Thank you for your interest in advertising with We value your support and look forward to working with you. is an online personal finance website written for
professionals and families, age 18-44. Founded in January of 2008, Bible Money Matters has become one of the largest and most respected Christian personal finance destinations online. Your brand can benefit from the trust and loyalty of the Bible Money Matters readership.
Who Visits This Site?
Bible Money Matters has a diverse audience that can be beneficial for a wide range of advertisers.
Traffic & Demographics
Google Analytics demographics show that we have a readership that is about 56% male to 44% female. About 70% of our audience is in their key earning years, between the ages of 30-59 with another 19% aged 60 or older
Site Statistics
Vital statistics for the site:
- 1,366,691 pageviews, 1,145,200 sessions in an average month (Feb 2020-May 2020)
- 19,000+ Twitter followers
- 6,250+ Facebook followers
- 16,300+ Pinterest followers
- 4,790+ YouTube subscribers with 1.78 million views
- A weekly email newsletter sent to 10,000+ email subscribers
- One of the world’s top 30 personal finance blogs (
- One of the world’s top 15 personal finance blogs (
Awards & Mentions
- Picked as the winner for “Best Religious Personal Finance Blog” for 2012 Plutus Awards
- Picked as a finalist for “Best Religious Personal Finance Blog” and “Blog of the Year” in 2011 Plutus Awards
- Winner of 2009 Free Money Finance March Madness competition
- Final Four of 2010 Free Money Finance March Madness competition
- Listed as one of the “30 Most Influential Bloggers and Website Owners of 2010“
- Picked as a finalist in the Plutus Awards for “Best Religious Finance Blog” in 2010, 2011 and “Blog of the Year” in 2011.
- Listed as one of the top 20 Christian finance websites.
- Ranked #23 in’s list of the top 100 personal finance blogs.
- Ranked #15 in top personal finance blogs according to FIRE Finance.
- Featured on Wall Street Journal Personal Finance Section on
- Featured on The Consumerist.
- Picked as an “Emerging Influential Blog“.
- Mentioned on MSN Money.
- Mentioned as one of the “10 Top Christian Finance & Investing Blogs”
- Mentioned as one of “Christian PF’s Top 10 Christian Finance Blogs“
- Mentioned on SF Examiner site as a top Christian finance blog.
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