Thanks for stopping by to find out more about a possible second stimulus check, we know a lot of you are counting on one. We’re updating with current news about possible stimulus checks as soon as it is announced, so subscribe now via RSS or Email, and keep coming back for great content! For more […]
Are We Going To Get Another Stimulus Rebate Check?
I was reading the news this morning when I came across this little news item talking about some of Barack Obama’s campaign promises he made yesterday: Barack Obama spoke directly to pocketbook issues in this capital city Monday, hitting Republican John McCain hard as he outlined an economic plan that would include a second stimulus […]
7 Positive Ways To Use Your Economic Stimulus Rebate
Big money on the way So now that you’ve got your rebate on the way, you may find yourself with extra cash that you can use to buy that new TV, save for retirement, or use to pay down debt. If you’re not sure of when you’ll be getting your payment, check out our post […]
Economic Stimulus Rebate: When Will You Get Your Rebate?
If you’re anything like me you’re probably wondering when you’ll be receiving your economic stimulus rebate check or direct deposit. After checking it out today I found that the IRS has setup a payment schedule based on people’s social security number. My wife and I opted for the direct deposit, which means we will likely […]
Bush Signs Economic Stimulus Package – MarketWatch
From President Bush signed a $168 billion economic stimulus package on Wednesday that will extend rebates to U.S. taxpayers, give tax breaks to businesses and make more-expensive mortgages available through the government and government-sponsored mortgage-finance companies. We have come together on a single mission and that is to put the peoples’ interests first,” Bush […]
Tax Rebates – What Do They Mean For You?
You may have heard in recent days about a stimulus package that congress has passed to help stimulate our lagging economy. Well some details of that plan are now being fleshed out: Bush and House lawmakers yesterday agreed on a $150 billion economic stimulus package aimed at avoiding an election-year recession. About $100 billion would […]