemented many principles but find ourselves falling back into old bad habits. The main principle we have utilized is the debt snowball. With that we have paid and closed out $6,000 in debt since Feb. It is a Wonderful feeling when I right paid in Full.. I have a notepad that I circle and write PAID OFF!!!! Oh, its sooo wonderfull, I praise God for giving us that opportuninty.
I would like to be entered into the drawing for #4. I would like someone elses view to compare with Daves and to use in conjunction with his program. Thank you for the opportunity.
What will we do when we are debt free? My dream is to get a fifth wheel and be able to travel with my family. We love to take mini vacations in the US, to just get away from everyday stress!!!
Hi Amber,
I’m glad to hear that Dave Ramsey has helped you along in your journey to a debt free life. Keep in mind that he recommends the PerkStreet checking account as a great way to become debt free. We offer 2% cash back on our debit card, with 5% cash back at popular holiday retailers until the end of the year. For the average American, this adds up to over $600 cash back every year. We want to help our customers get out of debt, stick to a budget and give back to others.
You should check us out by clicking the link above in the article.
Good luck,
Jenna Walker
PerkStreet Financial
When we are out of debt, we will work on our savings! Love to win any, prefer numberf one.
What will we do when we are fully debt free? Give more, make sure we have good retirement funding, and probably go on a great trip to celebrate! :)
Would love to win prize pack #1 or 2.
Don’t know how to make a direct link to my facebook link, but “like” post pages and shared with friends at
Would still like to win #1, but would gladly take any if I’m selected as a winner and 1 is already spoken for. :)
If we were out of debt I would give regularly to charities and take a trip to Cancun!
I would love to win any of these but will choose prize #2 for now.
The first thing we would do is start saving more money for retirement and our children’s education.
Any would be great, but I’ll go for #1.
What will I do when I’m out of debt? I’ll stay home to raise my 2 1/2 year old son (who is a miracle baby from a God who answers prayers!) and even have the option of having another child, should the Lord bless us that way. I’ll be able to work more at teaching classes online, which I love, and someday have the freedom to choose a Christian education for my son. I would like to be entered for prize #1, but I am committed to getting out of debt whether I win or not.
Hi Jennifer,
I wish you the best of luck in getting out of debt so that you can stay home to raise your child! I’m glad to see that you are committed to getting out of debt. Keep in mind that Dave Ramsey recommends PerkStreet as a great way to get out of debt and stay on budget. The average American will earn over $600 every year just from spending on their PerkStreet Financial Visa Debit Card. That’s a lot of money that can be used towards payments, holiday purchases, or giving back to others. Check us out by clicking on the link above.
If you have any other questions about the account feel free to email me:
Good luck,
Jenna Walker
PerkStreet Financial
Entry: The Simple Dollar
I would love to create a scholarship fund or donor advised fund when I’m debt free.
Already follow and tweeting now..
I really like your Faith and Finance blog and the content that you are distributing. I’ll make sure to keep reading as you continue to write great articles.
You should check out PerkStreet’s blog, maybe we can provide each other with some inspiration!
Good luck with the contest,
Jenna Walker
PerkStreet Financial
Thanks for the shout out Jenna! I added the Perkstreet blog to my google reader and I’m following it on twitter (@FaithFinance in case you want to follow back)
I’m really happy you’ve enjoyed the site – It’s encouraging to hear, so thank you!
I’ll definitely keep up with the Perkstreet blog and hope we can both generate great ideas from each other.
Hello! I followed Perkstreet and Bible Money Matters on Twitter and tweeted about the contest (I am PrincessofAZ). I friended and commented on the contest at!/profile.php?id=1632337175 on Facebook. If I were to win, I would like No. 1 – Total Money Makeover. We have not been able to afford it. When we get out of debt, we will first increase our tithes at church, then replace our roof and then sock away more towards our emergency fund because I am disabled and cannot work. My husband works but has a chronic illness which requires hospitalization so we never know when my husband may be out of work due to his chronic illness. I would like to have a larger emergency fund available.
When we are debt free we will enjoy giving to people & organizations we can’t support right now. Also, travel!
I would like to win prizes 3 or 4. Thanks!
I am debt free, and it’s amazing to be able to do whatever I want with my money. I feel totally in control of my financial future. I feel less pressure at work and more peace at home. The last debt we paid off is my wife’s student loan. She never thought it would be paid off in less than 2 years with our gazelle intensity. I just signed up for a PerkStreet checking account, and it is even more awesome calculating the 2% I get back every time I spend money while I’m out spending money on everyday purchases. I posted on facebook and twitter about the contest. I would like to be entered for prize 3.
I can’t wait until I’m debt free! I read The Total Money Makeover and I’ve become Gazelle intense over the past 3 months. When I am debt free I can’t wait to put away loads of money towards retirement! I would like to retire by age 55, which is definitely acheivable once I become debt free!
I’d love to win prizes 1 or 4!
Once I am debt free I would quit my second job and have more family time. I would like to win prize 1. Thank you
By the time we’re debt free we’ll (hopefully) have kids, so start planning for their education!
I would like any of them, but if i have to choose, number 4.
Once I’m debt free, I would like to build up my emergency fund. I would then like to start saving for a house. I want to have a LARGE downpayment before I go back into any kind of debt. I would also be able to share more with the charities and my church – which would be such an awesome feeling.
Thank you for the blessing!
Sorry…..forgot to say, I would like to be entered into drawing #1.
I have been threw a lot in my life !
Dyslexia, teen pregnancy, quit school at Seventeen. Also Family abuse, married at Nineteen, Mother of Three at the age of Twenty One.
My Husband was a Alcoholic and was abusive to me .
I left him with Three little ones with no help from family or the State of New York. I was Twenty Five and my husband committed suicide and left us.
We moved to Florida and started a new life !
So, I would like to go to school. To be a counselor and help families and teens. Without God in my life, to help me get threw the pain, I could of turned to drugs or alcohol . I thanked Jesus everyday that he was helping my children and I . My children gave there life to Jesus and have no addictions. Praise God !